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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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53 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

ONS says 93% of UK adults now have Covid antibodies, ether from vaccination, previous infection or both. 

If this is at all true and the SNP are aware of it, it makes this weeks absolute PR disaster all the more baffling. Just open the fucking gates and let folk keep themselves safe. 

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11 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

So what you are saying is that to protest against covid restrictions I should have voted for a party which campaigned for even tighter restrictions because once they got into power they'd drop restrictions?

Am I understanding you correctly?

Unsurprisingly no. Feel free to reread the thread though. 

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The ‘common sense’ victory allowing you to stand and have a pint will now see you stand in the middle of a packed pub and put a bit of cloth over your face to go for a piss, or to take the four steps to the bar. But you can stand and chat away for hours maskless with every single person in the place.

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11 minutes ago, Paco said:

The ‘common sense’ victory allowing you to stand and have a pint will now see you stand in the middle of a packed pub and put a bit of cloth over your face to go for a piss, or to take the four steps to the bar. But you can stand and chat away for hours maskless with every single person in the place.


Even Sturgeon’s blouse is tied up in fcuking knots.

Edited by pozbaird
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6 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

Swinney is an utter buffoon, f**k he even looks like a buffoon. His only worthwhile contribution to political discourse is a head-meet-desk gif. Useless.

Suspect he's one of these hard working but not very bright types who do exactly what they're told. Handy to have around and to take one for the team.

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25 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

It's almost as if Sturgeon deliberately slavered in her announcement yesterday to SHOW HOW MUCH THEY CARE, GUYS, to the bedwetters... only to then quietly bin these absurdities in the official 'guidance'

The wearing of masks to and from your seat/the pisser in restaurants/all settings has to go as well.

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35 minutes ago, Elixir said:


I suppose we are fortunate that Covid-19 and HIV aren't only infectious to a single protected characteristic so we don't have to worry about the AUTHRITARIANESSENNPEEE rounding up bus-fare and hygiene-poor rangers fans living in Edinburgh and depositing them behind a razor wire pen on St Kilda. Although I would of course wholeheartedly support such a measure. 

I also see that folk are, again, getting exactly what they wanted regarding nightclubs but are somehow still absolutely raging.  Fair fucks lads, that's some effort.

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Just remove hospitality from the mask mandate law and be fucking done with it.  people can chose not to go to these places or they can chose to wear a mask if they want. 

keep them in the supermarkets if it makes people any happier, cause that's all we seem to care about now. 

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26 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I assume that there will be an announcement tomorrow regards updates to England's green list?

There's not really any difference between the "Green list" and the "Amber list"  if double jagged.

Both still require 2x tests whatever way they dress it up.

Absolute bloody nonsense.

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This whole mess is caused by the ScotGov wanting to introduce rules to show they 'care more' than the UKGov. But without thinking of any practicalities associated with said rules. It's great to see these being called out and forcing u-turns. Rules for the sake of rules. 

Stand with a pint, chat away all day to everyone in the boozer. But when you need a pee, get that mask on for the 12 steps* to and from the toilet. Good one lads.

Today has been an absolute minter for all concerned. But nobody more than John Swinney. A guy who seems out of his depth in every role he's ever been in.


*Unless your boozer of choice is a Spoons. In which case the distance to the toilet will be approximately 3/4 of a mile.


Edited by Jan Vojáček
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