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I'm sure there are a few teachers who want to be teachers but there are more than a few who are in it for days off and couldn't get a job anywhere else.
Aye any old dosser who can't get a job just needs to roll up at the school gates and they will instantly hand him a teaching job ! Grow up ffs.
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10 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Anyone who wants kids to spend an extra 45 minutes a day at school is a heartless b*****d who has forgotten what it was like to be a child. The 5 minutes before 3.30 took an hour, so you're asking kids to spend an extra 9 hours in school. 

Not to be a total teacher-w**k, but you're not far off with the statement.  Afternoons are a really poor time for engagement with learning, particularly with the younger ones.   Any teacher (an actual teacher,  not some knob with a keyboard and too much time on his hands) will tell you we try to teach our 'core' literacy and numeracy in the morning and try to have the rest of the curriculum in the afternoons where possible.  Kids get tired in the afternooons and you invariably have to go back over it in the next couple days if it's something particularly taxing like writing or maths. Simply sticking on an extra half hour each day would only be done to pander to parents who have found being at home with their kids tiring. 

Edited by super_carson
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Strangely enough my son is in daily contact with his teachers and lessons continue via MS Teams. I don't know a single secondary teacher not currently working (can't speak for primary). What school do the teachers you refer teach at ?

Well no, what we actually saw here was someone claim with a straight face that teachers want nothing more to be in the classroom doing their job right now, when we all know that they much prefer sitting in the house instead. As would anybody else who saw their workload reduce or finish with no negative financial impact on themselves. Some teachers prefer to circle the wagons on that point though and pretend that they're some of sort of thankless servants for the next generation. And that's where we point and laugh.
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44 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


You can rest easy.

It's difficult to get these guys out of their labs.

Clock watchers and "hourly rate" scientists get weeded out pretty damn quickly.

Those left are obsessive about their careers and it doesn't stop for them when they leave the office.

What should be more concerning to society is that the overwhelming amount  of research in the UK is performed by people with less than 5 years experience,

Don't get me wrong. They are the among the most talented people in society and are overseen by experienced Principal Investigators but most are on PhDs or are postdocs (1-5 years experience post-PhD) trying to nail their first permanent job having obtained their PhD. The Principal Investigators rarely do lab work. That's left to the most inexperienced people. That should concern people.

As an aside, scientists use UK and EU grant money and then publish predominately in international journals (usually US-owned publications) who hide the results behind paywalls. So the public, who pay for the research to be done, then have to pay again to access the results. Elsevier is a big example. I remember reading that their profits were £35bn. A growing number of scientists are forced into using an illegal online service to access these papers for free. That scandal is for another day though.


UK research institutions are required to make research open access in order for that same research to be eligible for Research Excellence Framework funding, which they rely upon for both financial and prestige reasons.

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40 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Tremendous stuff today guys. Proper Vera Lynn, good old Blighty, Blitz spirit getting us through the pandemic.

-Todd still claiming it's a bad case of the flu.

-Teachers are feckless and should bloody well work for free and if they don't like it they should bloody well get another job.

-Oaky having one of his 'episodes'

Lowkey highlight for me though was @Granny Danger and @SlipperyP having an argument about the morals of 'buying' Thai brides.

All in all, I'll be out giving it laldy with the pots and pans on Thursday night in recognition of everyone's commitment on here.

So far we've established that teaching, nursing and researching science are three vocations where you can be sufficiently guilt-tripped into working well beyond your stated remit for zero extra financial incentive. If we all come together and brainstorm we could save the country potentially billions in the next decade from refusing to offer any wage increases or even just scrap the wage system all together and reintroduce slavery.

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Death rates are irrelevant to lifting measures. You are a total one trick pony becoming obsessive about a lockdown you have no control over. Whether you think it's wrong or not it's here. You are sounding like one of the h4ns screaming about the SPFL, total repetitive shite. Convinced you are at it and your going on to my Malky list.

Recent figures for people dying in hospital in England each day who had tested positive before dying.
Total first, then broken down by age group.
There is a reason WM are easing restrictions. Hospital death numbers are now fairly insignificant versus all other causes of death.
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20 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

I think the government will eventually grasp the irony of those left out holding onto as much of their cash as possible going forward. 


15 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

Oh Aye, bare minimum going through now

If the self employed weren't notorious grifters in the first place then perhaps the big, bad taxman would be more accomodating to their needs, but what goes around comes around in this case. Privatising the profits then trying to socialise their losses just like their big banker cousins.

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24 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The new thing is getting your tits out. 

Excuse me sir, I do not take kindly to you propositioning me like this.

I'll need a couple of WKD's before I get my tits out for you.

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10 weeks out of 11/12/13 YEARS = shattered education. Dearie dearie me hyperbole gone mad.

Are teachers not being paid for their work? :1eye
They are supposed to be professionals.
They are very well paid by comparison with most sectors.
If they want a job with an hourly rate they should stop fucking whining and become janitors.
Their first thought right now should be helping this generation of kids recover their shattered education.
They can learn a lot from nurses who are piling the hours in trying to save people's lives without worrying about how much money they are earning.
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20 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Strangely enough my son is in daily contact with his teachers and lessons continue via MS Teams. I don't know a single secondary teacher not currently working (can't speak for primary). What school do the teachers you refer teach at ?

'Connecting on MS teams daily' does not count as serious teaching in the same way that going to the kitchen and making a sandwich doesn't make you a chef. 

Edited by vikingTON
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5 minutes ago, virginton said:


If the self employed weren't notorious grifters in the first place then perhaps the big, bad taxman would be more accomodating to their needs, but what goes around comes around in this case. Privatising the profits then trying to socialise their losses just like their big banker cousins.

Big business doesn't get penalised and they're the real culprits in this union. 

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12 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

So far we've established that teaching, nursing and researching science are three vocations where you can be sufficiently guilt-tripped into working well beyond your stated remit for zero extra financial incentive. If we all come together and brainstorm we could save the country potentially billions in the next decade from refusing to offer any wage increases or even just scrap the wage system all together and reintroduce slavery.

Neo feudalism.

So hot right now.


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Who's getting their tits out? Is this a new celebrity look at me in lockdown attention seeking initiative? I think Rita Ora should get her diddies out whilst singing We'll Meet Again bouncing on a space hopper.

Edited by dirty dingus
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3 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Who's getting their tits out? Is this a new celebrity look at me in lockdown attention seeking initiative? I think Rita Ora should get her diddies out whilst singing We'll Meet Again bouncing on a space hopper.

You really don't want to see the video in question.

"Getting them out" in this case is also not as accurate as "Dragging them along the floor"

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They appear fairly normal lessons in the circumstances, they are doing the best they can in what is a technology shitstorm in most authorities but that'sa different issue. You would think the teachers are choosing to not work, it's as if NS has ordered them back and they have said no. Why single them out ?

'Connecting on MS teams daily' does not count as serious teaching in the same way that going to the kitchen and making a sandwich doesn't make you a chef. 
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20 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

10 weeks out of 11/12/13 YEARS = shattered education. Dearie dearie me hyperbole gone mad.

10 weeks? Where you getting that from.

This will last solidly into the new school year. Maybe until after Christmas, maybe after that?

The kids will go back in some capacity after summer I imagine, but the full time education that we've all known and become accustomed to has been sadly shot to pieces for thousands of our children.

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41 minutes ago, super_carson said:

Not to be a total teacher-w**k, but you're not far off with the statement.  Afternoons are a really poor time for engagement with learning, particularly with the younger ones.   Any teacher (an actual teacher,  not some knob with a keyboard and too much time on his hands) will tell you we try to teach our 'core' literacy and numeracy in the morning and try to have the rest of the curriculum in the afternoons where possible.  Kids get tired in the afternooons and you invariably have to go back over it in the next couple days if it's something particularly taxing like writing or maths. Simply sticking on an extra half hour each day would only be done to pander to parents who have found being at home with their kids tiring. 

1st year at high school all of my maths periods were the last of the day

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