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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just having a read on BBC there... Despite all of my concerns being totally unfounded and disproved by facts, it seems that numerous journalists share them. It also seems that the First Minister is becoming uncomfortable under the light of responsibility for vaccine delivery, which is basically what I have been saying. I feel some degree of sympathy tbf. She has never once hidden away like the village idiot in London. But she is going to have to start adding detail to the vaccine rollout other than "we are doing the best we can".

People need hope. Even after a year of restrictions needed until we can combat this virus, there's too much negative language being used re people getting their lives back. What would it take to add some context that might give some home. All over 80s expected to be done in the next 4 weeks.... Why not tell us what % of hospital cases have been in this group for example.

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Just having a read on BBC there... Despite all of my concerns being totally unfounded and disproved by facts, it seems that numerous journalists share them. It also seems that the First Minister is becoming uncomfortable under the light of responsibility for vaccine delivery, which is basically what I have been saying. I feel some degree of sympathy tbf. She has never once hidden away like the village idiot in London. But she is going to have to start adding detail to the vaccine rollout other than "we are doing the best we can".

People need hope. Even after a year of restrictions needed until we can combat this virus, there's too much negative language being used re people getting their lives back. What would it take to add some context that might give some home. All over 80s expected to be done in the next 4 weeks.... Why not tell us what % of hospital cases have been in this group for example.
This year is a write off, possibly next spring as well. No point trying to fight it. Will just do you in m80.
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I presume the guy busking outside the City Chambers at lunchtime yesterday was taking his hour's exercise. 
There's actually less polis about it seems than before the lockdown was announced on Monday

Where do people get this hour from? There’s no time limit on exercise and there never has been
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29 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It says at least i'd imagine because they are on a list Buzzfeed saw. It covers everywhere like a council ward.

Compliance to rules is also likely pretty high.

Take something like WeChat for example. Beyond the centralised intelligence gathering of communities that it offers, it also encourages certain behaviours via its sign up model.

Basically, you can only sign up to WeChat once you have been vouched for by another user who has been on the platform for a given period and used it within the guidelines. 

So, anyone who flouts rules, whether on social media or in real life can quickly be tracked by WeChat for the government, and not just them - but the people around them and who signed them up for WeChat, and if one person is untrustworthy, well... what does that say about the person who signed them up?

It encourages folk to shop each other to stop them coming under suspicion of various social ills. Just one small part of the larger social score metrics being rolled out across China.

Most government surveillance on citizens is thus done by their fellow citizens.

Really little surprise that centralised, authoritarian regimes are able to make the kind of quick, unpopular decisions that prevent democracies acting quickly.

Edited by renton
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6 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:
17 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
Just having a read on BBC there... Despite all of my concerns being totally unfounded and disproved by facts, it seems that numerous journalists share them. It also seems that the First Minister is becoming uncomfortable under the light of responsibility for vaccine delivery, which is basically what I have been saying. I feel some degree of sympathy tbf. She has never once hidden away like the village idiot in London. But she is going to have to start adding detail to the vaccine rollout other than "we are doing the best we can".

People need hope. Even after a year of restrictions needed until we can combat this virus, there's too much negative language being used re people getting their lives back. What would it take to add some context that might give some home. All over 80s expected to be done in the next 4 weeks.... Why not tell us what % of hospital cases have been in this group for example.

This year is a write off, possibly next spring as well. No point trying to fight it. Will just do you in m80.

See folk like you saying stuff like this, with absolutely no basis to say it, you genuinely are part of the problem. Absolutely buying into the amount of energy Nicola Sturgeon is putting into making sure folk dont have any expectations of her governments performance. 

If this year up until next Spring is a "write off" and theres no point in trying to fight it then I dread to think the state thousands and thousands of people will be in, in terms of health, mental health and life in general will be in. 

If you are happy to write off 2021 in January when we have 2 vaccines in hand, one approved and scheduled for spring delivery and several more seeking approval soon, then I guess that's up to you. But........ f**k me. 

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It's taken until this week for me to know someone personally that has covid. 4 people in fact. All mixed at Christmas and received their positive test at the weekend.

Between March and December I only knew 2 people.

Between Christmas Day and today I’ve heard of 6.
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33 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Why not tell us what % of hospital cases have been in this group for example.

They seem really reluctant to highlight this, though stats are published. Maybe they think giving under 40s/under 60s etc a clearer idea of their personal risk would encourage unsafe behaviour and lead to more transmission.

Edited by bendan
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I had my first vaccination a few weeks ago and Mrs Romeo is to have hers on Sunday as we are both front line health care. I find it very reassuring that we will both have some level of protection but I can see the 2nd jab after 12 weeks thing slipping big time.

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A write of for what, re assessing your priorities in life?
Change, adapt, survive rather than give up.
People will need support, if you have any strength share it with others, even your sense of humour if you have one.
No thats what I'm saying bairnardo keeps thinking that things will be like before within months. It will get better in the summer but not back to big crowds, holidays and pubs and nightclubs.
Less restrictions and being able to feel safe and healthy is enough.
The uk has made a complete mess of this and you cant expect things to magically change within weeks.
Constantly being annoyed and frustrated is understandable but really what can you do?
The more people refuse to adapt for a while the longer it will last. At least there's a vaccine but no doubt there will be problems with as well. I really gave up hope of things returning to normal because the respective governments did nothing between lockdowns. We should have been mass testing to get out of lockdown not letting the economy run the science.
The population gets what it deserves for decades of acting selfishly and voting in shite like the tories or not even bothering to vote at all.
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5 minutes ago, bendan said:

They seem really reluctant to highlight this, though stats are published. Maybe they think giving under 40s/under 60s etc a clearer idea of their personal risk would encourage unsafe behaviour and lead to more transmission.

Maybe. It cant*be too long after the vulnerable are vaccinated though before responsibility is handed over to the individual calculating the own risk tolerance and managing the situations they put themselves in

 Rather than burning hospitality to the ground and salting the earth for example, maybe just let folk make their own call re the residual danger of covid based on their age and health. 



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Whilst i am on a roll for having a moan. Should really punt this in another thread but hey ho

What is also annoying me is these z list celebrities from reality tv. Firstly, it annoys me that they are even famous in the first place. Unfortunately a sign of the world we live in. However, it is pissing me off that they have all fucked off to dubai and giving it the big yin whilst we are in tier 4. Im here trying to work getting pelted with peanuts and having to clear shitey nappies and they have swanned off in lockdown to sit on a beach.

How have we got to the point where these cretins think they are famous enough to break lockdown and f**k off to dubai. Also rich enough to spend 2 months ir whatever in Dubai.

I despair for my childrens future with shite like thatt

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See folk like you saying stuff like this, with absolutely no basis to say it, you genuinely are part of the problem. Absolutely buying into the amount of energy Nicola Sturgeon is putting into making sure folk dont have any expectations of her governments performance. 
If this year up until next Spring is a "write off" and theres no point in trying to fight it then I dread to think the state thousands and thousands of people will be in, in terms of health, mental health and life in general will be in. 
If you are happy to write off 2021 in January when we have 2 vaccines in hand, one approved and scheduled for spring delivery and several more seeking approval soon, then I guess that's up to you. But........ f**k me. 
Basis is the history of pandemics and looking at who and what is running the show.
There isn't any way out until vaccinations reach a certain level. Not without mass testing. At 2 million a week it will take months. Asking for the impossible is only going to make you more frustrated.
Especially when you cant fix it or do much to help.
I'm absolutely raging at the government but again what can you do. Vote in who exactly?
The problem started when previous governments ignored advice that this was going to happen.
Just take a break from complaining about something you can't change and accept reality.
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29 minutes ago, renton said:


Basically, you can only sign up to WeChat once you have been vouched for by another user who has been on the platform for a given period and used it within the guidelines. 

So, anyone who flouts rules, whether on social media or in real life can quickly be tracked by WeChat for the government, and not just them - but the people around them and who signed them up for WeChat, and if one person is untrustworthy, well... what does that say about the person who signed them up?

It encourages folk to shop each other to stop them coming under suspicion of various social ills. Just one small part of the larger social score metrics being rolled out across China.

The government can view all your private messages, metadata and contacts in the UK as well. They can also use any microphones in your devices to spy on you. We know this because of Snowden and it's all legal now.

The vast majority of people  in the UK aren't worried about it because they understand that the government has no need to actively rather than passively spy on them. This is in a country with declining living standards and an unpopular government. Which makes me wonder why in China where the government is popular and has overseen the greatest rise in living standards in human history they need to harass all their citizens?

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22 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

It's taken until this week for me to know someone personally that has covid. 4 people in fact. All mixed at Christmas and received their positive test at the weekend.

Yup. In-laws all struck down from Christmas day. 4 adults - though didn't test the 2 kids as not showing symptoms. 

Mrs more angry at me as I had long said they shouldn't have got together at Xmas anyway. Bro in law a key worker and parents in law didn't need to visit.  Whilst no underlying health issues as such, they are a family that doesn't say no when the dessert trolly passes so need to be careful. 

Obviously, I'm walking round the house like a dog with two dicks having been proved correct. 


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