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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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37 minutes ago, Rob1885 said:

What happened to GD? Was never off the "Coronavirus in the Scottish Championship" thread so I'm slightly surprised to see him on the podium here.

A quick scan of the posts on this thread from April has solved that particular mystery for me.

Good grief. 

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Had a wee foray round the hostelries of Greenock yesterday and it was different rules everywhere.

1  Scheemie local - darts and pool being played screen at bar cash payments. name and address 7/10

2 Wine bar - table service contactless payments one way system no contact info drunk familys with weans running about the place doing their dinger. 5/10

3 Foodie place - contact details , busy with young couples eating 3rd rate fish n chips and drinking venom and daiquiri cocktails  table service and contactless 7/10

4 Celticy local - no contact details Screens all round bar cash payments,racing channel on, no volume. folk getting knocked back as limited number allowed. 6/10

5. Rangersy local - contact details, one way, masks to be worn when going to loo, table service, FOOTBALL ON, greeting bar staff constantly pulling up the jakies for no masks/ handshaking other tables. Blackboard with sign dont blame us blame Nicola on it. 5/10

6. Pit stop local - Squiggled contact details, table service, contactless or cash not much social distancing and a wee bit of drunken old man throat singing  for entertainment (not official entertainment)  6/10

7. Kebab shop - no masks no social distancing, doner meat sliced so thin it's translucent, shriveled veg and sauce that will deliver 2 days of sting ring  11/10

Was good to be out and about but still a weird atmosphere and constant talk of the virus everywhere, good to see the football on but the game was shit. Every pub has put their prices up but £9.60 for 2 pints of Moretti is ripping the piss.



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5 hours ago, Rob1885 said:

emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngcare to elaborate?

Well, of the few pages I've read, he was calling @Gaz a VL In a furious outburst, angrily sniping at @MixuFruit and @Marshmallo amongst others, all the while posting about lovely trips and strolls around St Andrews at the height of a national lockdown during a global pandemic.

I'm now reading some other boomer regaling the forum with anecdotes about 50 mile round trips to Braehead to walk around the shopping centre because it might never be so quiet again, snapping photos as if they were visiting a post-apocalyptic theme park without a care in the world.

On 10/05/2020 at 12:13, pozbaird said:

The farthest we’ve been is Cumbernauld to Braehead. 25 min drive. Has been great, because a normally heaving place has been almost deserted, yet in one location, we had access to M&S, Sainsburys, Halfords, Boots, Superdrug and Holland & Barrett. The Clyde walkway behind the centre is dead quiet, so a one-stop place to combine a long walk with supplies - and hardly any queues. A somewhat spooky experience walking through a completely deserted Braehead shopping centre though. Still playing the usual ‘mall radio’ with customer announcements. I took some photos, will likely never be in it like this again.


On further investigation, his final wailing post to date on the forum in the 'What Are You Drinking?' thread appears rather ominous...

On 04/07/2020 at 18:27, pozbaird said:

If anyone has a clue why the person going by the name ‘marshmallo’ is red dotting every post I make on this forum, even innocent nonsense like this, please let me know. I’m a bit concerned. He’s either a mad stalker, or just a sad fcuk. Maybe both. I actually sent the guy a friendly PM, but he declined to answer. No matter....Answers on a postcard to.... is marshmallo a stalker or sad fcuk competition, c/o P&B.

First correct entry wins a bottle of Jim Beam.

If you’re reading this... it really doesn’t bother me, I actually find it funny. You sad individual. Fcuked you off that badly in the coronavirus thread did I? Keep em’ coming, cunto.

space cat GIF


Dear Lord.

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1 minute ago, Chewing Taffies said:

Can't be arsed looking for it, but at his peak on this thread, GD was a poor mans Todd is God. At one point he projected that Scotland would have 3million deaths within 2 weeks.  Hands down the best post I have ever read on P&B.

Followed closely by Random Guy declaring that if you do survive Covid you end up with HIV.

He did delete it but it had already been quoted several times.

Those were the days.

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Pozbaird and his wife were both going shopping and sauntering merrily up the aisles having debates about what kind of biscuits to get. This was at a time when everyone but key workers was pretty much expected to be in the hoose for 23+ hours a day.
Apparently GD needed to go to the shops with his wife as she couldn't drive. The suggestion that he could go to the shops himself seemed to absolutely baffle him.

We had to go to Glasgow twice during April, once for her grans funeral, and the second time was to take shopping to her other grandparents who were shielding. Her cousin was in self isolation so couldn’t go shopping for them so we’d agreed to do it to help out.

Never driven to and from Glasgow so quick in my life, felt completely wrong being so far away from Perth during lockdown so I can’t understand these people who so blatantly broke the rules by driving to St Andrews for beach walks or whatever.
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I just miss GD's updates on what part of his property he had power washed. The driveway was a personal favourite.
Think that was in the Lockdown achievements thread. Power washing was big at my house in the early days but enthusiasm faded fast. Possibly a graph of enthusiasm for household busy jobs in general versus alcohol intake would be quite revealing. The lockdown was a huge opportunity to get shit done, and I managed to clean some slabs and about 2 hours (aggregate) of weeding.
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18 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I just miss GD's updates on what part of his property he had power washed. The driveway was a personal favourite.

:lol: That's how he signed off that post calling me a VL

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35 minutes ago, Chewing Taffies said:

Can't be arsed looking for it, but at his peak on this thread, GD was a poor mans Todd is God. At one point he projected that Scotland would have 3million deaths within 2 weeks.  Hands down the best post I have ever read on P&B.

Nothing was more enjoyable than Old Man Danger wheeling the abacus out and getting it so spectacularly wrong.

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5 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

It was the 'I want to argue with my wife about what cakes to buy in order to feel normal in these trying times' line that did me in from pozbaird.


Meanwhile people are dropping like flies and you could only have a handful of people at funerals

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On 22/03/2020 at 10:07, Granny Danger said:

Up 16% in one day, 64% in three days.  Exponential growth.

Don’t need to be a maths wizard to see where we will be in a fortnight if growth doesn’t slow.

ETA 3 million plus infected, 57,000 plus dead.  In Scotland.  In a fortnight.

No Way Do Not Want GIF

I'm dead at this. 🤣

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