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He used that quote about not booking a non-refundable holiday weeks ago.

This is just tabloids recycling headlines to get clicks.
It's the local rag to be fair, it might well be ancient.

ETA the Hootsman are running with it now so might be more recent than that.


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18 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

It's exactly the same as everyone on here has being recommending, make sure it's refundable. I've recycled about 5 holidays so far with no issues, and 3 planned for this year.

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It's exactly the same as everyone on here has being recommending, make sure it's refundable. I've recycled about 5 holidays so far with no issues, and 3 planned for this year.
Likewise my most recent cancellation was last week rolled forward to July and if that doesn't happen it will be November.
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The pressure from retail, aviation, travel, hospitality industries to reopen as we approach the spring/summer and easing of lockdowns will be enormous. Far more than the general compliance of March 2020 until now.

The reality is that some sort of balance will be struck in the short term in relation to what can and cannot go ahead with foreign travel just as it will with bars, concerts, going to the football and socialising in people's houses.

I said on here weeks ago that it was ridiculous that a senior govt. advisor was essentially writing 2021 off already and a few people said I was overreacting at even suggesting that but that is exactly what Leitch would like to do. Thankfully as the vaccine progresses and the months wear on, voices like his will no longer become the leading authority on measures we should take and a whole host of experts from other fields will also be taken into consideration as cases fall significantly.

I need to laugh at this quote though:


it'll be slow - very very slow because we've learned now twice we've learned how quickly it is to go up and how slow it is to come down

I mean, it's almost as if we don't have something now that essentially will prevent it going up quickly in future. I don't know if he's noticed.

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34 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

He said Scots would have to “learn what the post-covid world looks like"

That sort of rhetoric terrifies me

The only bit of 'fairness' I'll give him is that the Record never gave the full quote:

He added that it is likely that Scotland would have to “learn what the post-Covid world looks like” and highlighted how the world learned to live with Spanish flu but added that process “would take a little while”.

In other words, once there is enough immunity built up in the human population, we will move on.

This has always been and is an inevitability, it's just a case of how much pain the vaccines will help ease along the way.

And yes, such rhetoric is very bad and shows zero self-awareness for people's mental wellbeing - from supposed health experts. Most simply love the attention and power they currently feel. No doubt.

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8 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
9 minutes ago, Elixir said:
I fucking hate him.
There will be nothing left if these clowns get their way, all in the name of 'public health'.

1800 UK deaths today suggest it's very much a public health crisis we are in the midst of.

Oh, I understand that.  But we are talking 6-8 months plus from now.

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The Spanish Flu that wiped out more people than the entire First World War that shortly preceded it, that the world didn't 'learn to live with' (it fucked off by its own accord) and one that no vaccine or clinical treatment was ever provided against it.

A stunning analogy to use for 2021 then!

Edited by vikingTON
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1 minute ago, virginton said:

The Spanish Flu that wiped out more people than the entire First World War that shortly preceded it, the world didn't 'learn to live with it' (it fucked off by its own accord) and when no vaccine or clinical treatment was ever provided against it.

A stunning analogy to use for 2021 then!

I mean, it's not even difficult to read into what happened during the Spanish Flu. It's nothing like Covid so for him to make a direct comparison to it as if we need to do what was done during that pandemic, is fucking hilarious.

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If I'm honest I always thought it wouldn't be until the middle of next year until people and governments start to move on from this. This year was always going to be about recovery and slowly transitioning back to normal, but I hope there is more progress than eking out this summer with phases and tiers again.

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24 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Leitch is a banger, no doubt, but ultimately the rules for when people from the UK can go on foreign holidays will be set by WM and not the SG.

One thing often overlooked is the destination country has just as much, if not more, say in these things. If the destination country has been slow to vaccinate or is otherwise in a mess, no relaxations this end are going to help. 

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If you really wanted to force their hand you could look at putting restrictions on other things if you haven't been vaccinated (large indoor gatherings etc.).  no idea how you could enforce it though.  Not sure if I agree with it morally either.
International travel would probably be enough to encourage the majority.

There will always be a hard core who will believe their tinfoil hat conspiracy theory no matter what.
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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

See if Spain or wherever are happy to have us, and the vaccination of the vulnerable was complete, il be doing precisely f**k all quarantining.

Il not tell a soul I'm going, and il just go and come back.

Leitch can smoke my wang.

Never heard that phrase before. 😂😂😂

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Don't know about anyone else but international travel is pretty far down my list of priorities for the summer.

I've had summers with no holidays before and I'd happily do the same this year if it meant I could meet my pals in the pub for a pint or go for a haircut without wondering whether it'll be my last for 6 months.

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