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I mentioned a few weeks ago that Italy had avoided the surge in Covid cases at the same time as they started to greatly increase in France and the UK, but it looks like there second wave was just delayed...
Does anyone know if any sector has reopened in Italy in the last month which may go some way to explaining this?
One factor suggested is Italians returning from abroad and foreign tourists.


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28 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Nothing, if everyone ignores them.

But it also achieves nothing if everyone follows them because i) thirty odd households are still mixing without even wearing masks within thousands of rooms all over the restriction area for 30 hours per week based on a magical belief that weans can't spread respiratory disease and ii) the society-level track and trace (not to mention isolation protocol) system is completely fucking useless.

Choosing to close a restaurant or not visit a family member changes absolutely nothing while these yawning holes in the control strategy are left unresolved. It's no surprise then that people are just launching government advice in the bin.

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41 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

One factor suggested is Italians returning from abroad and foreign tourists.


Italy being of course notoriously closed to foreign tourism between *checks notes* June and August when there was no such surge in cases.

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12 minutes ago, virginton said:

But it also achieves nothing if everyone follows them because i) thirty odd households are still mixing without even wearing masks within thousands of rooms all over the restriction area for 30 hours per week based on a magical belief that weans can't spread respiratory disease and ii) the society-level track and trace (not to mention isolation protocol) system is completely fucking useless.

Choosing to close a restaurant or not visit a family member changes absolutely nothing while these yawning holes in the control strategy are left unresolved. It's no surprise then that people are just launching government advice in the bin.

That was my point really, it's obvious not enough people bothered with lower tiers. They'll not adhere any better now and that's set against the background of the issues you mention.

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18 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

Shamelessly stolen from Twitter




Tier 1 - A tradesperson can still enter and clear a blockage.

Tier 2 - A tradesperson can still enter, but only by the rear entrance.

Tier 3 - A tradesperson can enter but must sterilise any tool before a thorough plunging.

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15 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

I know there has been a bit of talk about it on here already, but I am just not buying "Long covid" at all. Every story I read about it reeks of propaganda to scare the young into taking it seriously.

Still stunned at this after a full day. Horrifically insensitive post followed by an embarrassing climbdown due to some red circles 😔

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Italy being of course notoriously closed to foreign tourism between *checks notes* June and August when there was no such surge in cases.

Cases were rising there steadily during July and August - there has been a sharp increase in the past 3-4 weeks - it's that sharp rise that was being partly attributed to returning Italian holidaymakers (sounds familiar).  



Italian schools only returned on 17 September - the sharp rise had already started before this.



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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Cases were rising there steadily during July and August - there has been a sharp increase in the past 3-4 weeks - it's that sharp rise that was being partly attributed to returning Italian holidaymakers (sounds familiar).  



Italian schools only returned on 17 September - the sharp rise had already started before this.




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Look at the numbers before that - they were rising before that point as well. The article by the way is dated 18 August for those who did not read it.

From a 289 daily cases on 29 July to 1638 daily cases on 18 September. I think Italy's daily infections may well have been out of control even before schools returned.
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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Look at the numbers before that - they were rising before that point as well. The article by the way is dated 18 August for those who did not read it.

From a 289 daily cases on 29 July to 1638 daily cases on 18 September. I think Italy's daily infections may well have been out of control even before schools returned.

"Sharp increase in the past 3-4 weeks"

You need to shorten that timeframe honey!

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"Sharp increase in the past 3-4 weeks" You need to shorten that timeframe honey! 


I'm losing track of time here!! I was certainly aware of rises when I was checking on holiday destinations in mid-September - I hadn't realised until I checked there how long back the rises had been going.


By the way - I'm not saying that school won't be playing a factor in the most recent rises - just not those up to 17 September.


The article itself (dated 18 August) itself said that those returning Italians and holidaymakers and tourists accounted for 40% of the new cases - as I said it was one cause amongst many of rising cases.




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For Italy I check this site - https://lab.gedidigital.it/gedi-visual/2020/coronavirus-i-contagi-in-italia/  thanks to DiegoDiego.

I am keeping my eye on - 

EFFETTI DELLA PANDEMIA - Pazienti Covid-19 in terapia intensiva per capienza

You can see the big differences, as before, from region to region. 



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22 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Look at the numbers before that - they were rising before that point as well. The article by the way is dated 18 August for those who did not read it.

From a 289 daily cases on 29 July to 1638 daily cases on 18 September. I think Italy's daily infections may well have been out of control even before schools returned.

Their cases increased when they reopened hospitality, non essential shops, barbers/hairdressers, etc, as you would expect and plateaued to between 1000-1500 cases per day (similar to the UK) before the schools reopened. 

Today they reported 8,804 cases and they are rising at a much higher rate than a month ago.

Who are you trying to kid, and why?

Edited by Szamo's_Ammo
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Their cases increased when they reopened hospitality, non essential shops, barbers/hairdressers, etc, as you would expect and plateaued to between 1000-1500 cases per day (similar to the UK) before the schools reopened. 
Today they reported 8,804 cases and they are rising at a much higher rate than a month ago.
Who are you trying to kid, and why?
See my reply to Mallo.

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15 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

Their cases increased when they reopened hospitality, non essential shops, barbers/hairdressers, etc, as you would expect and plateaued to between 1000-1500 cases per day (similar to the UK) before the schools reopened. 

Today they reported 8,804 cases and they are rising at a much higher rate than a month ago.

Who are you trying to kid, and why?

Why are you so convinced that only one factor is causing this second wave around Europe? It seems like some of you have tunnel vision.

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10 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Why are you so convinced that only one factor is causing this second wave around Europe? It seems like some of you have tunnel vision.

It's not the only factor but I believe it is a very significant factor that is ignored by many as addressing it would inconvenience their lives.

The largest contact tracing study to date, of nearly 700,000 people, concluded children are key to the spread of the virus.

Edited by Szamo's_Ammo
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