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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Ultimately the Government to recognise that it is not their job to continue to crush the hospitality, events, and travel and tourism sectors whilst simultaneously shovelling money onto a bonfire through furlough payments and emergency business support grants to try and limit the number of people who spend a week in bed feeling like complete and utter shite.

They've done their bit with the vaccine roll out. Finish that job ASAP and stop continuing to put (clearly not that effective) restrictions on our lives.

Government is not about doing their bit and moving on ffs!  The most basic duty of a government is to protect its people from both internal and external forces at all levels in all aspects and that includes public health. 

There is no prosperity in a sick society and even Boris reinforced that line at the first lockdown. 

Informed decision making and balance in that is all that is needed. What price on human life? A holiday to some shitehole in Turkey, because well I need one?! 

Ignoring the evidence is suicide as much as it is criminal. Freedom dates are only but targets and not because I'll do it because I said I would. That would be the act of a moron, so I give you Boris. 

In the space of 24 hours we had Pfizer saying we need boosters in winter and the US President saying no we don't. Uncertainty just doesn't come greater than this. 

I'm not against opening up, but only with mitigation in place and the data showing we have a chance of things improving. There is far too little being said or planned for the future and that should set alarm bells ringing. 


Edited by BlueBear
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27 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Yeah, that was my thinking. "Wee Bully" will have to forgive my lowly layman status, but as this is a covid thread on a football discussion board, I wont lose too much sleep about being less educated than those who advise the govt, not that their performance is likely to be seen as a yardstick for success in years to come right enough. 

So in other words, just made up shit.  Good to know.

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24 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The UK government are already backtracking on their 'freedom day' announcement of less than a week ago. 

They're pretending that they aren't, but in the face of public of apparent public opposition to binning all restrictions, they're starting to perform their normal U-turn. 

Within a week, Johnson will be effectively echoing Sturgeon's words and will be pretending that he never, ever made last week's pronouncement. 

You mean just like 

" Over by Easter"

"boris saves Xmas"

"Over by Easter"

"freedom day #1" 

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42 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

in the face of public of apparent public opposition to binning all restrictions, they're starting to perform their normal U-turn. 

I find it genuinely staggering that people are opposed to the notion of being allowed (not forced) to do things.

Imagine being so selfish as to demand the Government simply continue ban things that you aren't interested in under the guise of keeping yourself safe.

As we saw with the sports day tears, it's quite clear people are happy to indefinitely deny other people the opportunity to do what they want to do, yet will wail to anyone who will listen the second said restrictions impact them.

As with nonsense like Hospital Trusts advising staff to avoid using terms like "mother" to avoid offending anyone, it's high time we started telling these lunatics "no" and to "f**k off" preferably with an accompanying boot to the pie.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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We now have a ‘senior government scientist’ predicting up to a million deaths if the 19th goes ahead.

“The problem with a pandemic is that it’s not like a tap and you can’t just turn it off,” said Professor Lucy Easthope of Durham University, who advises the Cabinet Office and specialises in disaster response. “When planning for a pandemic it is generally accepted that the effects will last for between ten and 15 years. I don’t think we have been very honest with the public about this. When you are swimming for the shore, it is important to tell people how long the swim is.”

Easthope predicts the ultimate UK death toll could reach a million.

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

I think theres a bit of confusion from some about what folk want.

The government should absolutely continue to seek new therapeutics, should deal with sick pay to promote more responsible practices, promote better hand hygeine, help businesses have appropriate ventilation, and above all should secure and futureproof NHS capacity and staffing all in the face of this novel virus.

They can't even manage this bit in schools FFS. 

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8 minutes ago, s_dog said:

They can't even manage this bit in schools FFS. 

I know, but they are getting off the hook on making changes that would make a real difference. For me, number one on the list is sick pay policy. It would make a colossal difference, but instead we have a society full of folk who face the choice of going in ill, or not getting paid, and being branded as a chancer. 

Public health measures and interventions can continue without harmful shite like social distancing

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11 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Everyone is different in their life experiences and how they view the world and will either have no anxiety or varied levels right up to extreme, there's going to be a lot of people who are going to need help and encouragement to find their feet again.

The best way to learn to ride a bike, is to get on a bike.

I agree with the bit in bold. But continuing to push back the date at which they can choose to ride said bike, or at least watch others ride without falling off, will do nothing to help them.

Give them the option, and let them saddle up in their own time. They are going to say they are anxious whether it is 19th July 2021 or dragged out repeatedly to 19th July 2023, so it's best for everyone to get it over with ASAP.

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Another interesting point perhaps for anyone with young kids is RSV.


Now that is a virus I know a lot about. Given how the numbers of cases of it are going through the roof just now, and will only get worse once nurseries re-open, if I had young kids I would be being very careful about how I was behaving with regards to social distancing, minimising unneccesary contacts etc.


Again though, I don’t have young kids so its not really my problem. Just a thought. 

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6 minutes ago, Robin.Hood said:

Ffs 😞

Come on, what threshold should we drop restrictions? Initially we were told it was to ‘protect the vulnerable’ theyre all fully jagged, then it was ‘until most people have two jags’ that rhetoric is shifting to ‘approve it for kids and wait until everyone is jagged’ and even then many still want controls to remain in place indefinitely? 
Im genuinely genuinely keen to know at what stage you want this to stop? 

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12 minutes ago, 101 said:

Last week it was a personal choice with Rab Jenwick and others saying they wouldn't bother now it's "expected". Bunch of charlatans.



8 days to go. Wonder what else they're going to shit it on. 

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Last week it was a personal choice with Rab Jenwick and others saying they wouldn't bother now it's "expected". Bunch of charlatans.
Quite. No way any cabinet minister can be seen in an indoor setting minus mask after a statement like that. Jenrick will be fuming !
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I thought I was quite the swaggering double vaccinated invincible but now I am currently in hospital for unrelated Covid reasons and if any other patient comes within twenty metres of me I’m going to crack them with a bedpan, superspreading bed blocker c***s.

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