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The entire Scottish Football pyramid should have been canned for a year with the possible exception of the top-flight. Clubs going to the wall due to having to pay players without any gate receipts.

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If they didn't start the season they'd be the only country in Europe which didn't and they would have breached a TV deal worth over £150m in addition to other commercial deals.
When the season started, the Scottish government's own roadmap specifically said they would allow supporters into matches in October, and that was actually initially brought forward to September before they changed their mind. So it's hardly unrealistic to make plans on that basis.

Edinburgh City v Stranraer has no bearing on the TV deal. The statement doesn’t just mention the Premiership - I agree that was a special case.

The roadmap was clearly nonsense. I appreciate you can only work with what you’ve got and all that, but it wasn’t too difficult to figure out it would never come to pass. Virtually every expert was telling us that there’s be a second wave in winter. If we’re kind it was wishful thinking to plough on with that as the aim, in the real world it was idiotic and passing the buck onto fans to pay several hundred quid for a streaming pass.
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1 hour ago, Paco said:



It’s here. To be honest I have very little sympathy with their position, even as a fan desperate to get back to games.

Nobody made them start the season. Nobody promised fans could ever get in. They chose to start the season on the fantasy of limited fans across the country in October and unrestricted crowds in January after a magic wand was waved. That was quite obviously never going to happen and I said as much on here at the time. That’s entirely on the football authorities, not the government.

‘Now is the time to get fans back’ is a line from that letter. Now being the time where two million people in the country can’t leave their house without a valid reason and every single business that isn’t essential is shut, or takeaway only.

They’re living on another planet. Asking for more fans in Tier 1 areas, or maybe even a few hundred in Tier 2... fair enough. A blanket ‘get fans back’? Absolutely idiotic.


Agreed. That statement is cringeworthy, and goes a long way to cementing my belief that the goal all along has been to have Old Firm fans impacted upon,at most, equally as all other clubs.

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't think they are withholding anything. But they are happy to look for any other location where transmission might have occurred (bus to school / a sleepover, for example) to make "in the classroom" seem less common.

I've no problem with them saying they can't pinpoint exactly where transmission happened, but it's a get out not offered to any other sector.

The important part of the figures are the level of tranmission between pupils and adults. The evidence wasn't there in the infection rates of parents and school workers to suggest that schools are the Covid factories that we read about every single day on the thread.

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Part of me is actually enjoying this whole lockdown. It will make the first proper meet with all your mates even more sweet. All these fannies that have been partying throughout wont know that feeling

Yous won’t get the electric thrill of turning off the tunes and shutting the lights when somedy shouts “polis” from the kitchen
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As opposed to the celebration of a fictional character who breaks into the house and leaves mysterious presents for little children, aye? Seems legit.
To be absolutely clear modern Hogmanay is generally shite. It is however the traditional and more important Scottish festive holiday that your grandparents and great-grandparents celebrated: as opposed to Christmas Day when they would go to work/football/the pub as usual. That's why Scotland has an extra holiday in January to recover as well.
Next we'll be importing Thanksgiving into this pantheon of generic shite, over-commercialised nonsense that we're supposed to celebrate on an annual basis.
Don't start me on the annual bullshit that is Trick or Treat aka extortion with menaces.
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I know businesses want to stay open but I saw a vape shop open earlier. In what realms of fantasy is that classed as essential [emoji57]
Argument it might be essential to the poor fucker trying to make a living behind the counter.

f**k knows other than that, vaping is shite.
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10 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Anyones work doing a zoom christmas night out? Ours is the 18th. We are getting a half day to have a "zoom party".

I'd be calling in sick that day and instantly refraining from all non essential contact with whoever came up with that nauseating David Brent-esque idea tbqhwy.

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

That's a fair point. But, at the same time, not every other club should be bound to the limitations of Glebe Park. And, as it's outdoors, queues can be managed similar to those outside of supermarkets etc.

There has to be a better way than just picking arbitrary numbers out of the air that the powers that be think might be small enough for the SG to agree to.


1 hour ago, 101 said:

Problem with blanket % of capacity is Brechin has a reasonable capacity but only 2 sets of turnstiles so that's a huge bottleneck.

This is why the idea of test cases is not a bad idea: you trial entry and scale it up at each particular ground to make sure that bottlenecks don't occur just as hospitality had to demonstrate their protocols worked to the council and regular visits by the police. Starting with 300 and keeping it that way regardless of stadium size/design doesn't make any sense though.

Football clubs in the lower leagues were utterly foolish to start their campaigns to begin with and top flight ones had no reasonable expectation that more than a fraction - 20% - would get into games this season either. The clubs showed zero interest in what the fans wanted when making their purely commercial decisions so should have their guilt-tripping about their community role filed in the bin now and for years to come. 

Edited by vikingTON
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