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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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It’s true though. If I called up family and friends and met them in the park for a chinwag the police could do nothing about it as they were shown to be doing nothing at CP. it can’t be one rule for one when it suits them 

That's not how law and policing work, though. You can't drive at 90mph, get caught, then argue that you shouldn't get points or a ban because you've heard of other people driving at 90mph and not getting points or a ban.


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5 minutes ago, resk said:

That's not how law and policing work, though. You can't drive at 90mph, get caught, then argue that you shouldn't get points or a ban because you've heard of other people driving at 90mph and not getting points or a ban.


I wouldn’t pay a fine. I’d let them take me to court and in my defence I’d show the TV report. I’m sure that would work 😉

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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

I fucking hope so. With the exception of walking arsehole Piers Morgan and a bit of pathetic political point scoring up here, it's been sycophantic drivel up till now. 

Ian Murray's been all over the TV today and he did seem to be making some good points but it's hard to work out whether he's correct given he's generally a pompous arsehole that's wrong about everything.

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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

I understand there are issues with this method of measurement when it comes to a pandemic, but Sweden now tops the world in daily mortality per capita. 

I'm not totally aware of what measures Sweden took to shield those at high risk. Although it seems that considering that half of their deaths have come from care homes, the most likely conclusion is probably not enough.

I don't think Sweden should be held up as a model that we should have followed or should follow exactly but I think there's at least a good argument there to say that a continuing stringent lockdown really isn't going to help and that the worst fears about what would happen without a full lockdown were likely significantly over-estimated.

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Interesting clip from Australia about the likelihood of a vaccine being developed, and the fallacy of planning public policy around the prospect of a vaccine being available any time soon

The vaccine line to me is nonsense. It's what allows comments like this from NS

"Within two weeks, my hope is that we will be taking some concrete steps on the journey back to normality.

"As I've said before, it won't be normality as we knew it because the virus will not have gone away, but it will be a journey to a better balance - I hope - than the one we have today."

Being accepted unchallenged.

It's simply not acceptable to talk about the journey back to normality, then immediately say that that normality wont actually be normality at all, or to suggest that what we know as normal is impossible until the virus is completely eradicated or the mythical vaccine appears. That's not realistic.

The constant focus on the rapid development of a vaccine to me is a smokescreen. It's used to deflect from the fact that the government really haven't formulated any plan for putting in place the infrastructure required to get life back to normal, and again avoids the frank and honest line of "we'll put in place testing and tracking systems to contain the spread as much as possible, but by allowing life to continue as normal a small number of people may unfortunately die" because apparantly we as adults cannot handle the hard truth.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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8 hours ago, tamthebam said:

From what I know of the TUV they'd be asking why not enough witches were being burned and lamenting the lack of building of wicker men

Don't give up the day job.

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9 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I saw on the news fans gathered outside celtic park, the police were in the background. Why weren’t they moving them along? They’re quick enough to move folk along who are sitting on park benches or sunbathing. I feel it set a precedent to allow you to go and meet your whole extended family and friends outside and the police could do hee haw about it 

I wouldn't want to meet the Celtic family, thank you very much.

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5 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Interesting clip from Australia about the likelihood of a vaccine being developed, and the fallacy of planning public policy around the prospect of a vaccine being available any time soon

The vaccine line to me is nonsense. It's what allows comments like this from NS

"Within two weeks, my hope is that we will be taking some concrete steps on the journey back to normality.

"As I've said before, it won't be normality as we knew it because the virus will not have gone away, but it will be a journey to a better balance - I hope - than the one we have today."

Being accepted unchallenged.

It's simply not acceptable to talk about the journey back to normality, then immediately say that that normality wont actually be normality at all, or to suggest that what we know as normal is impossible until the virus is completely eradicated or the mythical vaccine appears. That's not realistic.

The constant focus on the rapid development of a vaccine to me is a smokescreen. It's used to deflect from the fact that the government really haven't formulated any plan for putting in place the infrastructure required to get life back to normal, and again avoids the frank and honest line of "we'll put in place testing and tracking systems to contain the spread as much as possible, but by allowing life to continue as normal a small number of people may unfortunately die" because apparantly we as adults cannot handle the hard truth.

That’s an awful lot of knicker twisting about a vaccine, using a quote that doesn’t mention a vaccine.

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9 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

Depends what you mean by markedly. In terms of cases, they're not massively ahead of the likes of Norway and Denmark (combined) per capita. 30k vs 20k for similar populations. They are a far bit ahead of deaths - 3.6k vs just under 1k.

I’d rather we were trying to learn lessons from Denmark, Finland and Norway rather than from Sweden.

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12 hours ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

There will be a lots of people that are not working class working from home instead of in the office.

If you have to work, you're working class. It's the fannies who think a big car and a bigger mortgage makes them middle class that make things so easy for the cúnts in power.

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13 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Do you know many people who have had it? I don't know anyone apart from a few people on here who had similar symptoms but weren't tested. One niece's boyfriend came back from Italy with signs of flu and was tested negative, that's it. Might be loads of asymptomatic receivers but we have no way of telling as yet, and we don't even know if post infection immunity happens, or if so for how long. My hope of an early fix is the bug mutating to a less harmful form, like SARS1, but there's zero evidence of that happening so far. The worry is that both Governments' strategy of focusing the message on saving lives rather than lengthening the curve, for emotional effect, will backfire and if the death rate keeps trundling along as expected with gentle rises as the brake's taken off, well within the capacity of the NHS, there will be huge cries for a total lockdown again. It was always about capacity, never about the death toll.

Two staff and three prisoners at my current nick, two staff (including a good friend and neighbour) at my previous gaff. All recovering.

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31 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’d rather we were trying to learn lessons from Denmark, Finland and Norway rather than from Sweden.

The crucial lesson that 'there'll just be an exponential rise in cases without more lockdown!!!!!11!!!!' is an utter bollocks claim though is provided by Sweden. It's hardly surprising that as case totals and public awareness grows, people will take their own precautions to limit their risk of infection to a personally justified level. Which is why the growth in cases was bound to slows significantly, unless you're talking about some favela-type situation where people are too poor to have meaningful agency.

Within Europe, Scotland should really be looking at Slovakia: an identical sized country which had far more direct contact with northern Italy closed the schools as part of an immediate lockdown, got universal buy-in when telling the public to wear face masks from day one and is now scaling down its measures with literally <1% of the casualties of Scotland in its first wave of the virus. All this despite being a total basketcase at the party political level and with a far lower degree of trust in officials than the Sturgeon and clowns like Leitch enjoy and have wasted until now.

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7 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

I'm not totally aware of what measures Sweden took to shield those at high risk. Although it seems that considering that half of their deaths have come from care homes, the most likely conclusion is probably not enough.

I don't think Sweden should be held up as a model that we should have followed or should follow exactly but I think there's at least a good argument there to say that a continuing stringent lockdown really isn't going to help and that the worst fears about what would happen without a full lockdown were likely significantly over-estimated.

Just to add to that. Seems there has been really no protection to care homes. Although there is an argument that what is said doesn't appear to much different than the U.K.


Edited by Turkmenbashi
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Think the graphs in the financial times are the closest you get to that (think they've already been posted on this thread). If you look at their coronavirus tracked page: https://www.ft.com/content/a26fbf7e-48f8-11ea-aeb3-955839e06441 the second and third graphs on that page give indications of the excess mortality from Covid-19.

Thanks for that interesting page but it doesn’t give me what I’m looking for:
Average global (all) deaths from say the last 5 years that might, or might not, show a Corona blip.
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If you have to work, you're working class. It's the fannies who think a big car and a bigger mortgage makes them middle class that make things so easy for the cúnts in power.
Get into debt, buy stuff, make us richer.
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