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4 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Phoned up my folks about visiting, within seconds it was all 'How does Wee Nippy keep her hair short eh?'. I was hoping for just a nice visit in the garden but I suppose I'll have to go armed with a load of information to begin the deradicalisation process.

Similar with my dad. Earlier in lockdown he was talking up Johnston' s briefings because even Tony Blair had backed him (missed this myself in the Blair interview, but just let it lie for harmony)

But now he's absolutely fucking furious that Cummings did what he did, as he's basically been shutting himself indoors alone (as he should) for 10 weeks, but when I mentioned I wanted to listen to NS's briefing yesterday he got the full nippy sweetie chat out. He doesn't even read a paper and the BBC weather app on his phone is beyond him, so I can only imagine he's come up with this line nof banter independent of (other) right wing nutcases. 


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Just now, MixuFruit said:

Whit can ye dae eh? At least they're not racist which is an admittedly low bar to clear but family's family.

This is true. I would also make note of the fact I too have many family members that fall into this bracket and indeed some friends. It's a difficult compromise to make. 

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I've got a very ancient aunt who was ultra staunch, hated catholics and all foreigners. She's spending her final days in a care home being looked after by Irish, African and Eastern European nuns and has mellowed right out apart from individual family feuds.

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9 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Scoop: According to my source inside St Andrew's House

The Coronavirus response programmeis now called 

Test And Protect


Test Trace Isolate Support

was being referred to as "tits" 

I’m glad Scotland is out front in this programme and keeping the public abreast of developments.


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Some wummin from The Spectator on five live this morning saying that the word "alert" in the new slogan was supposed to be an acronym, but as the a was going to be the non-existent "app", the idea was quietly dropped. Any suggestions for the other letters? I'm going with:


LIE as if your life depends on it


EVADE any questions which might suggest responsibility for the current situation.


REPEATEDLY let policy be guided by the opinions of spin doctors, rather than health professionals.


TAKE the British people for mugs - after all, this is the government they wanted, apparently



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I see the Professor for Propaganda’s mask has slipped. The official UK figures include only those who tested positive for the virus, and excess deaths which will ultimately be how we judge things doesn’t look at condition at all, only numbers of dead.


Still, he’s got a healthy Twitter following and a Daily Express column out of it. He’ll be using that well once everything is over.


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There's going to be a load of employers finding out there are quite a few positions and/or people they can manage fine without. Great for productivity, shite for long term unemployment.

Would imagine that many businesses who rely on customer footfall, will soon realise that their operating costs on reopening are much higher than their restricted capacity can generate in sales income.

Those companies who bring employees back to work rather than pay 20% of their wages to sit at home, will soon start making redundancies.

Our over reliance on the service sector will only exacerbate this. Trying to look for the positives in seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel with regards to the lockdown, but the employment picture looks pretty bleak out there for many sadly.

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Some wummin from The Spectator on five live this morning saying that the word "alert" in the new slogan was supposed to be an acronym, but as the a was going to be the non-existent "app", the idea was quietly dropped. Any suggestions for the other letters? I'm going with:
LIE as if your life depends on it
EVADE any questions which might suggest responsibility for the current situation.
REPEATEDLY let policy be guided by the opinions of spin doctors, rather than health professionals.
TAKE the British people for mugs - after all, this is the government they wanted, apparently
Abolish needed testing
Lie about it
Evade questioning
Run away
Time for a scapegoat
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18 minutes ago, Paco said:



I see the Professor for Propaganda’s mask has slipped. The official UK figures include only those who tested positive for the virus, and excess deaths which will ultimately be how we judge things

There are 3 metrics, though.

The positive test one. The one where it's listed on the death certificate (ie the positive tests + suspected/assumed) and excess deaths.

The cases he is talking about here fall in to the second category, and would show up in the NRS figures.

I know it goes on, but I expect the numbers where this is actually the case are fairly low and are being grossly exaggerated by those trying to make it look like a conspiracy.

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53 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Sunak announcing later that Furlough will be a case of employers paying 20% and Govt 60% from August. Also the Govt won’t pay the 60% unless employers agree to pay 20%.

So in short, expect a lot of unemployment and anger being directed at them.

I suppose that fits in with the UK government plans on when they expect most things to be open at some capacity.

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8 minutes ago, Clockwork said:

Would imagine that many businesses who rely on customer footfall, will soon realise that their operating costs on reopening are much higher than their restricted capacity can generate in sales income.

This is exactly what @virginton refers too when he expresses the need to ditch a mythical magic circle and mandate face coverings instead.

The forcefield is all well and good in a lockdown, but if the aim is to stimulate the economy and get people back to work it is unworkable.

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Except he hasn't delivered on Brexit, has he? But thanks for the reminder of the rotten cherry to be dropped on the rancid icing of the Tories' cake of shite.
Just reading about the Brexit scenario - the UK is hurtling towards December like a very stoppable force. Events, dear boy, events.

Sent from my MotoG3 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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37 minutes ago, Paco said:




I see the Professor for Propaganda’s mask has slipped. The official UK figures include only those who tested positive for the virus, and excess deaths which will ultimately be how we judge things doesn’t look at condition at all, only numbers of dead.


Still, he’s got a healthy Twitter following and a Daily Express column out of it. He’ll be using that well once everything is over.


Next step will demanding the right for his twitter followers to dig up corpses and conduct autopsies.

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This is true. I would also make note of the fact I too have many family members that fall into this bracket and indeed some friends. It's a difficult compromise to make. 
Adopt a cute approach...I have a couple of the Kilt-Right in my family circle; fortunately our paths only cross on Xmas Day. Last year post- dinner they were still sat at the table as I came in for a beer. 'We're just roasting Wee Nippy's ears' they informed me. 'Wire in guys, I'll just keep voting for her'. The seethe was delicious, try it on your family.

Sent from my MotoG3 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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Furlough changing is going to be a disaster. This is the live or die moment for a lot of businesses who could previously afford to sit and wait without a huge wage bill. If you are forced to pay 20% and cannot open, that will be the tipping point for many.

This represents the point at which we could see genuine civil disobedience.

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36 minutes ago, Clockwork said:

Would imagine that many businesses who rely on customer footfall, will soon realise that their operating costs on reopening are much higher than their restricted capacity can generate in sales income.

Those companies who bring employees back to work rather than pay 20% of their wages to sit at home, will soon start making redundancies.

Our over reliance on the service sector will only exacerbate this. Trying to look for the positives in seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel with regards to the lockdown, but the employment picture looks pretty bleak out there for many sadly.

Half the income with full work force, I've not really looked at the intracies of the furlough scheme for do's and don'ts.

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6 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Furlough changing is going to be a disaster. This is the live or die moment for a lot of businesses who could previously afford to sit and wait without a huge wage bill. If you are forced to pay 20% and cannot open, that will be the tipping point for many.

This represents the point at which we could see genuine civil disobedience.

The furlough scheme is only a small part of the challenge for businesses as we come out of lockdown.

We have a partial reopening on Monday and a full reopening planned for 15 June.  I have no idea what sort of market we are going back to.  If trade drops by 25%, and that’s a real possibility, we will struggle.

Many other small businesses will be in exactly the same position.


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The furlough scheme is only a small part of the challenge for businesses as we come out of lockdown.
We have a partial reopening on Monday and a full reopening planned for 15 June.  I have no idea what sort of market we are going back to.  If trade drops by 25%, and that’s a real possibility, we will struggle.
Many other small businesses will be in exactly the same position.
Aye but it allowed a certain amount of "wait and see" from businesses that would have otherwise folded by now.

Coming out of lockdown will of course be hard enough but for those businesses who can open up in some shape for form, theres mitigation there. What about the ones who are held back but have to start paying wages or laying off?

Baws burst for a lot of folk as soon as this happens imo
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Furlough will either be maintained at the current rate for sectors that remain closed or the economy will simply be opened up by that stage that it barely matters. It spells curtains for the idea that the SG can set its own timetable for restoring economic activity though - in the medium term it'll have to realign with England.

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