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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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17 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

I've never done it.  I didn't think barbers did that.  Just hairdresser/salon type places.

10 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

My barber only brought in a booking system after lockdown 1. Helps them with track & trace and to control the number of folk in at one time.

Same here, only they realised people quite liked it since all the available times are in green on their booking site so you know when to go and it won't be busy, so they decided to keep it. I like it as well, good just turning up and being served straight away.

15 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

That's quite incredible 

And quite simply going to be ignored even if it were true.


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It's incredible they don't appear to have changed their "living with covid" strategy since last October, despite their not only being a vaccine available, but expected to be in the arms of every adult by the end of July.
What we have proposed at the moment doesn't look too much better than last summer. It only seems really good because of how shite the last 5 months have been.
It's a decent start to move away from the ultra negative tone, but ultimately this still falls way short of exiting covid restrictions and putting the pandemic behind us.

What’s not incredible is you taking, as you call it “a decent start” and imbuing it with negativity.

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8 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

The two hour limit will just be useless in pubs.

I know for a fact that wont work in my local, not a chance.  "Can you leave please your time is up........"  aye right.

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4 minutes ago, David W said:

I don't understand the difference between the stay at home, and the stay local message? Still seems to be no use if you don't stay in the same LA as your friends/family? 26th April for that to be lifted seems daft.

I'd also like the evidence for a game of fives being held off another two months. Though being back at the gym for a few weeks beforehand might be a good thing.

Overall positive though. 


You're allowed to go out within your local area, for as long as you want, rather than it having to be for a series of essential reasons as it is now. Most people are likely already doing this, but as with many other restrictions, some people are following it to the letter and therefore basically remaining housebound.

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You're allowed to go out within your local area, for as long as you want, rather than it having to be for a series of essential reasons as it is now. Most people are likely already doing this, but as with many other restrictions, some people are following it to the letter and therefore basically remaining housebound.

I think that throughout this, people have been largely behaving one step ahead of the rules. Provided that’s not taking the piss too much, I think that’s fine.
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When dealing with the "hospitality sector", do the gov think all bars and pubs are some trendy brewdog Edinburgh new town gaff with an online booking system?

Try coming to any local with working class punters and telling them to leave after they've been there 2 hours and have had 5 pints. No fucking chance 

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6 minutes ago, buchan30 said:

See when she says indoor, group exercise. I (maybe rather hopefully) took that as 5 a sides.

I think that means indoor classes in gyms, like spin class or body pump or those things.

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10 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

I know for a fact that wont work in my local, not a chance.  "Can you leave please your time is up........"  aye right.

And I can't see any pub throwing someone out when they don't have anyone waiting to take their place.

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18 minutes ago, David W said:

I don't understand the difference between the stay at home, and the stay local message? Still seems to be no use if you don't stay in the same LA as your friends/family? 26th April for that to be lifted seems daft.

I'd also like the evidence for a game of fives being held off another two months. Though being back at the gym for a few weeks beforehand might be a good thing.

Overall positive though. 

Play outdoors....  yassss

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