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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Have joined the Moderna club. 

No side effects as of yet. 


Can confirm my side effects were pretty mild in the end (tiredness and feeling like a cold was coming the following day). Matador closer to the money than Mark Connolly's pals.

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17 minutes ago, Scosha said:

NS indicating figures are starting to drop as they are looking at the specimen dates rather than date reported. Said there was a peak last Tuesday and day by day it's actually dropping. 

virus running out of hosts to infect.  was bound to happen at some point.

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2 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Are these people calling him a murderer for not keeping restrictions in place tougher and for longer? Or for having restrictions in the first place? 

I can’t tell if this protest is anti-vax/anti-lockdown or anti-restriction easing.

I've seen a lot of people saying recently that the NHS have used loads more end of life medication since the pandemic began than they had in previous years so it's probably linked to that. 

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1 hour ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

Fromm BBC news Scotland today


"Worst-case scenario

Covid infection numbers have hit a series of new record highs in Scotland over the past week, with more than 3,200 cases being reported on Monday - the highest since the pandemic began.


Scottish government scientists say infections could hit 100,000 per week by mid-July in a worst-case scenario."



Would love to know the modelling criteria used for that scenario. 

We haven't heard much about transmission/infection rates after being double jagged. 

It makes no sense that Delta is running riot here but a non factor in less vaccinated countries and has massively declined in India. 

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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

I might be wrong but I think we've only had 270k people with covid in the entirety of the pandemic.

100k per week when well over half the adult population is doubly vaccinated is quite a bold prediction.

The 270k number is positive tests. The real figure is far higher. 

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

I had mild side effects from the first dose and absolutely none on the second.

Exactly the same as me.  I reckon some of those I've spoken to just fancied a couple of days off work that wouldn't be questioned!

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If your in England and considered a posh enough tory supporter you can ignore quarantine.

They don't even try to hide their contempt for the masses.


Up here I caught a Sturgeon press conference for the first time in a while,  she's being negative as f**k and I switched off after a couple of minutes.

Presumably she's not said anything important?


Edited by parsforlife
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80% of cases are people under the age of 45 so you'd have to think it's people that have either 1) not been vaccinated or 2) not had their second dose yet.

Looks like hospital admissions are creeping up gradually, however it doesn't appear to be anywhere near as bad compared to the high cases during the first outbreak, October 2020 and Winter 2020/2021. Clearly the vaccine is working, and the sooner the majority of the country (still think 90% is achievable) get the two jabs, the better. I don't see any reason whatsoever to suggest we'll have to divert from the current plan given uptake is so high and hospitals are nowhere near breaking point.

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On 27/06/2021 at 20:02, David W said:

I'm in my 30s and I've not had my appointment through yet, I've been reassured it's on its way... The Greater Glasgow and Clyde walk-ins are still for over 40s and if you've waited more than 8 weeks for a second AZ dose.

Finally got an appointment last night for 11th July, was able to go on and rearrange immediately for today, now Pfizered and doing my 15 mins before driving home.

It's worth trying to rearrange 9n the website if people have appointments that are still a wee while away.

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Wouldn’t say she’s being negative, she’s doing her usual public health spiel about taking care for the time being but emphasising that the dates for easings are now linked with vaccination numbers and not cases - hence why we’re not being fired into level 4 and basically saying all things are good to go for the easings.

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5 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

If your in England and considered a posh enough tory supporter you can ignore quarantine.

They don't even try to hide their contempt for the masses.


Up here I caught a Sturgeon press conference for the first time in a while,  she's being negative as f**k and I switched off after a couple of minutes.

Presumably she's not said anything important?


She was far from negative. 

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2 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

If your in England and considered a posh enough tory supporter you can ignore quarantine.

They don't even try to hide their contempt for the masses.


Up here I caught a Sturgeon press conference for the first time in a while,  she's being negative as f**k and I switched off after a couple of minutes.

Presuably she's not said anything important?


She’s a complete hypocrite.

Whether it’s regarding Manchester, the complete volte-face over the last few weeks or her whole tactics vis a vis the UK, she and her government are a disgrace.

Lets be honest, it was the vaccine and Kate Bingham that saved us.

Hopefully, there will be a full enquiry into this affair and we can see the difference, if any, between countries like Sweden which stayed relatively open and ourselves who operated draconian rules.

My instinct tells me there has been very little difference but time will tell.


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3 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

She’s a complete hypocrite.

Whether it’s regarding Manchester, the complete volte-face over the last few weeks or her whole tactics vis a vis the UK, she and her government are a disgrace.

Lets be honest, it was the vaccine and Kate Bingham that saved us.

Hopefully, there will be a full enquiry into this affair and we can see the difference, if any, between countries like Sweden which stayed relatively open and ourselves who operated draconian rules.

My instinct tells me there has been very little difference but time will tell.


Are you comparing Scotland to Sweden but not England ?

Is it only the SG that have failed and should be held to account and not BJ and his merry team ??

Just wondering, like ??

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2 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Are you comparing Scotland to Sweden but not England ?

Is it only the SG that have failed and should be held to account and not BJ and his merry team ??

Just wondering, like ??

I live in Scotland which is the government responsible for public health so my first criticism is against them.

But yes, I am critical of the UK government which the SG tends to follow slavishly albeit a week or two behind in case anything goes wrong. Their saving grace, however, was the vaccine rollout.

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Far higher?

How much higher?

And where are you getting this from?

Do you think everyone who caught Covid took a test?At the time of the first peak in March/April 2020 testing was tiny compared to now. 

During the first peak it was estimated 1/10th of cases were caught by tests but it's obviously improved since then. 

20% of the population infected was one estimate for England back in January. It's probable that 1m-1.5m Scots have had Covid. 



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4 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

I live in Scotland which is the government responsible for public health so my first criticism is against them.

But yes, I am critical of the UK government which the SG tends to follow slavishly albeit a week or two behind in case anything goes wrong. Their saving grace, however, was the vaccine rollout.

That's fine, just wanted to clear that up and I agree neither of them have covered themselves in glory, that's for sure.

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3,118 new cases of COVID-19 reported*

27,875 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results

11.6% of these were positive

1 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 

20 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (no change)

215 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (up from 202)

3,781,887 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 2,701,195 have received their second dose

Edited by Distant Doonhamer
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2 hours ago, Gnash said:

After predictions of doom following the 2nd AZ shot from just about everyone I've spoken to, I had mine last night and am absolutely fine (so far).  I had a mild fever after the 1st, but not even a slight headache today.  

Anyone else had an easy ride with the AZ 2nd shot?  Or was it worse than Covid itself for you?

Was quite ill after the 1st, absolutely fine after the 2nd

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3 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

What’s your definition of ‘required’?

In my view, 2 weeks after the last of the priority groups got their second dose.

however, I’m not a scientist, so my definition is probably not all that relevant. 

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Hopefully, there will be a full enquiry into this affair and we can see the difference, if any, between countries like Sweden which stayed relatively open and ourselves who operated draconian rules.

I'm sure I saw that the UK government have organised a UK wide judge led enquiry and the Scottish one will just be a Parliamentary enquiry.

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