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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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21 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Why were the brown people not kept out sooner!


Someone from Good Morning Britain was shouting at a government minister the other day about people pouring into the country "with a virus in their blood" and "infecting people in our nation" which is a nice and fash way to go all 28 Days Later about things.

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7 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Someone from Good Morning Britain was shouting at a government minister the other day about people pouring into the country "with a virus in their blood" and "infecting people in our nation" which is a nice and fash way to go all 28 Days Later about things.

Glad to hear Gillian Duffy is alive and well. 

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17 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Someone from Good Morning Britain was shouting at a government minister the other day about people pouring into the country "with a virus in their blood" and "infecting people in our nation" which is a nice and fash way to go all 28 Days Later about things.

Once the pandemic is over, those who used to claim to champion migrant rights and freedom of movement, but instead turned to the same scapegoat that is always used in a crisis, should not be allowed to pretend like this didn't happen and be able to go back to pretending like they care. It won't be forgotten. Some of the rhetoric that has been 'normalised' because 'public health' is vile and a tactic Enoch Powell and Nick Griffin could only have dreamed would occur.

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43 minutes ago, PWL said:

That's my seat confirmed for Dumbarton v Edinburgh City on Thurs. 

Season ticket holders getting priority but taking names for a public sale too. 


Enjoy mate 👍

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Well, when I went to bed this morning I didnt expect to wake up to anything positive in the media, but I certainly didnt expect to wake up to read about utter freaks wanting to bring back lockdowns because of a few cases. Pretty strong confirmation that there is at least a significant minority in this country who actively do not want normality.

The likes of Whitty should be getting wheeled out to crush this damaging pish. Unless of course its govt approved, scare vaccine compliance higher tactics.

The last few days is pretty much this...

Freaks; "The indian VaRiAnT is here and it evades vaccines!!!!!! LOCKDOWN HARD!"

Scientists; "actually, it does no such thing"

Freaks; "ehhhhh....... LOCKDOWN NOW!!!!!"

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6 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The likes of Whitty should be getting wheeled out to crush this damaging pish. Unless of course its govt approved, scare vaccine compliance higher tactics.

I told you on Friday this is being driven by the Government Nudge Unit. 

The Germans aren't messing about. No vaccine, negative test or certificate of recovery and you are under curfew. Crazy but the UK media are giving it a Gillet Juene style wide berth. 



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So the Indian Variant is on the rise. Areas being kept in Level 4 (should read Level 3)and no sign of the FM doing a daily briefing.   She was on as often as she could prior to the election but hey it looks like job done, re-elected and get on with the day job prioritising indy.

Time we were updated with what exactly is and is going to be happening.  She has already ruined the entertainment and travel industries in the country and is doing her best to finish football off. What next?

Edited by Elric
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So the Indian Variant is on the rise. Areas being kept in Level 4 and no sign of the FM doing a daily briefing.   She was on as often as she could prior to the election but hey it looks like job done, re-elected and get on with the day job prioritising indy.
Time we were updated with what exactly is and is going to be happening.  She has already ruined the entertainment and travel industries in the country and is doing her best to finish football off. What next?
Which areas are being kept in level 4? Please show your working
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4 minutes ago, Elric said:

So the Indian Variant is on the rise. Areas being kept in Level 4 and no sign of the FM doing a daily briefing.   She was on as often as she could prior to the election but hey it looks like job done, re-elected and get on with the day job prioritising indy.

Time we were updated with what exactly is and is going to be happening.  She has already ruined the entertainment and travel industries in the country and is doing her best to finish football off. What next?

This post will look pretty old in around 8 minutes time.

Perhaps you would like a public Inquiry with the usual 8 hour grilling as the briefing today is at 2pm and not at 12.15pm as you expected?  

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8 minutes ago, Elric said:

So the Indian Variant is on the rise. Areas being kept in Level 4 and no sign of the FM doing a daily briefing.   She was on as often as she could prior to the election but hey it looks like job done, re-elected and get on with the day job prioritising indy.

As soon as the rates started dropping to the numbers a few weeks ago there was no real need for a briefing every day. Even if the election hadn't happened i think they would have stopped for the weekly update in the Scot Gov. If the cases start to rise again to any significant number and there is a need for tiers to be moved up and down (or heaven forbid another national lockdown!!) then i've no doubt daily updates would be back.

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268 new cases of COVID-19 reported

17,515 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results

1.7% of these were positive

0 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive

4 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (3 yesterday)

70 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (68 yesterday)

3,045,152 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 1,669,469 have received their second dose

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6 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
6 hours ago, mizfit said:
Telegraph is running with a story that the UK Gov is drawing up plans for a full lockdown with businesses being given £18k each.

1) I take it there is a magic money tree

2) why?

3) get fucked

I get having a worst case scenario plan but they literally just acknowledged vaccines worked. This can’t happen again.

The dreaded "circuit breaker" was brought back up by "experts" on Newsnight last night. Seems some sort of short sharp shock is at least being considered again.

These "experts" should experience being a circuit breaker in a fucking substation. That might buck their ideas up a bit. 

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1 hour ago, PWL said:

That's my seat confirmed for Dumbarton v Edinburgh City on Thurs. 

Season ticket holders getting priority but taking names for a public sale too. 


I would have applied out of curiosity but as City shat the bed last night I won't bother. Enjoy. 

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I was pleasantly surprised this morning watching TV. There was a public health expert on and I was expecting the mantra again (cases, variants, keep us in lockdown). Instead he was pretty robust and was arguing against "catastrophising" every variant. He said there was too much hysteria based on little knowledge, and the "50% more transmissable" thing being bandied about is based on one tiny subset of data rather than all the data. That, and the vaccines work so go get a jag. 

Pleasing to hear, just sad I didn't catch his name.  

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The Scottish Sun and The Times saying Pubs may be closed in the coming days in Scotland due to the Indian Variant. 

Also East Renfrewshire and MIdlothian may be moved back a level due to spike in cases in both areas. 

Why are Pubs being specifically targeted here? 


Edited by Lyle Lanley
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The Scottish Sun and The Times saying Pubs may be closed in the coming days in Scotland due to the Indian Variant. 
Also East Renfrewshire and MIdlothian may be moved back a level due to spike in cases in both areas. 
Why are Pubs being specifically targeted here? 
The real issue here is taking the Scottish Sun as fact based on....what exactly
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