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12 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The worst is that I don't think the likes of Macron and Von der Leyen realise the damage that they have done here. You can't blame them for being upset at the delays which are AZ's responsibility, but to then deflect the blame by trashing the vaccine was never going to end well. They have caused a huge problem from which they may never recover. 

I don't have much time for politicians as most of them are opportunists and will say anything, but this isn't about whether their idea works over their opponent's - it's a question of scientific fact. People are entitled to take this at face value in the absence of the usual spin. As a result, these words have been highly damaging - to bring people back round they essentially have to say that they were wrong, which they won't do. It's also harder to persuade people of something when you change your own view and have already told them something else. 

It should have been abundantly clear from the likes of Trump that words matter, but they seem to have overlooked this and thought it wouldn't happen to them. It's arrogance. 

They've killed a 2nd vote stone dead, wouldn't even be close if a 2nd referendum were to be called.

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456 cases (4.7 percent), 447 in hospital (-14) and 40 in ICU (-).

Always concerning to see the percentage positive rise, however that's pretty standard for a Monday's figures. Was 5% last week, 4.5% the week before and 6.6% the week before that. Good to see hospital numbers continuing to drop, and I suspect they'll drop a wee bit more dramatically too if the usual trends are continuing. 

400k vaccinations should be done this week. Smashing news. 

Edited by Jan Vojáček
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So the 5th April is the next key date for things to open, according to NS just now. Followed by next landmark date at “end of April”.

I am guessing it’ll be barbers and garden centres open in just over 2 weeks with pubs open outdoors at end of April. Maybe we’ll be allowed to enter some shops and takeaway places already open, rather than be served outside via a plastic hatch at the front door in early April too?

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3 minutes ago, mizfit said:

It’s where we are at the end of May I would say.

I don’t expect any large crowd gatherings until the other side of Summer.

But they are going to shit their pants again come the next respiratory virus season. If things don't open up fully by the end of summer, I can't see the leap of faith happening in autumn, which then means you're looking at once we get out of winter or spring next year, as truly tragic and depressing as that seems.

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33 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

They'll be gutted about that

They just be quite happy to retain their respective power, they'll be no different from politicians the world over. 

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14 hours ago, Left Back said:

Sorry to labour this point but I have another experience to share.

 My friends and I have a twice weekly video call.  We chat about all the nonsense we would have done down the pub in normal times.

3 weeks ago yesterday one of the lads ducked out after a few minutes of the call.  He was feeling a bit rough.  2 days later he had a heart attack.  We got a laptop to him in the hospital and he started joining the calls again about a week later. Seemed to be getting better.  He then had another heart attack.  He was told yesterday he was riddled with cancer and had days to live.  He told us last night.  He died this afternoon. He was in his fifties.

i’m not passing up the opportunity to see any of my family and friends again.  A huge percentage of the vulnerable have protection.  I haven’t been vaccinated but I’ll take my chances.  Life is too short to do otherwise.

Sorry to hear about your loss and thats tragic for all of you. 

it sounds like you were all as supportive of each other all through this and your mate will have appreciated that.

I think most people now will agree with the last line especially now groups 1-9 are almost done.

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20 minutes ago, deegee said:

So the 5th April is the next key date for things to open, according to NS just now. Followed by next landmark date at “end of April”.

I am guessing it’ll be barbers and garden centres open in just over 2 weeks with pubs open outdoors at end of April. Maybe we’ll be allowed to enter some shops and takeaway places already open, rather than be served outside via a plastic hatch at the front door in early April too?

Current timescales are stay at home order lifted 5 April and Levels on 26 April.

What exists in the no man's land between allowed to leave the house and being placed in a level is anyone's guess 

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49 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Anyone know what the hospital admissions are like at the moment? Seems to be a smaller decrease in totals each day than previously was happening.

  • In the week ending 10 March, 238 patients with confirmed COVID-19 were admitted to hospital (7 day average 34).
  • In the week ending 13 March, 37 patients with confirmed COVID-19 were admitted to intensive care
  • On 5th February the 7 day average for hospital admissions was 112. On 5th March it was 48.
  • On 5th February the 7 day average for ICU admissions was 10. On 5th March it was 4.

Above stats from Scot Gov figures and Travelling Tabby site.

Edited by Distant Doonhamer
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15 minutes ago, Elixir said:

But they are going to shit their pants again come the next respiratory virus season. If things don't open up fully by the end of summer, I can't see the leap of faith happening in autumn, which then means you're looking at once we get out of winter or spring next year, as truly tragic and depressing as that seems.

This is exactly what's going to happen by the way.

Going to slap down another triskaidekaphobia on this post as a bookmark for us to laugh and/or cry at in October.

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14 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

Many, many people have lost loved ones and not just through covid. There's a huge amount of people in this country who will carry the burden of guilt through their lives that their last conversation with people they loved and cared for was via zoom or over text message after not seeing them for a year. A nation of folk who can't properly mourn for family and friends because that chance to see them wasn't only stolen away but the ability to pay respects, go to funerals, meet up at wakes to talk about the person with other folk they loved was also denied. It's all part of a healing and grieving process and the removal of that is absolutely dreadful.

One thing that sticks in my mind from an early online funeral 11 months ago was the feeling that in a few months time we would all gather together and have a proper send off for my uncle . Time just keeps going and going and now this week his wife will be cremated , again online only and limited to direct family etc with the same promise of a get together in the future. 

I hope for the healing and grieving all these get togethers can happen soon and the people can be remembered in the way they should be.

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4 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

What exists in the no man's land between allowed to leave the house and being placed in a level is anyone's guess 

Complete and total Mad Max style anarchy.

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Current timescales are stay at home order lifted 5 April and Levels on 26 April.
What exists in the no man's land between allowed to leave the house and being placed in a level is anyone's guess 
So stay at home stays in place for Easter? I'm going to assume many people will largely ignore that.
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CMO for Scotland coming away with a lot of optimism and hopeful language here at NS's briefing regarding the country being in a better place very soon indeed.

The content of what he is saying is the sort of messaging that many have wanted to come from the SG for a long, long time. 

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