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Posted at 18:27

People 'may not need vaccine each year'


Radio 4 PM

PA MediaCopyright: PA Media

Oxford vaccine lead researcher Prof Sarah Gilbert says that current coronavirus vaccines might need "tweaking" to deal with variants.

She told BBC Radio 4's PM programme: "A lot of the changes in the different variants coming from different parts of the world are actually the same. So, we are not seeing the virus mutating away in lots of different directions, which would make it harder to keep up with.”

Prof Gilbert also stressed it was important to make sure the whole world was protected so that the virus could be suppressed.

"It's no good just to protect our country and have lots of infections going on in other parts of the world," she said, adding this could lead to new mutations.

"We need to make sure that when vaccines are being manufactured, they meet the same standards," she added.

On the subject of whether everyone would have to be vaccinated every year, she said she didn't think this would be necessary.

Instead, it might be that those at highest risk - like elderly people - are vaccinated each year.

Prof Gilbert was speaking after receiving the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) Albert Medal. She said it was a "great honour".

Previous winners include Winston Churchill, Marie Curie, Alexander Graham Bell, Stephen Hawking and Tim Berners-Lee.

Another leader in the field not shitting the bed about vArIaNtz.

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2 hours ago, renton said:

Normally, maybe. However if you know that protection doesn't kick in for 10-12 days after vaccination could you describe increased social contact 'immediately' as rational?

Hence the dramatic surge in deaths since people got their first jab which yeah hasn't actually happened. The idea that 'protection' is something that magically arrives one day is nonsense: the sore arm itself is an immune response; it simply becomes stronger and more categorically 'protective' over time. 

Still, no point getting worked up about it now, as the surge of good news confirms that we're not too far away from flushing the heads of these stay at home losers down the lavvy, and not hearing their pish again until they're hauled in front of an public inquiry to account for their gormless advice and utter shite models. 


Edited by vikingTON
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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

If the domestic vaccine passport comes in that is a big restriction. 

It’s not a current restriction so it can’t be lifted as it’s not in place. 

Put your tinfoil hat back on. 

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1 minute ago, Tynierose said:

Here are my reasons

The weather at home is fucking shite.

The cost of holidays at home are a rip off.

I like going abroad.

Take Off Plane GIF by Safran

Jeezo private jet, just how much ARE you being paid........

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9 minutes ago, Rugster said:

It’s not a current restriction so it can’t be lifted as it’s not in place. 

Put your tinfoil hat back on. 

It's hardly tinfoil hat stuff.

Sturgeon, Devi, Leitch, Boris, Raab, Gove have all talked about it as being inevitable.

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22 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Imagine if someone had told us last January that this would have become the accepted "normal" ??

I wonder what the reaction would have been ???

Let's just hope that a year from now at most, it goes back to being as insane as it is currently...

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12 hours ago, Bula Bairn said:

Scottish Government weren't allowed to waive the tax on the Scottish bonus, that was England's decision. 

Any employer can make a payment to an employee net of tax.  If the Scottish Government had wanted the recipients to get £500 in their hand then they could have done this without needing anything from Westminster.

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30 minutes ago, strichener said:

Any employer can make a payment to an employee net of tax.  If the Scottish Government had wanted the recipients to get £500 in their hand then they could have done this without needing anything from Westminster.

"Big bad TOARRRRIES" is cheaper, though

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