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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:

That fat w**k Blackford coming out with the usual nauseating drivel. The SNP continuing to play up border closures, who ever thought you would see the day.


That was in response to the question about whether the 4 week delay was justified.  As usual he trotted out rubbish that was completely irrelevant to the question at hand.

Harper brought out the sane view about it being a balance.  He did miss a trick by not pointing out that these restrictions are causing other deaths than covid but Blackford was entirely predictable.

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7 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Every sane person is desperate for the economy to be opened.

Looks like there's more sane people round your way than you thought, auld fella. 

A 25% swing?

To the Lib Dems?

That's gotta hurt. 

Time to update your location, mibbes?

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Away to Edinburgh for the football today. Table booked at the three sisters for the game. First train journey in over a year so hopefully scotrail don’t bother with alcohol.

Sorry Jase, but we’ve all had at least one dose so well be having fun.

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I see the majority of EU countries anticipate accelerating passed the UK in vaccine coverage by August due to another "anticipated supply dip" here (they did touch on it on QT last nightbut neither panel nor audience picked up on the Tory MP dropping it in). Netherlands for example say they hope to finish 2nd doses by end August. Up to 1.7m jags a week there. That's why inter EU travel is starting way before it will in the UK.

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I see the majority of EU countries anticipate accelerating passed the UK in vaccine coverage by August due to another "anticipated supply dip" here (they did touch on it on QT last nightbut neither panel nor audience picked up on the Tory MP dropping it in). Netherlands for example say they hope to finish 2nd doses by end August. Up to 1.7m jags a week there. That's why inter EU travel is starting way before it will in the UK.
When all the anti EU crowing was going on, only an idiot would have thought they werent going to get their act together and take off.

Also only an idiot would think that the supply, which has seemingly never returned to our peak early days, wasnt because a deal was struck.

That whole vaccine wars thing was a pure minter but ut was obvious at the time that plucky Great Britain we won the war wrent going to be allowed to race away whilst a massive block of countries sat with its cock in its hand.
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Unrelated to Covid, but a reminder that many 'public health experts' are utterly unhinged fucking weirdos, whose views can subsequently be blowtorched into ash.


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36 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I see the majority of EU countries anticipate accelerating passed the UK in vaccine coverage by August due to another "anticipated supply dip" here (they did touch on it on QT last nightbut neither panel nor audience picked up on the Tory MP dropping it in). Netherlands for example say they hope to finish 2nd doses by end August. Up to 1.7m jags a week there. That's why inter EU travel is starting way before it will in the UK.

Except even if they 'catch up' by the end of August, the difference will be negligible as the UK enjoys among the highest rates of vaccine 'acceptance' anywhere in the world.

Luckily for us (sarcastic tone), Grant Shapps has said the reason for travel restrictions is because we're waiting on other places catching up with us!

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36 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

 That's why inter EU travel is starting way before it will in the UK.

^^^ idiot found

The biggest barrier to travel between the UK and the EU right now is, erm, the UK Government. It has got absolutely nothing to do with vaccine coverage but rather the UK digging a Plague Island hole for itself with its VaRiaNts!!!111!!! drivel and throwing its toys out the pram when the EU didn't slap it on its blanket, safe travel list as a result.


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Unrelated to Covid, but a reminder that many 'public health experts' are utterly unhinged fucking weirdos, whose views can subsequently be blowtorched into ash.
Alarming number of people in positions of power/influence seeking to use a pandemic to grind all manner of axes.
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I see we have an exciting 12.15 briefing today. I imagine, as part of the 'adult conversation', this will be warning us all to be on our best behaviour tonight. 

#Scenes when she decides to shut the fan-zone.

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23 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:


I see we have an exciting 12.15 briefing today. I imagine, as part of the 'adult conversation', this will be warning us all to be on our best behaviour tonight. 

#Scenes when she decides to shut the fan-zone.

Announcing emergency legislation to render O'Donnell ineligible for Scotland IMO.

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13 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Think one of the key differences is the Tartan Army (not the biggest fan but hey) aren’t down singing songs about being up to their knees in the blood of a people and rioting, fighting amongst themselves or being filmed singing songs about how they’d rather be pakistani than catholic? 
In other words I think its because for all there is a cringey element, they arent a shower of thugs?


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I see we have an exciting 12.15 briefing today. I imagine, as part of the 'adult conversation', this will be warning us all to be on our best behaviour tonight. 
#Scenes when she decides to shut the fan-zone.
Russia have just announced they are closing theirs and imposing tighter restrictions on crowds numbers due to rising cases.
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^^^ idiot found
The biggest barrier to travel between the UK and the EU right now is, erm, the UK Government. It has got absolutely nothing to do with vaccine coverage but rather the UK digging a Plague Island hole for itself with its VaRiaNts!!!111!!! drivel and throwing its toys out the pram when the EU didn't slap it on its blanket, safe travel list as a result.
Of course it is your stating the bleeding obvious, we can all see that but as Elixir rightly points out the official UK line is we cant be visiting countries behind us in the vaccination stakes but give it a few weeks and that will be moot. The EU will catch up, probably pass us, and we will still all be stuck in good old blighty with the drawbridges up. No idea what you find idiotic in that take, it's exactly what's panning out.
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