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"JVT saying that the aim is to turn COVID-19 into a manageable community illness like the flu via vaccination is going to cause some discourse."

Probably the best bit of news today in addition to Falkirk disappearing down a hole, some sense from JVT over future management of Covid, good to hear.

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7 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

You absolutely did ignore the answer about "why not make it a true 7 day operation" and moved right on to "well why don't they just increase capacity across the board?".

Capacity to administer vaccines is obviously limited by several factors. Rate of supply of the vaccines, the number of staff available to administer them, the physical capacity of vaccination centres and probably a whole load of other things. You seem to be acting as if "why not just do more" is some kind of radical idea that nobody has ever thought about. Of course all governments across the world are trying to go as fast as they possibly can. But there are going to be limits.

If we added another day onto the week it wouldn't half get the weekly rate up.

Edited by Jacksgranda
Atrocious Sleppnig
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Must be working their way through the groups now, that's my Dad got his appointment at the EICC next Tuedsay.  He's 66 with no health concerns, so that's a good sign (I think) we're are getting a shift on.  
Comparatively (and I know I've said comparisons to other countries are pointless, but this just an anecdote) my other half's mum is 67 with chronic respiratory problems (whole life on steroids)  and her 94 year-old Nana haven't heard anything from the Irish health service about vaccinations yet.  
My mum is 72 - getting hers tomorrow.
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6 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

"JVT saying that the aim is to turn COVID-19 into a manageable community illness like the flu via vaccination is going to cause some discourse."

Probably the best bit of news today in addition to Falkirk disappearing down a hole, some sense from JVT over future management of Covid, good to hear.

Hopefully this means it will finally be possible to make comparisons between COVID-19 and particularly bad flu seasons without having the scientifically illiterate on here and elsewhere getting all upset about it. 

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9 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

"JVT saying that the aim is to turn COVID-19 into a manageable community illness like the flu via vaccination is going to cause some discourse."

Probably the best bit of news today in addition to Falkirk disappearing down a hole, some sense from JVT over future management of Covid, good to hear.

To be fair, Whitty, Vallance and the rest of SAGE have always acknowledged this, as has Hancock. It's only the nutters on 'Independent SAGE' who have a clear grievance, political motivation and/or craving to remain in the public eye who push this, along with a minority of 'public health experts', who aren't virologists, epidemiologists, or vaccinologists.

It's really a fringe view in the scientific community, in the same way folk like Sridhar used to shame backers of the Great Barrington Declaration, which admittedly, is also a fringe view.

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That needs to be addressed.  We need to keep up the level of vaccinations seen during the week.
GPs can't be forced to do it though as has been pointed out elsewhere.

Personally, I don't think it's something to get too upset about - so long as they are vaccinating at the rate they were on weekdays/Saturday.
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People need to have a breather and cannot work 7 days every week. If the Sunday figures are lower than other days but we're hitting 400k plus over the course of a week then I don't think it matters too much if it's split into 7 equal numbers.
Okay - who's hijacked Marshy's account.

He's being far too sensible here!!

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It would be a negative as you would be waiting to vaccinate people rather than doing it earlier in the week for no reason other than optics. You would be exposing people to unnecessary risks by making them wait until the Sunday instead of eg Thursday.
f**k me!!

2 sensible posts in a row.

The boy is on a roll!!
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Hancock calls on over-70s to now contact the NHS to get their jab, rather than wait to be contacted.
"Unless you are resided in Scotland, in which case you should contact Sky News, the Daily Mail or Express so as one of their half witted journalists can bring it up at the following days coronavirus press conference" he said.
I sat and watched that and thought WTF!!
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We'll still need restrictions when 80%+ of the population is vaxxed, though. jose.png&key=36a9cf2880030028fa3707f8ec7045350392a53b9d866f3f23b238b220c17437
The Israelis are doing very well lately, saw this on Twitter earlier too. Treatment may not be available to Palestinians or green brigade members.

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1 hour ago, Gordon EF said:

We should temporarily abolish Sundays until the pandemic is over.

Why?  Even 28,000 is better than nothing.   The last thing we need during this is a change of calendar.   We need to get back closer to normal,  yet you're placing another hurdle in the Covid steeplechase.  

Edited by Erih Shtrep
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2 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

See if there is nae flights by the time I'm double dosed around August I'll be heading down to Kent and booting Farage, Hopkins et all out the way and dragging the refugee boats onto the beach, aiding them to disembark  then rowing that fucker right back across the channel.

@Granny Danger will be fine


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This is an interview with Kate Bingham former head of the UK's vaccine task force, it's quite interesting in her replies to some of the questions put to her . https://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2021/02/07/news/kate_bingham_interview_vaccines_covid_astrazeneca_uk_coronavirus_johnson-286384093/

She says basically that the EU has had the same opportunity to get the vaccines out there  as quickly as the UK, we haven't spent on a blank cheque basis and the use of a spread of vaccines is a good thing.

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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Cant believe folk are justifying the fact Sunday vacination numbers are low by saying "awk it's a Sunday, folk cant work 7 days a week". That would be acceptable if it wasnt for the fact that the drive in test centres are open for 12hrs 7 days a week and even opened christmas/new years day 

Are they open every Christmas?

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