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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, djchapsticks said:

I would argue that there are more people impacted by not being able to work, trade and pay bills than there are about not getting to church on a Sunday.


It's not just church on a Sunday - there is more than one faith in Scotland and their faith is observed in many different ways.

If people are impacted by being unable to work, then this is an issue with the furlough scheme/lack of a UBI.

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Why the fcuk do churches need to open (in priority over any other venue that is) to cater for those that want to pray to their God of choice? You can pray in your living room, pray in the bathroom, join like minded religious pals and pray collectively by Zoom.

I cannot watch St Mirren until they open St Mirren Park. I cannot go to see a band until they open the venue......

A church is a venue. No different from a football stadium, a concert hall, a restaurant, a barber shop, a cinema, a gym.

Opening places of worship IS important, don’t get me wrong, but so is opening the gyms and other places again - as people gain pleasure not just from the praying / exercising / watching men kick a ball, but the social aspect of it being a place you go to with other people. There is no justification for prioritising a church over anywhere else people gather. St Mirren Park and the Barrowlands are far more fcuking important to me than the church down the road.


Edited by pozbaird
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Just now, G51 said:

It's not Leitch's decision, it's the Scottish Governments.

Religion is clearly more important than non-essential businesses. Religion dictates how a lot of people live their lives. Just because those of us who aren't religious do not necessarily appreciate that doesn't make it less important.

He will be advising the Scottish Government though, I assume?

It's probably a debate for another thread (and a much deeper debate that would delve into morals) but I cannot agree on religion being more important overall than 'non-essential' business. How many people are employed by a business currently being impacted by the lockdown? How many people will lose their jobs as a result?

How many people will lose their religion as a result of only being able to watch church services online? And how will that impact their ability to feed their family, pay the bills and keep a roof over their head?

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3 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Its a bit worrying that all the emergency legislation that was passed is going to remain long after this is gone and be used regularly to impinge on people's previous freedoms.   Not just the SG but all of them.

We're already seeing an airbrushing campaign that seems to be trying to convince people tha last summer was normal.  Tell enough people enough times they will eventually believe it.

I'm not overly happy with the direction of travel in this regard.

Was there not a poster on here a year ago suggesting all this stuff, think the sniffleratti were urging for him to be banned, apparently everything he posted was pish. 

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1 minute ago, Burnieman said:

Is it? tell that to the business owners that are facing financial ruin that praying to the sphagetti monster is far more of a priority.  We're a secular society.

No we aren't, we're a multi-faith society with a significant number of secular people living within it.

Having the right to practice your faith freely without obstruction is a significant part of the foundation of a free society. It's important that this resumes as quickly as possible.

If business owners are struggling, then that's an issue with the government's financial supports.

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3 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

They are things you can typically do all year round . Surely it makes more sense to have then sense of normality first for 50 weeks of the year instead of being desperate for a holiday 2 weeks of the year?


Just now, Gordon EF said:

Folk who'd rather sit in the house for 51 weeks and spend 1 week in Lanzarote, rather than 52 weeks being able to do more or less what you liked here should, frankly, have their right to vote stripped.

This is SO 1970's package holiday !!

I honestly don't know anyone who only goes "1 week / 2 weeks in the summer to Lanzarote" etc.

However I do know LOTS of people who travel abroad regularly (some are every 3 or 4 weeks), short breaks to Eastern Europe, Golfing Holidays to Spain / Portugal / Turkey etc, I know lots of the older generation who go long stays for 6 - 8 weeks in the winter to the Algarve / Canaries / Costa Del Sol / Malta / Cyprus etc, so i think you'll see that it runs just a tad deeper that "a week in Benidorm".

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3 minutes ago, G51 said:

It's not Leitch's decision, it's the Scottish Governments.

Religion is clearly more important than non-essential businesses. Religion dictates how a lot of people live their lives. Just because those of us who aren't religious do not necessarily appreciate that doesn't make it less important.

It may well be the SG decision, but he is a civil servant who has significant input into those decisions.  He may well not have applied any pressure, I don't know the man so I have no idea if that would be in his character, but it's not unacceptable for people to question the fact that a (seemingly) deeply religious man in a position of influence could have swayed the decision making process.  

Religion is not more important that non-essential business.  Certainly not at a societal or economic level.  Religion does not pay wages or taxes - they do not pay the bills and they are not a factor of the economy v. public health debate we should now be having.  They can afford to stay closed for slightly longer.

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3 minutes ago, G51 said:

It's not Leitch's decision, it's the Scottish Governments.

Religion is clearly more important than non-essential businesses. Religion dictates how a lot of people live their lives. Just because those of us who aren't religious do not necessarily appreciate that doesn't make it less important.

Leitch advises the government.

No-one is currently stopping anyone following their religion or living their lives according to their religion so why should they be given preference over say gyms which are equally as important to the people that utilise them.

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Just now, G51 said:

No we aren't, we're a multi-faith society with a significant number of secular people living within it.

Having the right to practice your faith freely without obstruction is a significant part of the foundation of a free society. It's important that this resumes as quickly as possible.

If business owners are struggling, then that's an issue with the government's financial supports.

Understand what secular means.  Noboody is stopping religious worship.

People's jobs are far far far more important to society than opening places of worship.

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Good to see that excluding TOO HONEST Belgium, and excluding countries under 1 million population.
Uk has now surged to be world leaders in Covid deaths per million at 1,672.
In effect 1 person out of every 600 in the UK.
How many P&B members are there ?

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:


This is SO 1970's package holiday !!

I honestly don't know anyone who only goes "1 week / 2 weeks in the summer to Lanzarote" etc.

However I do know LOTS of people who travel abroad regularly (some are every 3 or 4 weeks), short breaks to Eastern Europe, Golfing Holidays to Spain / Portugal / Turkey etc, I know lots of the older generation who go long stays for 6 - 8 weeks in the winter to the Algarve / Canaries / Costa Del Sol / Malta / Cyprus etc, so i think you'll see that it runs just a tad deeper that "a week in Benidorm".

Well aye, of course it does. The point still stands though, if it's a binary choice between getting back to almost normal within the UK and no foreign holidays or foreign holidays but things still severely restricted here, anyone who'd choose the restrictions and holidays are either mental or extraordinarily selfish.

If you're retired and can afford trips all over the place, that'd be great. It's a bit "well f**k everyone else" though, isn't it?

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1 minute ago, superbigal said:

Good to see that excluding TOO HONEST Belgium, and excluding countries under 1 million population.

Uk has now surged to be world leaders in Covid deaths per 100 million at 1,672.

In effect 1 person out of every 600 in the UK.

How many P&B members are there ?

Per 100 thousand surely?!

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Just now, Gordon EF said:

Well aye, of course it does. The point still stands though, if it's a binary choice between getting back to almost normal within the UK and no foreign holidays or foreign holidays but things still severely restricted here, anyone who'd choose the restrictions and holidays are either mental or extraordinarily selfish.

If you're retired and can afford trips all over the place, that'd be great. It's a bit "well f**k everyone else" though, isn't it?

I mean, it appears just now that we aren't even being given that binary choice...

No holidays and severe restrictions seems to be the party line at this particular time.

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2 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Good to see that excluding TOO HONEST Belgium, and excluding countries under 1 million population.

Uk has now surged to be world leaders in Covid deaths per 100 million at 1,672.

In effect 1 person out of every 600 in the UK.

How many P&B members are there ?

599 once PerthshireBell's aliases are excluded. We should be fine.

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2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

That was you was it no

No but he appears to have got more correct than the welter brains on here that rubbished everything he posted, he'll certainly not be surprised that we'll be living with restrictions of some sort for the next year or so. 

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Just now, djchapsticks said:

I mean, it appears just now that we aren't even being given that binary choice...

No holidays and severe restrictions seems to be the party line at this particular time.

I know but just talking about that hypothetical choice.

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3 minutes ago, WATTOO said:


This is SO 1970's package holiday !!

I honestly don't know anyone who only goes "1 week / 2 weeks in the summer to Lanzarote" etc.

However I do know LOTS of people who travel abroad regularly (some are every 3 or 4 weeks), short breaks to Eastern Europe, Golfing Holidays to Spain / Portugal / Turkey etc, I know lots of the older generation who go long stays for 6 - 8 weeks in the winter to the Algarve / Canaries / Costa Del Sol / Malta / Cyprus etc, so i think you'll see that it runs just a tad deeper that "a week in Benidorm".

So does the fact that some people can afford multiple holidays a year (probably less than 10% of the general population) mean they should be able to go where and when they want? 

Some retirees who want to spend the winter in the sun for months on end probably have a very comfortable life at home anyway through lockdown so cry me a river. The general point still stands. 

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1 minute ago, G51 said:

Having the right to practice your faith freely without obstruction is a significant part of the foundation of a free society. It's important that this resumes as quickly as possible.

If business owners are struggling, then that's an issue with the government's financial supports.

No one is stopping anyone practicing faith freely, there has been no ban on religion or religious festivals either.   In fact, many religions have adapted well, providing online services and hopefully, when the weather improves, outdoor services.  

You mentioned a free society.  Is it right, fair, or free, that business are forced into closures as a result of government legislation?  We aren't living in a free society right now, and places of worship need to wait their turn.  They won't help the economy bounce back which is, at this moment in time, far more important than communal prayers or services. 


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