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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 minutes ago, Angusfifer said:

I'm quite looking forward to the new social distancing rules in pubs. 

Saves me having to listen to the pub bore, who would inevitably be droning on and on about how Lockdown was a waste of time, in addition to dubious view about other issues like climate change etc. 

Todd drink in your local does he?

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1 minute ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Todd drink in your local does he?

I can't believe you've given him the attention he was looking for there.

He needn't worry; i'm enjoying the first night of the English school holidays watching the football at home.

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6 hours ago, Markka said:

I've been keeping an eye on my local boozer while pretending to work from home this morning.

The customers there are exactly who would expect to show up - 50+ year old single male pub regulars.

One guy must have planned ahead and booked a haircut at the barbers next door at 11 then just sauntered straight into the pub.

Single, lonely men going somewhere for a drink and to socialise that they have been deprived of for months. Shock fucking horror

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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I can't believe you've given him the attention he was looking for there.

He needn't worry; i'm enjoying the first night of the English school holidays watching the football at home.

Says the poster responsible for turning this into the Oh God it's Todd thread

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If this is true, it makes absolutely no sense at all. How can they deem it safe for aerosol treatments to be used on private patients, but not NHS ones?






Dear Patient,


We hope you and your families are well during these testing times. We wish to update you on the current situation facing all Scottish dental practices that provide NHS services:


The Scottish Government (SG) announced it will allow dental practices with registered NHS patients to provide ‘routine’ dental care from 13th of July 2020. However, SG have forbidden the use of Aerosol Generating Procedures on NHS patients within the practice. This is any treatment involving air and/or water – 95% of what we do involves aerosols. The SG have failed to acknowledge that a check-up requires use of aerosols to enable adequate inspection of your teeth and to plan your treatment properly. As an NHS patient, if you require an aerosol procedure such as a simple filling, we will have to refer you to an NHS Dental Hub, a significant inconvenience to you and us.


Our clinical staff have been fit tested for advanced PPE and have undergone further cross infection training to comply with updated protocols and procedures. This ensures your visit to our practice is safe and reduces the risk for COVID-19 transmission. There is worldwide evidence supporting the safety of routine dental treatment with these measures. The SG department Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) also supports these measures therefore allowing us to offer private aerosol treatments in a safe manner.


Subsequently, the only effective non-aerosol treatments we can provide on the NHS are extractions and patch ups for teeth. There is no such restriction on providing aerosol treatments privately in our practice. We were given specific instruction by the SG to offer private treatment as part of your options when consenting to your treatment plan.


NHS dentistry has been underfunded for years and is only feasible through Government subsidies and contractor practices such as ours, running an efficient business with a high number of patients and short appointments. This is no longer sustainable as the COVID-19 pandemic means we cannot see enough patients to make our businesses viable without SG support. Currently we are only permitted to see 10 patients per day.


The future of NHS dentistry in Scotland is questionable due to the lack of adequate support from the SG. The SG provided financial support during the closures they enforced but have not enhanced this support to enable us to provide sustainable NHS treatments on reopening.


We have written numerous letters to the SG to express our concerns yet they have imposed the closures and restrictions without proper consultation with the dental profession.


You are welcome to contact the practice for all your emergency and dental needs but we regret that the NHS treatments we provide will be restricted for the reasons stated. If you feel in any way concerned about the situation affecting you as an NHS patient we would encourage you to write to your MSP to express your dissatisfaction.


Kind regards



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52 minutes ago, Angusfifer said:

I'm quite looking forward to the new social distancing rules in pubs. 

Saves me having to listen to the pub bore, who would inevitably be droning on and on about how Lockdown was a waste of time, in addition to dubious views about other issues like climate change etc. 

So what's your take on Covid 19 in terms of life  the universe and everything?

Just joking. 🙂

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2 hours ago, TheScarf said:

The Weatherspoons in Inverness is horrendous. I absolutely never go there on a night out. I don’t care if it’s 14p a pint. The place is full of utter minks drinking those fish bowl monstrosities.

Interesting juxtaposition of detail and geographical distancing.


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8 hours ago, renton said:

McWhirter bought into the whole herd immunity thing at the start, if I recall.

But yeah, the principle of shutting borders down early doors to prevent community transmission is sound. Or at least, quarantining borders in such a way to kill the virus off before it gets in.

The UK didn't and was generally looking in the wrong places anyway. A more confident nation not absolutely desperate for people to come in and out on the back of the biggest shake up in it's trading relations for a generation might have come to a different set of conclusions.

Except that the Slovakia response was not all about closing borders. It was a combination of that plus closing schools as an obvious vector of infection fully two weeks before Scotland (and at least four weeks behind Scotland in terms of their outbreak cycle), plus a lockdown as well as making masks compulsory. They did all of the above in one week at a far lower rate of confirmed infection than the UK. Whereas we had gurning morons like Jason Leitch at the exact same time braying that white Caucasians couldn't possibly be expected to wear masks like those people in SE Asia - a hill that took the SG three months to fully climb down from - while also pretending that it was perfectly fine to have 1000 pupils plus staff inside schools all day for another ten days while calling Montrose v Forfar games off due to the dangerous virus.

It doesn't take national confidence to avoid making a c**t of it: it required a logically coherent, hard-headed application of 'The Science' as opposed to the pic and mix, pop-sociology approach favoured by governments and their insider advisor communities in the West. It's no surprise that as the SG has eventually aligned itself towards a Slovakia-type position rather than England in exiting lockdown, its infection and death rate has improved accordingly, though far too late for anyone to take a victory lap for.

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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

That's ridiculous.

It seems like they are intent on shutting as much of the state down as possible to balance the books. 

Aye that's it exactly: the SNP-led administration wants to demolish NHS dental care in Scotland to balance the books, just ten months before a Holyrood election when they'll be judged on, err, devolved healthcare provision.

Good to see that you're still using Anthony C Pick to supply all of your latest, utterly ludicrous political hot takes. Never change H_B.


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3 hours ago, peasy23 said:

If this is true, it makes absolutely no sense at all. How can they deem it safe for aerosol treatments to be used on private patients, but not NHS ones?






Dear Patient,


We hope you and your families are well during these testing times. We wish to update you on the current situation facing all Scottish dental practices that provide NHS services:


The Scottish Government (SG) announced it will allow dental practices with registered NHS patients to provide ‘routine’ dental care from 13th of July 2020. However, SG have forbidden the use of Aerosol Generating Procedures on NHS patients within the practice. This is any treatment involving air and/or water – 95% of what we do involves aerosols. The SG have failed to acknowledge that a check-up requires use of aerosols to enable adequate inspection of your teeth and to plan your treatment properly. As an NHS patient, if you require an aerosol procedure such as a simple filling, we will have to refer you to an NHS Dental Hub, a significant inconvenience to you and us.


Our clinical staff have been fit tested for advanced PPE and have undergone further cross infection training to comply with updated protocols and procedures. This ensures your visit to our practice is safe and reduces the risk for COVID-19 transmission. There is worldwide evidence supporting the safety of routine dental treatment with these measures. The SG department Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) also supports these measures therefore allowing us to offer private aerosol treatments in a safe manner.


Subsequently, the only effective non-aerosol treatments we can provide on the NHS are extractions and patch ups for teeth. There is no such restriction on providing aerosol treatments privately in our practice. We were given specific instruction by the SG to offer private treatment as part of your options when consenting to your treatment plan.


NHS dentistry has been underfunded for years and is only feasible through Government subsidies and contractor practices such as ours, running an efficient business with a high number of patients and short appointments. This is no longer sustainable as the COVID-19 pandemic means we cannot see enough patients to make our businesses viable without SG support. Currently we are only permitted to see 10 patients per day.


The future of NHS dentistry in Scotland is questionable due to the lack of adequate support from the SG. The SG provided financial support during the closures they enforced but have not enhanced this support to enable us to provide sustainable NHS treatments on reopening.


We have written numerous letters to the SG to express our concerns yet they have imposed the closures and restrictions without proper consultation with the dental profession.


You are welcome to contact the practice for all your emergency and dental needs but we regret that the NHS treatments we provide will be restricted for the reasons stated. If you feel in any way concerned about the situation affecting you as an NHS patient we would encourage you to write to your MSP to express your dissatisfaction.


Kind regards



If you're getting aerosol treatment from a dentist they've started at the wrong end


Two Ronnies, 1979 🤡


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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Admittedly not watched any other channel this morning, but interesting that Sky News not running this story (although it is second from top on their website). You'd have thought this would be a major development

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9 hours ago, virginton said:

Aye that's it exactly: the SNP-led administration wants to demolish NHS dental care in Scotland to balance the books, just ten months before a Holyrood election when they'll be judged on, err, devolved healthcare provision.

Good to see that you're still using Anthony C Pick to supply all of your latest, utterly ludicrous political hot takes. Never change H_B.


The Tories shut down large parts of the state and won another 3 elections in five years thanks to culture war shite. I doubt the SNP are going to put their Holyrood performance at the forefront of the 2021 election.

Also they obviously don't need to worry about public reaction to NHS services being withdrawn because of the high proportion of ghouls like yourself who don't care. 


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21 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

I see people kicking up a fuss because Wetherspoon's are using the VAT reduction on food to subsidise lower priced pints.

This is a prime example of a large company which is damned if it does and damned if it doesn't.

In a time when many will be struggling for money, they have more affordable for people to go out.

Wetherspoon's will always be able to undercut independent pubs on beer prices due to their enormous buying power. That they sell beer cheaper than anywhere else isn't news.

No one is going to suddenly ditch their local where they are paying £3.40 for a pint of Tennent's because it's now £2.29 in Spoons v the £2.49 it was previously (for example).

It's very sad to see that society is now so deeply split, that those who voted Remain or Labour will see only the negative in absolutely anything someone who voted Leave or Tory does, and vice versa.

What the actual fúck are you talking about? What has Martin's action here got to do with Brexit?

People are getting upset because pints are not fúcking food. Wetherspoons drop their prices to get more drinkers in. The loophole's there, they're exploiting it. Doesn't make them lawbreakers, but confirms them as cúnts.

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