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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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42 minutes ago, Left Back said:

To coin a phrase, both clownshoes and sunshine girl have had recent instances of backtracking furiously.

Hopefully this is the start of them both being hounded by media and opposition while the SG start pushing them away.

I still think they're in the SG ear. Read an article about an hour ago and Devi was saying the vaccine passport is the route the SG want to go down. Quite an odd cat she seems (and the bible basher)

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4 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

It's the gall to claim that folk are missing the daily city centre grind and getting out for a haircut or coffee at their breaks.

I mean, I'm sure most folk would forego a fucking Starbucks if it meant having to avoid catching 3 or 4 subway trains to and from work in a mad 90 minute each way dash across the city every day at a personal cost of thousands of quid a year.

I'm lucky in that my own office is a 15 minute drive from my house but I certainly don't want to be going back to it any more than 2 days a week, simply because I don't need to. I can work with 100% efficiency from my own home and really only should be needed in future for meeting purposes (which I don't have many of).

These people don't actually live in the real world. The benefits of WFH outweigh the office 10 fold.

My missus feels this way - Her job is a full time office based role and being at home suits her perfectly as she’s got an office desk, computer etc all set up in the spare room whilst it allows her to be around for our daughter re school and getting stuff done around the house.

I’m in the opposite boat - Personally can’t wait until we’re allowed back out on site and into offices on “office days” as I simply don’t have enough space or rather don’t have a proper work space at home. I’ve ended up physically sore (neck/backache and a trapped nerve) from prolonged working from home sat at the dining table. The big wigs at work DGAF mind you. I also find it mentally and strangely also physically draining spending entire days working from a laptop/monitor. Is “Teams-fatigue” a thing? Training folk remotely has proved extremely difficult too.

In years to come I think 2020-21 will less likely be remembered for the coronavirus but more so as the year of “You’re on mute!” 

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I remember posting about the death rate in Scotland last summer earlier in this thread.  To be fair to Jason Leitch, he did qualify what he said, going by the quote in the Sun, as referring to deaths 28 days after a test.

The Scottish Government, for all the hinting and drip, drip, drips from advisers and boosters in the media, have never had an elimination strategy.  They've never published one and have followed the same strategy as the UK Government, complete with the failings and successes we've seen from them.

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I remember posting about the death rate in Scotland last summer earlier in this thread.  To be fair to Jason Leitch, he did qualify what he said, going by the quote in the Sun, as referring to deaths 28 days after a test.

The Scottish Government, for all the hinting and drip, drip, drips from advisers and boosters in the media, have never had an elimination strategy.  They've never published one and have followed the same strategy as the UK Government, complete with the failings and successes we've seen from them.

The article clears this up, though. Even going by that there was 1.

Nicola Sturgeon herself has said that they want to eliminate covid, as recently as an article published last Monday.

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1 minute ago, 8MileBU said:

My missus feels this way - Her job is a full time office based role and being at home suits her perfectly as she’s got an office desk, computer etc all set up in the spare room whilst it allows her to be around for our daughter re school and getting stuff done around the house.

I’m in the opposite boat - Personally can’t wait until we’re allowed back out on site and into offices on “office days” as I simply don’t have enough space or rather don’t have a proper work space at home. I’ve ended up physically sore (neck/backache and a trapped nerve) from prolonged working from home sat at the dining table. The big wigs at work DGAF mind you. I also find it mentally and strangely also physically draining spending entire days working from a laptop/monitor. Is “Teams-fatigue” a thing? Training folk remotely has proved extremely difficult too.

In years to come I think 2020-21 will less likely be remembered for the coronavirus but more so as the year of “You’re on mute!” 

Is it that you don’t have enough space at home for a proper desk/chair or you just din’t have the desk chair?  They’re still responsible for your working environment at home if they’ve asked you to WFH.

my company gave us allowances to buy stuff and my wife’s shipped monitors/chairs etc. out to her from the office.  Haven’t spoken to anyone whose company hasn’t done something to fix wfh environments once they all realised this wasn’t a 3 week lockdown.

preferred my company’s approach tbh.  As I was well set up office wise already I spent all my allowance money on a 49” widescreen monitor for gaming.  Better than spending it on anything work related.

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I've started a new job recently and can concur with this.  
Oh, absolutely. I took over as the H&S adviser at our nick three weeks before lockdown one. My boss is clinically (and actually) extremely vulnerable, so hasn't been in the office since, leaving all the on-site stuff to yours truly. The job from this side is plagued with reports and other paperwork which, although I'm familiar with the end result, I'm not always au fait with where to chase the information up from, or who to disseminate the finished article to. Oh, yes - there's apparently some pandemic malarkey going on, with new and often contradictory advice coming down from on high on a daily basis. It's not been boring!

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July 31st 2020


"I want to be clear that in Scotland, our decisions continue to be informed by our clear strategic objective, which is to seek to eliminate COVID"

Another example here of the SG never having an elimination strategy, this time from slightly earlier, on 24th June 2020

"To avoid that, we must get as close as possible to elimination of the virus now and build confidence in our ability to control it in future through surveillance, testing, contact tracing and, where necessary, targeted suppresion measures"

Unwaveringly supporting a party like a football team because you like what they stand for is one thing, but when that support stretches to denying things that they have said and done then it's no wonder they are under zero pressure whatsoever.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Musson is a helmet and he's been trying to spin just about everything Leitch has said into some sort of gotcha clickbait shite since about May last year.

An absolute disingenuous hack of the highest order and that twitter thread is exactly why, a long moany rant because he misspoke one answer and was mistaken by one death which has come to light 3 days after the event after he has had time to sift through all of the data or had someone with an axe to grind flag it.

There are plenty of legitimate things to criticise Leitch for, that's not one of them.

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2 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

There are plenty of legitimate things to criticise Leitch for, that's not one of them.

Why is misrepresenting facts to support the SG narrative not a legitimate reason to criticise him?

He's meant to be impartial.

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Why is misrepresenting facts to support the SG narrative not a legitimate reason to criticise him?
He's meant to be impartial.
Because I genuinely don't believe he knows every single death of the pandemic, when this happened, when it was registered and where it occurred. He was responding to questions and said, as is my understanding, correctly that there was no daily deaths reported during that period at the briefings ie not NRS weekly data.

The gotcha moment seems to be him missing out one that occurred in that period but was registered at a later date, I don't see that as him spinning I see that as understandable.
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38 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Honestly, this virus is bringing out both the best and worst of humanity, this most definitely the worst 😡

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27 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Because I genuinely don't believe he knows every single death of the pandemic, when this happened, when it was registered and where it occurred. He was responding to questions and said, as is my understanding, correctly that there was no daily deaths reported during that period at the briefings ie not NRS weekly data.

The gotcha moment seems to be him missing out one that occurred in that period but was registered at a later date, I don't see that as him spinning I see that as understandable.

Not every one, but he absolutely should know the longest period without any. He is, after all, the National Clinical Director.

Using the lower number to claim there were no deaths is already disingenuous IMO, but if you are going to quote it to make a point then make sure it's accurate.

"We were so close to eliminating Covid we had only 24 deaths in a month where Covid was thought to have been a factor" doesn't have quite the same punch to it when trying to show how close we were to elimination.

Without that they can't blame travel for "re-seeding" the virus and maintain support for extended travel restrictions in 2021 as they chase the #ZeroCovid unicorn. And, oh look, he went on to do just that.

His impartiality has been shot to pieces.


Edited by Todd_is_God
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