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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Been reading Deepti's take-down of a paper on long Covid published in the Lancet. It's funny - she is slagging off every shortcoming in the paper. Where did she read about these shortcomings? In the paper, where the authors (like every other scientific author) stated what the limitations in their study were.

The study is "heavily flawed" because parents of ill children are filling in the data rather than the sick kids themselves. Honestly, she is losing the plot. An editor of a journal would take these criticisms and bin them (you often get reviewers who don't understand what they are reviewing). Every study has limitations!

Then we get this:


Isn't her much vaunted ONS study basically doing the same thing, essentially self reporting?

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20 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Been reading Deepti's take-down of a paper on long Covid published in the Lancet. It's funny - she is slagging off every shortcoming in the paper. Where did she read about these shortcomings? In the paper, where the authors (like every other scientific author) stated what the limitations in their study were.

The study is "heavily flawed" because parents of ill children are filling in the data rather than the sick kids themselves. Honestly, she is losing the plot. An editor of a journal would take these criticisms and bin them (you often get reviewers who don't understand what they are reviewing). Every study has limitations!

Then we get this:


Perhaps Deepti can run her own study on this since it's an area she seems to have an especially keen interest. I am particularly interested to see her back up her "7-8% of Children get long covid" assertions. Of course, she won't do this and will just continue her screeching from the sidelines. 

And yes the study is flawed - it's relying on self-reports! I've been tired for about the past three years. Maybe I can self-diagnosis long covid. 

I read through some of the comments as well. Most are the standard blue heart and EU flag in the bio fanclub, and there's the odd person calling her a fraud in there as well. But one comment struck me and it's something that I think is true. The comment was that she utterly refuses to listen to paediatric doctors and their experience, and is instead essentially concocting some sort of conspiracy that they are involved in concealing. In other words, loads of kids have long covid and paediatricians are lying about it. 

She is impervious to any dissenting opinion and seems unwilling, for whatever reason, to take a look at what is actually happening on the ground whilst she peddles her agenda. I am not a scientist or a researcher, but I have a comprehension of professional ethics and understand the principles around objectivity, which Gurdasani is failing to demonstrate. 

I think she needs to take some time off. She's said before that she is clinically vulnerable and it is throttling her objectivity. 


Edited by Michael W
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9 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Isn't her much vaunted ONS study basically doing the same thing, essentially self reporting?

Indeed it did! From the ONS study itself...


The estimates presented in this analysis relate to self-reported long COVID, as experienced by study participants, rather than clinically diagnosed ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 or post-COVID-19 syndrome. There is no universally agreed definition of long COVID, but it covers a broad range of symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, and difficulty concentrating.

Self-reported long COVID symptoms were adversely affecting the day-to-day activities of 674,000 people in private households in the UK, with 196,000 of these individuals reporting that their ability to undertake their day-to-day activities had been limited a lot.

Of people with self-reported long COVID, 697,000 first had (or suspected they had) COVID-19 at least 12 weeks previously, and 70,000 first had (or suspected they had) COVID-19 at least one year previously.


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3 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

So, if we walk into a pub and there are no seats - can we just sit on the floor of the pub and enjoy our drink... 


If you can find a ledge to lean on are you classed as vertical? 

I await the Scottish government guidance with pictures of drinkers at various angles with ticks and crosses next to what is acceptable and what is not. 

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27 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

It's clear to me that the SNP have no time for football fans but they handed out a care package to all senior clubs last year that has allowed a lot of clubs at various levels to not only survive but build for the future. They did not have to do that and if they simply wanted football to die off they could've sat back, said "nobody forced you to play games" and let the liquidators do their work. I think some of their current guidance is wide of the mark (such as the hospitality rules you mention) and I'm sure once the practicalities of it are exposed as a nonsense things will change. I hope anyway. 

I don't think it's as clear cut as the SNP wanting football clubs to go bust but I think it's clear that football and football fans are viewed as problematic by the Scottish Government.  I think there's the sense that these things should be open but that fans can't be trusted and there needs to be something in place to keep people in line.  It's kind of the same as nightclubs and pubs - there's the understanding that these places should open but that there's something off about them and the people that go there need to be kept in line.

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4 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

If you can find a ledge to lean on are you classed as vertical? 

I await the Scottish government guidance with pictures of drinkers at various angles with ticks and crosses next to what is acceptable and what is not. 

Del Boy must've seen Leitch coming...

TISOTIT: Best Moment in 'Only Fools and Horses!' Del Boy Bar Fall

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On 03/08/2021 at 11:17, Les Cabbage said:

Finally grabbed my first dose of Moderna goodness today, 2 rescheduled appointments, 1 drop in and 1 positive covid test later, possibly the last P&B poster to join the club.

With the exception of the detournement moon howlers ofc.

Honestly this has hit me harder than getting covid itself, hopefully it shifts soon.

Maybe the anti-vaxers had a point, get it up me.

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While we're talking pubs/clubs what about gig venues. 

Can you have a pint standing in a place like the barras ? If so can you have a pint standing up in your local if theres live music on ? If not why the discrepancy ?

Swinney clearly has zero clue about hospitality

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4 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I don't think it's as clear cut as the SNP wanting football clubs to go bust but I think it's clear that football and football fans are viewed as problematic by the Scottish Government.  I think there's the sense that these things should be open but that fans can't be trusted and there needs to be something in place to keep people in line.  It's kind of the same as nightclubs and pubs - there's the understanding that these places should open but that there's something off about them and the people that go there need to be kept in line.


3 minutes ago, Damaged Radio said:

If they didn’t care if football clubs folded why would they waste tens of millions of pounds on grants and interest free loans? 

On the sanitising of the match day experience, I totally agree. It should be back to normal now. There’s no need for it bar the ‘we care more than the tories’ pish the SNP have been feeding us. 


I came back on to further explain my point but ICTChris has pretty much already nailed my thoughts. 

Why are the expereinces of a football matchday and night-time hospitality being targeted to be remoulded in the image of what scotgov think they should be, long after the vaccines have done all of the heavy lifting in terms of transmission and impact of the virus. I mean honestly, and I will be hopelessly unable to let this go..... "vertical drinking". 


Get yourself so far to f**k. In both instances, a total and utter disgrace, and a brutally dishonest and vindictive use of emergency power. 

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9 minutes ago, Frank Sobotka said:

"Mummy, will santa really bring me a Jason Leitch action man if I'm a good boy this year ?"

"No, son, Jason Leitch is too short to be an action man. You're getting a John Swinney one instead". 

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14 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

Promoting vaccine uptake is never going to be a bad thing though.

Indeed.  I also believe that their self imposed COVID pass, requiring either double vaccination or a negative LFT will become more widespread.

Whilst I'm not a fan of it due to the precedent it sets (and largely being redundant given all the things we can do which dont need a pass), it could become the norm to satisfy Councils for large scale events.

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