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Rather than comparing what we are doing to what England is doing, we should be asking why we cannot be doing what we are doing as well as doing more.
The vaccines are there, so its either a lack of desire, or a lack of planning to ensure an adequate number of vaccinators were in place. Neither is acceptable tbh.
The total bams are those willing to overlook this purely because they like what NS stands for.
It's not just planning nationally but also what's happening at a local health board level.

I know they are meant to be independent but I genuinely believe that there needs to be more direct intervention by the Scottish Government if there are local issues.
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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

What word would you rather I used to describe people so subscribed to an ideology that they refuse to see any shortcomings?

I'd rather you didn't call anyone anything and just judged their argument purely on its merits or otherwise. 

If we are considering what to call people though what would you call someone who has been completely wrong about two absolutely fundamental issues surrounding the pandemic, who refuses to consider any argument other than their own and can't see that there are shades of grey? Simps? 

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5 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's not just planning nationally but also what's happening at a local health board level.

I know they are meant to be independent but I genuinely believe that there needs to be more direct intervention by the Scottish Government if there are local issues.

The SG are accountable for the overall performance of individual health boards, though.

The buck stops with them.

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Fans of the Scottish government seem to resent any criticism of the snp whether its justified or not.

It gets abusive and nasty quite quickly and filled with anti English strawman arguements. 

All the uk response has been a joke from planning for pandemics to the present day. I can't see how anyone can argue that. The vaccine creation is a positive and thats about it. Sturgeon has presented a total failure well and deserves credit for being professional and giving a straight message but she's not been asked any tough questions or challenged really. 

It makes me wonder about the snp and future votes for them tbh. 


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10 minutes ago, John MacLean said:

what would you call someone who has been completely wrong about two absolutely fundamental issues surrounding the pandemic, who refuses to consider any argument other than their own and can't see that there are shades of grey?

Neil Ferguson

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England is going for low hanging fruit and vaccinating easy targets for the numbers while not giving a single f**k about deaths.
Scotland is taking care and vaccinating care homes to save lives.

Only total bams think otherwise.
Rubbish, Scotland has the supplies to hand to do care homes and much more.

The supplies aren't getting delivered quick enough or in large enough quantities. Underperforming and using care homes as an excuse for their poor performance.

Contrast and compare against Northern Ireland as well for further data to confirm the shambles taking place here.
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To an extent yes, but it is worrying that the numbers aren't even seeing a gradual increase over the course of the last week. There does appear to be issues with not enough vaccines getting to GP's to allow them to get on with doing all the over-80's as quickly as possible. Not sure what the problem is, there weren't huge quantities of the Oxford/AZ vaccine last week, but there should have been ample supplies for this week, but the numbers aren't showing that yet. Hopefully next week, otherwise they've no chance of meeting their target for the over-80's. There should be a good number done this weekend at the NHS Louisa Jordan, but need to see as high as possible numbers done via GP's next week.
The actual date given for the first groups was Feb 5th. Mid-Feb for over 70's.
Our local practice have announced they are receiving enough vaccine to jab all it's over 80s on Monday however the plan to only do injections over 2 specific days over the next week. Surgeries are not vaccinating evenly or even daily. Every surgery makes it's own plan.

The local practice was told it have to complete it's over 80s by next weekend. They will do but it will only feed into the daily figures on the 2 days it plans to inoculate on. Daily figures look to be a mistake to me. Weekly would have made far more sense and stopped all this pathetic mewling weeks before target days.
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1 million was not a target but a capacity IF vaccine levels promised by UKGOV were delivered.

Given that they then backtracked from a promised 10 million doses from Pfizer to 2 million (the amount that they contracted by that point) I think its only right that the actual figure to be delivered had to be revised.

If they don't deliver the 560k figure - this is a target and not a capacity - then clearly questions should be asked - not just of the Scottish Government's role but if there are any issues at a UK level.
He gets told this every single day yet him and VT continue to trot it out. He knows, he's at the wind up as per.
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Our local practice have announced they are receiving enough vaccine to jab all it's over 80s on Monday however the plan to only do injections over 2 specific days over the next week. Surgeries are not vaccinating evenly or even daily. Every surgery makes it's own plan.

The local practice was told it have to complete it's over 80s by next weekend. They will do but it will only feed into the daily figures on the 2 days it plans to inoculate on. Daily figures look to be a mistake to me. Weekly would have made far more sense and stopped all this pathetic mewling weeks before target days.
Tynierose might be able to give an answer.

Can GPs be complied to vaccinate more often?

Or are we relying on the goodwill of GPs?
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23 hours ago, pandarilla said:
23 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:
My work has a policy that seems to be we don't care how little/much you do but if you arrive 1 Minute late then you're worse than Hitler.
They also have this crazy approach to people caught going away a few minutes early. As I say they don't actually ask how much you did in the middle part.

^^arrives 15 minutes late and leaves 15 minutes early

Ironically that would have helped.

If you turn up any time between 8 and 8.05 you were likely to be caught by the company lap dog who was waiting in patrol to catch them.

Turn up really late and you were more likely to sneak in unnoticed.

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6 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Tynierose might be able to give an answer.

Can GPs be complied to vaccinate more often?

Or are we relying on the goodwill of GPs?

Our one has to close down for all other business when they do vaccinations, so more than a couple of days a week would mean serious collateral damage.

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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Tynierose might be able to give an answer.

Can GPs be complied to vaccinate more often?

Or are we relying on the goodwill of GPs?

GP’s arent being given clear information as to when they will receive supplies. This means that they can’t arrange vaccination clinics. Ive seen the wife in tears trying to make sense of this and it seems shared amongst the various gp social media groups she is in. They were actively going to vaccinate over weekends but they couldnt be promised the supplies to make it happen and were having to use the town hall so phoning to cancel and get reserves in was going to be impossible, but they’ve now been told they cant use the town hall and now have to find another venue at short notice and rearrange all those appointments as the health board has decided they are using it. Theres absolutely no clarity, email after email from the health board contradicting or over writing the last one even just an hour apart. They’ve not got a fucking clue and ive absolutely no doubt that it has cost lives through this last year. 

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Saying we need to wait to see if they hit their February targets as we fall well below the required run rate is akin to a club needing 40 points for safety, losing their first 13 games of the season, and any criticism of their form being shut down by a bunch of happy clappers since the stated total is still arithmetically possible.

If you're looking at the numbers and thinking "we cannot possibly extrapolate this" then you're not thinking hard enough.

Freeman is an absolute disgrace.

Edited by Marshmallo
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2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Saying we need to wait to see if they hit their February targets as we fall well below the required run rate is akin to a club needing 40 points for safety, losing their first 13 games of the season, and any criticism of their form being shut down by a bunch of happy clappers since the stated total is still arithmetically possible.

If you're looking at the numbers and thinking "we cannot possibly extrapolate this" then you're not thinking hard enough.

Freeman is an absolute disgrace.

Ollie McBurnie likes this. ^^

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26 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Daily figures look to be a mistake to me. Weekly would have made far more sense and stopped all this pathetic mewling weeks before target days.

Would the weekly figure for the past 7 days somehow look any less utterly shit?

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