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3 minutes ago, DMCs said:

289,359 1st doses in England - last Sunday was 198,592

9,683 1st doses in Scotland - last Sunday was 11,364

12,898 1st doses in Wales - last Sunday was 6,322


Absolutely pathetic figures. 

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I see it going like this -

End of Feb - non essential businesses reopening

End of March - Reopening of all, unless furlough becomes industry specific and they end up pushing hospitality to end of April.

No football attendances this season.

What “non essential businesses” are you talking about?

Plenty of “non essential” sectors are currently allowed to open, e.g. construction and manufacturing.

Other non essential sectors such as IT/Finance type stuff can do their work from home and thus there’s absolutely no rush to reopen the offices. This should be the last thing to go.

I can only assume you’re talking about retail?
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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I think we should have a zero notice approach to easing restrictions.  The First Minister comes on the lunchtime news conference and says "Pubs can open .... NOW" and we then witness a mad dash to the doors of the pubs by their landlords and the borderline functioning alcoholics.

I'd like a tombola style approach, preferably with a drunken Rod Stewart, as to which pubs get to open. 

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25 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Anyone with half a brain knows what the snp are doing with all this daily negativity. It does my box in no end and respect for the powers that be are draining.

However most of the Scottish population does not have said half a brain, and if it helps keep the feckers in check and not breaking rules, then I can just about stomach it..

I don't think it is that to be honest.

I just think 'cautiousness' at every turn, and flagging up every negative piece of news there is, but less so with postive stories (SA variant mentioned today, but Novavax and J&J vaccines never has been),  has just become so entrenched in their position that its their default setting now.

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6 minutes ago, DMCs said:

289,359 1st doses in England - last Sunday was 198,592

9,683 1st doses in Scotland - last Sunday was 11,364

12,898 1st doses in Wales - last Sunday was 6,322


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6 minutes ago, DMCs said:

289,359 1st doses in England - last Sunday was 198,592

9,683 1st doses in Scotland - last Sunday was 11,364

12,898 1st doses in Wales - last Sunday was 6,322


Tomorrow’s figures a last chance for me not to lose all respect for our vaccination roll out. At the very least needs to be showing that it will be getting near 40000. 

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

The report of that was a single anecdoate relayed third hand.  The number of people who would need to request a specific vaccine to impact these deliveries would be massive, tens of thousands at a minimum.  I would highly doubt that this is a real phenomenon and would also highly doubt that it is having any impact on vaccine availability or delivery.


No place for logic on this thread, boy.

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2 minutes ago, Donathan said:

What “non essential businesses” are you talking about?

Plenty of “non essential” sectors are currently allowed to open, e.g. construction and manufacturing.

Other non essential sectors such as IT/Finance type stuff can do their work from home and thus there’s absolutely no rush to reopen the offices. This should be the last thing to go.

I can only assume you’re talking about retail?

The barbers better open up at the end of February. Gyms etc. were open in tier 3 areas all the way through until Christmas so should be on the cards for reopening at a reasonably high rate of cases as well. 

Edited by vikingTON
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13 minutes ago, DMCs said:

289,359 1st doses in England - last Sunday was 198,592

9,683 1st doses in Scotland - last Sunday was 11,364

12,898 1st doses in Wales - last Sunday was 6,322


That's just horrendous

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5 minutes ago, virginton said:

The barbers better open up at the end of February. Gyms etc. were open in tier 3 areas all the way through until Christmas so should be on the cards for reopening at a reasonably high rate of cases as well. 

Did they ever publish the "evidence" that these were areas of high transmission?  I always thought it strange that they made such a song and dance about gyms until September yet they stayed open in tier 3.  Not that I'm complaining, in fact I would be pleasantly surprised if a government came out and said they got something wrong first time and were changing it.

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48 minutes ago, madwullie said:

TBF the chat has been pretty grim about this for weeks now - it's largely been written off as fear porn / scaremongering / a tactic to keep us in lockdown longer than required. 

The data so far shows that the sa variant is less responsive to vaccines. Not a huge amount, but enough to require tweaking of the vaccine, which will then have to go through its own trials etc again and isn't an immediate process. 

Obviously it's therefore a concern that further variants may arise that cause greater issues than this, and while the govt has been trying to explain this its been drowned out by people scoffing at hypothetical variants etc. 

In some ways, it's exactly the type adult converstion people have been demanding, but because it's not what they want to hear, it's discounted. 

If it's not an immediate process, how long does it take?

"Tweaking of the vaccine" is said here with negative connotations, but anything I've read so far about this has been overwhelming positive in that it's truly amazing that we're able to track these mutations and alter our treatments as it happens, something that wasn't possible in the past. Of course it's not ideal that the vaccine we already have isn't as effective but we now have much better ways of dealing with this shit. 

People are absolutely right to scoff at fucking idiots like Matt Hancock saying "the variant that scares me is the one that's not been discovered yet". That is not helpful, nor is it part of an informed discussion, it's absolutely "be afraid of the unknown" bullshit. 

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22 minutes ago, mizfit said:

I see it going like this -

End of Feb - non essential businesses reopening

End of March - Reopening of all, unless furlough becomes industry specific and they end up pushing hospitality to end of April.

No football attendances this season.

Furlough was extended until the end of April 2021 in December - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/chancellor-extends-furlough-and-loan-schemes

Should allow for a structured, phased exit out of lockdown.

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6 minutes ago, super_carson said:

Did they ever publish the "evidence" that these were areas of high transmission?  I always thought it strange that they made such a song and dance about gyms until September yet they stayed open in tier 3.  Not that I'm complaining, in fact I would be pleasantly surprised if a government came out and said they got something wrong first time and were changing it.

Any evidence supporting areas of high transmission produced was circumstantial, based around what people did in the 7 days prior to their test.

Unsurprisingly, supermarkets, schools and public transport were missing from these lists as there was no desire to impose operating restrictions on these.

Also unsurprisingly, it turns out a decent chunk of people visit a pub or restaurant once a week. Who knew.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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29 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, madwullie said:
TBF the chat has been pretty grim about this for weeks now - it's largely been written off as fear porn / scaremongering / a tactic to keep us in lockdown longer than required. 
The data so far shows that the sa variant is less responsive to vaccines. Not a huge amount, but enough to require tweaking of the vaccine, which will then have to go through its own trials etc again and isn't an immediate process. 
Obviously it's therefore a concern that further variants may arise that cause greater issues than this, and while the govt has been trying to explain this its been drowned out by people scoffing at hypothetical variants etc. 
In some ways, it's exactly the type adult converstion people have been demanding, but because it's not what they want to hear, it's discounted. 

Got a source for the tweaking of a vaccine for new variants having to then go through trials?

I read / saw it earlier. I'll have a hunt

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Absolutely not an "I told you so" because I am and have been way too angry for that in recent weeks, but I cant believe there was/is anyone thinking Sturgeons language around the vaccination program ever pointed to anything other than the current shite we are seeing. Between pre emptive blaming of supplies, straw man arguments about care homes and a general "we will do our best" attitude, this was always coming.

Still utterly baffling that something of this scale is being talked about like all that matters is we get round to it at some point.

There is no amount of money they could throw at the tangible route out this mess (vaccines) that would come close to being to much, or that would come close to the amount being thrown at scattergun mitigation tactics.

In the last year we have faced a pandemic the likes of which not seen since the Spanish flu..... We have, globally, undergone measures never even contemplated in peacetime, and in response, scientists have created not one but dozens of vaccines, several of which are approved or soon to be in what is possibly one of the great scientific endeavours of our shared history....

Then it gets handed over to Nicola Sturgeon who oversees Scotland doling out less vaccines than fucking Wales, including a day of sub 10,000 when 40,000 is what's required to meet a previously halved target, and we get "aye, it's on my mind that. We'll have a look".

Keep the inquiry till after Indy, then get her launched out a fucking catapult. Scandalous stuff for weeks now.

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26 minutes ago, DMCs said:

289,359 1st doses in England - last Sunday was 198,592

9,683 1st doses in Scotland - last Sunday was 11,364

12,898 1st doses in Wales - last Sunday was 6,322



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