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All the councils that were over 400 cases per 100K 1 week ago at the peak of the 3rd Wave and progress.  All bar Midlothian of the top 8 well above Scottish average fall.

Dundee City  914.1 to 569.9  Down 37.65%

Midlothian   761.4 to 655.4  Down 13.92%

East Lothian   607.9 to 453.8  LEVEL 1  Down 25.35%

City Of Edinburgh  592.5 to 453.6 Down 23.44%  

Perth & Kinross   550.8 to 329.1  LEVEL 1  Down 40.25%

West Dunbartonshire  530.8 to 378.9  LEVEL 1 Down 28.62%

Renfrewshire 523.2 to 352.3  Down 32.66%

East Dunbartonshire  511.8 to 318.5 Down 37.77%

Angus    498.3 to 441.5  LEVEL 1  Down 11.40%

Glasgow City  493.0 to 395.5  Down 19.98%

Fife  479.2 to 354.7  LEVEL 1  Down 25.99%

East Renfrewshire   475.2 to 408.2  Down 14.10%

Inverclyde  456.3 to 443.4  LEVEL 1  Down 2.83%

Aberdeen City  447.8 to 338.5  LEVEL1  Down 24.41%

East Ayrshire  430.3 to 209.0  Down 51.43%


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23 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

IMO, masks are the worst restriction.

That is absolutely mental. Masks are a pain in the arse, and I really feel for people who are wearing them for large periods of the day, but worse than social distancing (which stops almost anything normal happening) is bonkers.

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23 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

IMO, masks are the worst restriction.

They're not ideal, and I want rid of them ASAP, but they're clearly not as bad as social distancing, given that they don't really directly prevent you from going about your normal daily life.


19 minutes ago, virginton said:

Senga (93) fell down the stairs in the house  - tested positive for and so 'tragically died of' Covid. 

I think I posted this a wee while ago, but it bears repeating. It's a simple fact that if more people in the population have covid, then more of the people who die will have covid. Some of them will be affected by the disease (genuine covid deaths) and it will ultimately have contributed to their death, but for many others it will have had no bearing on their death (statistical covid deaths).

In each of the previous periods of high infection rates, the number of people at serious risk of death from covid was much higher than it is now, and therefore it makes sense that the vast majority of deaths recorded under this definition would have been genuine covid deaths, but with the impact of the vaccines this third wave has been the first one where it is entirely possible that we have more (or at least as many) of what I've called statistical covid deaths.

Even if we had invented a vaccine which was literally 100% effective in preventing deaths, we would still have people who were included in the covid deaths tally. The measure is surely now completely broken.

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42 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Worse being hospitals some whom are code black and struggling. Adding to the increasing problem in the healthcare system in this country. Hospitals whom are now having to cancel scheduled operations and have increasing waiting lists etc which could take years to catch up if they ever. This is unacceptable and someone needs to take responsibility.

The biggest reason for all the restrictions was to 'protect the NHS' we must be close to the point where the backlog of operations is now more of a threat to the NHS than the virus itself?

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5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Worryingly it could be a lower uptake amongst younger age groups rather than incompetence or supply issues.  


4 hours ago, oaksoft said:




4 hours ago, welshbairn said:

You don't think there would be any difference to the survivability of the virus if 80%+ were fully vaccinated rather than 53%?


8 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'm asking you why you are using the word "worrying".

Now I remember why I avoid interacting with you, it goes nowhere. Supply issues and incompetence are much easier to get around than lack of motivation and irrational fear.

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Just seen that in Wales ‘people will still be expected to work from home wherever possible’.

Surely that has to become something decided by individual employers and employees?

Personally I’ll be glad to get back to the office a few days a week as I’m fed up of the sight of my bedroom from the last 18 months and I know a lot of colleagues feel similar. 

Edited by PedroMoutinho
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3 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Just seen that in Wales ‘people will still be expected to work from home wherever possible’.

Surely that has to become something decided by individual employers and employees?

Personally I’ll be glad to get back to the office a few days a week as I’m fed up of the sight of my bedroom from the last 18 months and I know a lot of colleagues feel similar. 

i think they know it's a people pleaser for a significant number at least

Edited by effeffsee_the2nd
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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

I asked you a question and you answered it with another question.

Look at yourself before judging others.

You asked me why I was worried, I answered you. But you know that, you didn't want to address it so did your usual version of "I know you are, what am I?"

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30 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's simply the basic human right to decide for yourself which medicines to put into your body.

Who are you or I to demand that of anyone else just to make us feel a bit safer?

Thats an airy fairy lot of utter pish. People who refuse the vaccine on anything but medical advice should be shot with a vaccine dart by one of the nurse led vaccine response units. 

The burden unvaccinated people can easily avoidably place on the health system which is facing strain and massive pressure is significant. This is about the wellbeing of the collective not the facebook science of the individual. For every arsehole who refuses the vaccine there is an increased risk for those who are most vulnerable despite being vaccinated or those who medically cannot receive it. 

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27 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Just seen that in Wales ‘people will still be expected to work from home wherever possible’.

Surely that has to become something decided by individual employers and employees?

Personally I’ll be glad to get back to the office a few days a week as I’m fed up of the sight of my bedroom from the last 18 months and I know a lot of colleagues feel similar. 

They aren't going to tell people "you must go back to the office" though, that's going to be a personal decision. Like you I will be going back at least a couple of days a week, but probably some of my colleagues with bigger houses and no kids might see it differently.

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38 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

That is absolutely mental. Masks are a pain in the arse, and I really feel for people who are wearing them for large periods of the day, but worse than social distancing (which stops almost anything normal happening) is bonkers.

Not really, I find needlessly wearing masks to be fair more a pain in the arse than having to stay 1/2 metres away from someone. 

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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It depends on your view.

Social distancing makes sense.

Masking makes no sense ot those of us with a background that enables us to know how they work.

It's not the size of the restriction, it's the necessity of it.

Some are happy to comply with almost any diktat from above. Whilst that is clearly the majority, it isn't all of us.

Not everyone is the same.

There's a large number of us for whom any interference from anyone against our will is problemmatic.
We just ask that anyone imposing anything on us against our will is at least honest about what they are doing and why, and also don't fucking abuse your power. If someone in power says "This is to protect the NHS and won't be kept  a second longer" then bloody well have the decency to mean it or expect a bit of pushback.

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head.

I look on myself as an individual with basic rights to do what I wish as long as I am doing no harm to anyone else.

When I’m told to do or not do certain things I need to know WHY.

At least the UK press conferences try to explain things with graphs and data, albeit I sometimes feel that it is out of date. I’ve given up watching the SG press conferences as they tell you nothing and the questions I’m bursting to ask never get brought up by the Scottish media who are worse than useless. As a consequence I am constantly in an angry state.

Human beings are sociable creatures and anything which diminishes that sociability weakens our very  humanity.

I just feel that that aspect never seems to be taken account of.

To me a masked person is something akin to a ‘Humana robotica’ as our facial expressions are so very important and distinguish us from other species.



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Just now, craigkillie said:

They aren't going to tell people "you must go back to the office" though, that's going to be a personal decision. Like you I will be going back at least a couple of days a week, but probably some of my colleagues with bigger houses and no kids might see it differently.

Absolutely- but if the law/guidance remains that ‘you must work from home where possible’ , a lot of office-based employers can’t/won’t offer that option. 

The guidance in England from Monday basically says sort it out yourselves between employers and staff, which surely has to be the common sense position at this point? 

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2 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Thats an airy fairy lot of utter pish. People who refuse the vaccine on anything but medical advice should be shot with a vaccine dart by one of the nurse led vaccine response units. 

The burden unvaccinated people can easily avoidably place on the health system which is facing strain and massive pressure is significant. This is about the wellbeing of the collective not the facebook science of the individual. For every arsehole who refuses the vaccine there is an increased risk for those who are most vulnerable despite being vaccinated or those who medically cannot receive it. 

Many things place burdens on the health system which are easily avoidable.  Alcohol is one of them.  Should we ban it to achieve a similar outcome to relieve pressure on the NHS for the collective good?

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31 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Thats an airy fairy lot of utter pish. People who refuse the vaccine on anything but medical advice should be shot with a vaccine dart by one of the nurse led vaccine response units. 

The burden unvaccinated people can easily avoidably place on the health system which is facing strain and massive pressure is significant. This is about the wellbeing of the collective not the facebook science of the individual. For every arsehole who refuses the vaccine there is an increased risk for those who are most vulnerable despite being vaccinated or those who medically cannot receive it. 

Everyone is Mao when it's other people's health and not their money!

Talking about 'the collective' in a country with the UK's levels of inequality is a joke. Will you give up your holiday in Florida to feed hungry kids for 'the collective'? Aye right!


Edited by Detournement
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9 minutes ago, Snafu said:

How can you reason with people who do this -


GP staff receive abuse every day over Covid vaccine reminders

Staff making reminder calls are being threatened for carrying out NHS work, say doctors’ leaders

GPs and their staff are receiving abuse and threats every day from patients whom they contact to remind them to have a Covid vaccine, family doctors’ leaders in London have revealed.

“Abuse of our healthcare staff is now a daily occurrence and growing in frequency,” said Dr Michelle Drage, the chief executive of Londonwide Local Medical Committees.

“London practice staff are already receiving profanity-filled letters and text messages in response to vaccination reminders, and those making calls are getting abuse and threatened with being reported to regulators, and even with violence, all just for doing as instructed by the NHS,” added Drage.


In one recent incident, surgery staff called police after a man – who was not wearing a mask – went past the unstaffed reception desk and into the back office and confronted staff. One of two GPs who defused the incident said: “[He was] shouting and pushing his phone and a letter we had sent into the face of a receptionist and repeatedly demanding she read it aloud. He was upset that we had sent him another invite for vaccination after he had specifically asked us not to. “I came out to reception on hearing the commotion, along with another clinical colleague. The man was aggressive enough that we called 999 – shouting, swearing, getting very close and ‘squaring up’ to us, despite my attempts to acknowledge our error and apologise, and offer to discuss.”

When a south London GP practice recently texted patients under 30 to remind them to get a first dose, responses included “leave me ALONE!!”, “f**k off”, “U really trying to kill me” and “Why would I come for an untested, experimental, killer vaccination …?”

Having worked in customer service type roles years ago, none of this surprises me - pretty much every person in the country will have been contacted about the vaccine, and so pretty much every weirdo in the country will crawl out of the woodwork and lose their shit over it.

I'd say though that it's now only an issue now the Guardian have got a hold of it, and GP practices run by the well paid, middle class are getting the abuse (granted the receptionists etc are unlikely to fall into that category) - however much abuse GP practices get, the people on the helplines will have got even more, and won't get the big write up in the Guardian because there's a presumption that they're paid to take that sort of shite.

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