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48 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Had a teams video catch up with my daughter P1 teacher/class earlier. Just the teacher asking them what they been up to etc.

My eye rolling muscles need a rest as I heard one kid after another explaining about all the different wee playdates they have had with their pals.

Also made me feel heart sorry for my daughter who was sitting finding out that she is missing out while her pals dont, but honestly. Wouldnt you tell your kid not to announce your various rule breaches to a a video conference full of folk you dint really know.

One of my children is of similar age and normally my wife does the school run as I earn more and are a greater mortgage asset.   Last time I was down at the school pick up I was ear dropping  two groups of parents.   The first a group of 4 women talking about "My wee Rory's been playing great"  "How's Sophie getting on with her alphabet" "Aww that's sweet - she's such a wee cutie"    Then there was two guys talking "What you got tonight"  "Went BTTS again,mate"  "That's twice Shakhtar Donesk have let me down"   Proud to be a ruddy bloke.  

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3 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I was messaged one of those links that suggests when I will get my jab. I know they are a near enough wild guess but based on nothing but me being in my mid (to late) 30s it suggesting I could get jabbed in the first 3 weeks in April.

That can't be right can it? I thought I'd be about September or something. 

Im early 30s and said my first is March and second in July. Could be utter lies

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42 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

I've got my second one at start of March, hoping for a superpower after it.  Preferably invisibility.

You should settle for something simpler and more achievable, like becoming a decent poster.



Mind you invisibility is more likely.

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6 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

I think you need to have a wee lie down, very angry this evening.

Have a glass and relax, its not good to be so agitated.


Neither angry nor agitated, but I appreciate your concern.

About to have a glass of Argentinian Malbec with some pasta.

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2 hours ago, superbigal said:

Point out on my post my braying denunciation towards Barra.   

I post the Western Isles total and then comment Barra and South Uist now over 1000

Still looking for my not following the rools Barra quote

You really just make up some shitt that suits your agenda.




Now where is the Idiocy ?

No, instead you've spared your hectoring for Glasgow, Lanarkshire etc. for months on end. Why can't they follow the rules!11!!!111!

Usually for an infection one-quarter of that on Barra. Idiocy indeed!

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Not permanent invisibility m9, its not a 1950's B movie here.   We're talking real life where I can become invisible on my very own whim.

Considering it is the same company that makes vaigra, i’m a bit disappointed by the lack of side effects being honest.
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4 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
17 minutes ago, Erih Shtrep said:
Not enough golf on tonight's thread. 




The large angular spunking cock shadow in the bunker of the final shot is a tad disturbing !

The Donald has a lot of time on his hands now. 

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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

He said Scots would have to “learn what the post-covid world looks like"

That sort of rhetoric terrifies me

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50 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

It's fucking class just how many people on these isles are the protagonists of their own reality

Didn't mean to quote you sorry neebs

7 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

That's his choice. Clearly doesn't think there will be a travel ban in the summer and then it's just if folk can be arsed quarantining when they get there or whatever.

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