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13 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

^^^ can’t comprehend simple language.  Uses meaningless phrase to deflect.

Simple language is the part of the problem with what WMM is saying in the first place.

It's all very vague to go 'restrictions should continue, mask wearing should continue, I want cases lower' to set out why we shouldn't reopen but upon asking what his specific tipping points are to accept things can go back to normal, simply won't give anything.

At least when you made an arse of it with the death toll figures, you put a specific number on it.

Edited by djchapsticks
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14 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Would isolating at home for 5 days be a big problem re work or something? Tough news anyway. 

Timing is a bit rubbish pal. Would need to try to wangle a couple of extra days. Had stupidly assumed they would lift it. Not sure what to do. Thanks.

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14 minutes ago, craigkillie said:


What specifically is it that you expect people to do over and above discussing it online and debating the issues? Bear in mind that this government has currently many of the more direct types of protest illegal under covid rules.

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." Not my words, those of Dr. King. As has been seen thoughout this shitshow, the powers-that-be are pretty fucking selective where and how they decide to apply their emergency powers. Fans of the rangers, for example- on at least two occasions they should have put the cells in Glasgow cop shops under pressure, but they were "managed", weren't they?

Obviously the currants' partying wasn't political, but if you feel strongly about these issues, get out and find people irl who share your views. Band together, protest. If the issue is as well-supported irl as it is on here (I have to say I have my doubts, and am also less than confident that the majority on here have ever taken direct action.) then you should be able to put on a show that the media cannot ignore and, again assuming your opinions chime with people, attract more people to your cause.  A few thousand letters (not emails) to the press, for example those wannabe Englanders at the Scotsman threatening to withdraw custom unless they start asking the hard questions and reporting the truth of what's going on. I'm not saying you'll be successful, but at least you're being more productive than someone who comments on Government failings from behind their keyboard while, and this is the key issue, never offerering realistic alternatives. 

Another quote - "spit on your own and you'll achieve nothing. If we all spit together we can drown the bastárds" - the late, great Bob Crow. And before you dismiss that as "lefty shite" have a look at the pay awards Bob achieved for his members. 

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Simple language is the part of the problem with what WMM is saying in the first place.
It's all very vague to go 'restrictions should continue, mask wearing should continue, I want cases lower' to set out why we shouldn't reopen but upon asking what his specific tipping points are to accept things can go back to normal, simply won't give anything.
At least when you made an arse of it with the death toll figures, you put a specific number on it.
Well because things like a novel respiratory virus pandemic don't easily round down into (over) simplified memes, slogans or primary colours.

But to indulge you as best I can, I think keeping some restrictions in place until late autumn to see what a cluster f**k the NHS is going to be in seems reasonable.
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You know what, @Marshmallo? There is no way you read that post in the ten seconds between me posting and you dotting it. Any chance of the simple courtesy of explaining what you found so objectionable, so that I don't think of you as the worst kind of opinionless, hold-the-bully's-jacket, play-the-man weasel?

Just asking, like. 

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13 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

What on earth are you talking about

A poster asked what I would suggest would be a way to change the way this pandemic was being handled. I answered him. Him, notice, not you. It's the way adults behave. Were I answering you, I'd probably use different language and maybe simplify my points. 

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33 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Well because things like a novel respiratory virus pandemic don't easily round down into (over) simplified memes, slogans or primary colours.

But to indulge you as best I can, I think keeping some restrictions in place until late autumn to see what a cluster f**k the NHS is going to be in seems reasonable.

So you think late autumn, when schools and respiratory illness season are both in full swing, would be the best time to lift any remaining restrictions?

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3 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Why wouldnt you be bothered if masks remain? About 98% of the ones folk wear are a tad better than useless. It's a charade to think people are "safer". Fck those people who need a comfort blanket to step out the front door, we shouldn't be appeasing people like that 

I'd not be bothered because they just aren't a hassle, if the option was no SD with masks or SD & masks it's a very easy choice. 

Should we be further on, yes, but the language from NS suggests masks aren't going anywhere yet. 

Edited by itzdrk
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13 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

If the next update is getting rid of social distancing but masks stay for a little longer I'd really no be all that bothered.  

Overall I'm inclined to agree with this. I would, however, like to hear about what the catalyst for jettisoning masks into the bin will be, though.

ETA and not just some pish about variants or "for some time"

Edited by Todd_is_God
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6 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Why wouldnt you be bothered if masks remain? About 98% of the ones folk wear are a tad better than useless. It's a charade to think people are "safer". Fck those people who need a comfort blanket to step out the front door, we shouldn't be appeasing people like that 

I'm not familiar with your measuring system, but I assume a "tad" is a value gretaer than zero? 

There is most likely little or no tangible benefit to wearing FRSMS outdoors, or the manky unregulated "face coverings" anywhere. 

Where wearing a FRSM does have value is when shopping, or travelling on PT. The people working in these areas, like the clients in my work, have no choice but to be where they are. Is it such an imposition to wear a mask (NOT f/c) for the short time you're in Asda or Tesco (a big shop only takes twenty minutes or so, esoecially with the scan and go apps) if it makes the workers feel a bit more safe? I'm not giving facts and figures, because it's not about facts, it's about feelings. You can make others feel safer - why not do so?

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3 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I'm not familiar with your measuring system, but I assume a "tad" is a value gretaer than zero? 

There is most likely little or no tangible benefit to wearing FRSMS outdoors, or the manky unregulated "face coverings" anywhere. 

Where wearing a FRSM does have value is when shopping, or travelling on PT. The people working in these areas, like the clients in my work, have no choice but to be where they are. Is it such an imposition to wear a mask (NOT f/c) for the short time you're in Asda or Tesco (a big shop only takes twenty minutes or so, esoecially with the scan and go apps) if it makes the workers feel a bit more safe? I'm not giving facts and figures, because it's not about facts, it's about feelings. You can make others feel safer - why not do so?

"Make others feel safer" aye by wearing a flimsy bit of cloth 🤣

If they were useful I dont think folk would object to a 20 min shop around Tesco wearing them. Wearing them for 8 hrs in the heat we had the last few weeks is something else though and imo they should be binned as soon as

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Overall I'm inclined to agree with this. I would, however, like to hear about what the catalyst for jettisoning masks into the bin will be, though.

ETA and not just some pish about variants or "for some time"

To be honest, I think they could do it now. We've had over a week of restrictions being removed down here, and mask-wearing is still pretty prevalent - I refused to do the back-for-the-mask dance the other day, and only saw half a dozen or so unmasked in the big Asda - funnily enough, two of these were staff. It is also notable that people are keeping their distance still. 

I cannot believe the demographic on P&B, and especially on this thread. are representative of the Nation as a whole. I reckon it's time to let people be people. I believe a lot of folk will show respect to others' feelings, so maybe the ol' Covid has  had an upside? At least in terms of manky bastárds washing their hands..

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Just now, Thereisalight.. said:

"Make others feel safer" aye by wearing a flimsy bit of cloth 🤣

If they were useful I dont think folk would object to a 20 min shop around Tesco wearing them. Wearing them for 8 hrs in the heat we had the last few weeks is something else though and imo they should be binned as soon as

FRSMs aren't made of cloth. Nobody was talking about wearing them for eight hours (although I will go through three or four a day, as HMPPS still mandates wearing one)

And, for the last time - they are useful - in protecting the environment from the wearer.  They're not for protecting you - the only reason this idea was allowed to take hold in 2020 was that these were the only PPE we could get hold of, not because they were any better at protecting the wearer than a simple bandana or snood. It's an idea which has taken root, but it really, really, pisses me off that it continues to be repeated. I repeat the analogy - that surgical team going into theatre. Who are they protecting by wearing a FRSM?

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1 hour ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." Not my words, those of Dr. King. As has been seen thoughout this shitshow, the powers-that-be are pretty fucking selective where and how they decide to apply their emergency powers. Fans of the rangers, for example- on at least two occasions they should have put the cells in Glasgow cop shops under pressure, but they were "managed", weren't they?

Obviously the currants' partying wasn't political, but if you feel strongly about these issues, get out and find people irl who share your views. Band together, protest. If the issue is as well-supported irl as it is on here (I have to say I have my doubts, and am also less than confident that the majority on here have ever taken direct action.) then you should be able to put on a show that the media cannot ignore and, again assuming your opinions chime with people, attract more people to your cause.  A few thousand letters (not emails) to the press, for example those wannabe Englanders at the Scotsman threatening to withdraw custom unless they start asking the hard questions and reporting the truth of what's going on. I'm not saying you'll be successful, but at least you're being more productive than someone who comments on Government failings from behind their keyboard while, and this is the key issue, never offerering realistic alternatives. 

Another quote - "spit on your own and you'll achieve nothing. If we all spit together we can drown the bastárds" - the late, great Bob Crow. And before you dismiss that as "lefty shite" have a look at the pay awards Bob achieved for his members. 


I've written plenty to my elected representatives, and to be fair they have almost always replied in what seemed like a genuine manner. The issue is that there is not an obvious set of people who "share my views" here - there are so many issues around covid and everyone who is annoyed at the government is annoyed for a different reason. There isn't a single major point that people can rally around.

People could try to organise a march on parliament or a big protest against the need to isolate/quarantine after being double vaccinated, for example, but the sort of people who join me might actually be antivaxxers or people who think it's a "scamdemic", or people who want completely unrestricted travel without checks or so on. It's not practical to really do this type of thing.

Therefore, talking about it and debating the issues on a public forum seems like a reasonable thing to do - you can try to convince people of the merits of your view and hope that those ideas are disseminated more widely.

Edited by craigkillie
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2 hours ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Her argument appears to be Boris is just letting it rip so f**k it why have any restrictions at all? After getting the arranged visiting as per the restrictions in the place where her dad is.

Of course its sad, of course it would be better if covid didn't exist but it does and that hospital has the well being of other patients to consider. 

It's a horrible situation but her entire argument and this hysterical frothing "story" is bollocks. Leapt upon and slobbered all over by the "I don't like Nicola or believe in the 'rona" gang with depressing if entirely predictable cynicism.

She has visited her father. That has happened. 

'Letting it rip'...


2 hours ago, williemillersmoustache said:

That's an argument, I don't agree as double vaccination doesn't mean immunity or invulnerability and because the case rate is still enormous. But at least it is an argument.

'Double vaccination doesn't mean immunity or invulnerability'...


1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

But you haven’t answered the question. Remain for how long? Until case rates hit a certain number? Hospitalisations/deaths hit a certain number? Forever?

I don't think these weirdos realise England opening up is based on SAGE advice. Still hilarious stuff, but still as equally tragic as it was when covered previously.


55 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Well because things like a novel respiratory virus pandemic don't easily round down into (over) simplified memes, slogans or primary colours.

But to indulge you as best I can, I think keeping some restrictions in place until late autumn to see what a cluster f**k the NHS is going to be in seems reasonable.

The virus is no longer novel, it is an endemic human respiratory infection, and the pandemic phase is as good as over in most of the northern hemisphere. Our lives and fundamental civil liberties have never and should never be dependent on the health service getting busy in autumn and winter, which happens every single year. I'm sure your nauseating sanctimony was nowhere to be seen in 2017/18 when folk were being treated in corridors and 300-400 people were dying from influenza at its peak. Nobody gave a toss.


7 minutes ago, KingswellsRed said:

Unfortunately it is starting to seem like the only way out of mask mandates is most other countries removing them and the SG having no option but to follow.

I mean, the Nordic countries the Scottish Government love to trumpet have never been overly obsessed with them, and indeed Denmark and Iceland have already joined Sweden in fucking them off. Of course, they don't have any political point-scoring to gain over 'HEARTLESS TORIEZZZ' over there.

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