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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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That's the boy back from school, first day in 10 months and what a wee happy chappy he is.

He was tested, as was every student and teacher 89 in total. All negative.

Step by step we are getting there.

There is no error greater than hatred and nothing mightier than patience. So strive every way to learn patience.

Have a great day everyone.


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2 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I sucked up two lockdowns because I believed (and still do) that it was the right thing to do. I worked 60+ hour weeks at all times of the day and night while trying to look after a newborn and two disabled kids while staying in the house for 23 hours a day to protect folk that were vulnerable. I (or my wife) went to the shops ourselves. I didn't see my Gran for the last months of her life and had a socially distanced funeral with a small number of my family. My mum (a widow) sat in the hoose herself for months on end before the bubble families were made a thing. My mental health has went to pot and I've put on five and a half stone in weight. I cannot bring myself to do anything but work and eat.

Not any more. I've had three jabs, pretty much everyone at risk has had three jabs. What the hell are we supposed to do?

Do what I'm going to do, completely ignore any further restrictions where possible.  I can't go to the pub if they're forced to close of course, but I'll be ignoring social distancing and any restrictions on gathering in folks houses etc.  I'd encourage others to do the same.

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13 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

This is my take on it too.  It's the anger I have at the fact that most of us have 3 fucking doses of Pfizer or AZ coursing through our body and there's another fucking lockdown coming. The goverments are going by cases and not by hospitalisation and deaths.  We were lied to with regards to the vaccine being the end to this sorry period in history. 

Aye. I alluded to this the other day but I just can’t get my head round the attitude now towards lockdowns.

in March 2020 they could barely fathom putting it into law that people had to stay in their house and not meet relatives outside their bubble.

Yet now it’s ‘maybe we will, maybe we won’t’, we might have to do it before the data tells us we need to, how about a cheeky wee “circuit breaker” destruction of the economy? Not to mention the SG throwing it out there that the powers should be made permanent a few months ago. 

This isn’t normal and it isn’t part of the job of a democratic government. When it’s an emergency and it’s needed then ok, but get in the bin as soon as is feasibly possible. 

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1 minute ago, Dons_1988 said:

Aye. I alluded to this the other day but I just can’t get my head round the attitude now towards lockdowns.

in March 2020 they could barely fathom putting it into law that people had to stay in their house and not meet relatives outside their bubble.

Yet now it’s ‘maybe we will, maybe we won’t’, we might have to do it before the data tells us we need to, how about a cheeky wee “circuit breaker” destruction of the economy? Not to mention the SG throwing it out there that the powers should be made permanent a few months ago. 

This isn’t normal and it isn’t part of the job of a democratic government. When it’s an emergency and it’s needed then ok, but get in the bin as soon as is feasibly possible. 

Aye, someone mentioned it yesterday on here, a lockdown is and should be an absolute last resort.  

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While this thread in the main is clearly dominanted by Covid outliers, I think some of the posts above are representative of how people feel now.  People don't want to spread Covid, they accept having to do things like wear a mask in supermarkets etc and doing LFTs when appropriate but the idea that we are going to limit all household mixing or close large parts of the economy doesn't have much support at all.  The fact that we have high vaccine uptake and boosters is changing the way people feel.

I also think that during the first wave people were probably quite fearful of catching Covid and that has gone for the vast majority of the public, either due to more people having had it and recovered or people just being more sick of restrictions than fearful of getting Covid.

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I know you'll all agree I'm a bit thick, but that's what I thought too. The Northern Ireland model used seemed to indicate that any measures taken now are too late and that everyone would get in about the next week, meaning it'll all be done by the second week in January.
Fs if you're agreeing with me I must be completely wrong, ignore my last post.
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While this thread in the main is clearly dominanted by Covid outliers, I think some of the posts above are representative of how people feel now.  People don't want to spread Covid, they accept having to do things like wear a mask in supermarkets etc and doing LFTs when appropriate but the idea that we are going to limit all household mixing or close large parts of the economy doesn't have much support at all.  The fact that we have high vaccine uptake and boosters is changing the way people feel.
I also think that during the first wave people were probably quite fearful of catching Covid and that has gone for the vast majority of the public, either due to more people having had it and recovered or people just being more sick of restrictions than fearful of getting Covid.

Pretty good summary of attitudes at the moment.

I know plenty workplaces will be just now, but everyone should be allowed to work from home if that’s what they feel comfortable doing. People should stay away from pubs and restaurants, only meet outdoors and limit their household contact.. if that’s what they are most comfortable with.

The rest of the public should be at liberty to make an informed choice about how they go to work and socialise. We should be encouraged to take LFTs or isolate if we’re positive.

Other than that I think it’s ridiculous to expect patience and understanding after the public have been jagged 3 times with something we were told - for a year- was all we needed to live normally again.

I’d be more willing to accept a 2 week circuit breaker if we knew for a fact it only would be for a fortnight, but you’d be forgiven for being highly sceptical of that being the case.
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10 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

While this thread in the main is clearly dominanted by Covid outliers, I think some of the posts above are representative of how people feel now.  People don't want to spread Covid, they accept having to do things like wear a mask in supermarkets etc and doing LFTs when appropriate but the idea that we are going to limit all household mixing or close large parts of the economy doesn't have much support at all.  The fact that we have high vaccine uptake and boosters is changing the way people feel.

I also think that during the first wave people were probably quite fearful of catching Covid and that has gone for the vast majority of the public, either due to more people having had it and recovered or people just being more sick of restrictions than fearful of getting Covid.

agree with a lot of what you say, no support for closing parts of the economy is interesting though, as i'm not sure everyone is concerned about the livelihood of those in hospitality, but rather their weekend enjoyment.

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And that first sentence is the problem for Sturgeon. There IS no good reason. Not yet anyway.
As for Rishi, he's back in the UK and has been for a couple of days as far as I remember.
Businesses are struggling because of Sturgeon's ego and loose lips.
Do you expect Rishi to avoid any travelling whatsoever on the off-chance that Sturgeon has a brain fart? That seems pretty unreasonable.
English businesses are making the exact same noises, Green King just this morning for example. This isn't just an issue up here, UK wide people have cancelled and are hunkering down in their millions. The messaging isn't much different it's just coming from different sources ie Sturgeon up here, Witty / SAGE down South.
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1 minute ago, Gaz said:

I sucked up two lockdowns because I believed (and still do) that it was the right thing to do. I worked 60+ hour weeks at all times of the day and night while trying to look after a newborn and two disabled kids while staying in the house for 23 hours a day to protect folk that were vulnerable. I (or my wife) went to the shops ourselves. I didn't see my Gran for the last months of her life and had a socially distanced funeral with a small number of my family. My mum (a widow) sat in the hoose herself for months on end before the bubble families were made a thing. My mental health has went to pot and I've put on five and a half stone in weight. I cannot bring myself to do anything but work and eat.

Not any more. I've had three jabs, pretty much everyone at risk has had three jabs. What the hell are we supposed to do?

It will come down to accepting and managing a level of risk, both at government and individual level.

By complete accident, this has happened already - people scared of missing out on Christmas, and Sturgeon getting told to bolt from WM, meaning she’s forced into issuing meek guidelines.

Using doomsday messaging is the issue here. By all means mention the uncertainty, but don’t just emphasise “worrying” Danish stats (which have already turned to shite) and playing down the positive, real world data from South Africa - people can’t manage their own risk if their only being fed one side of the argument.

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23 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

People don't want to spread Covid, they accept having to do things like wear a mask in supermarkets etc

Nope. I do not accept that at all, and don’t do it.

Edited by pozbaird
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Had an interesting chat with my folks at the weekend when I went for a visit. They have been out and about all week, and have lots of plans for this coming week. Lunches, dinner dances, charity prize bingos - they are out socialising every day. 

My dad spent 2020 shielding. He has various health issues and this year his health has got worse. His attitude is: life has to go on. He'd rather live his life and accept the risk that Omicron might be to him - and he is triple jagged - than spend months sitting in the house looking at the same 4 walls. According to my parents, their friends are split on this. Some of their events have been cancelled due to Omicron fears but not many. The rest are going ahead.

Folk in their 70s with health issues are mostly shrugging of the risk of this virus. There is always risk when you are that age - a virulent flu, or pneumonia could do it. In the grand scheme of things what is important to you? 

Their next door neighbour - a widow who lives alone - made the point. What is the point of being isolated and stressed, when she could be out and about living a life?

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11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, sparky88 said:
Not sure I can bear Sturgeon's 'I make no apologies....' routine today when she pointlessly shuts down businesses for a couple of weeks with her furlough money. 

The money announced gets nowhere close to allowing that. Is there even an NS address today ?

Parliament is back in the chamber tomorrow, wouldn't expect anything before then.

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26 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
2 hours ago, sparky88 said:
Not sure I can bear Sturgeon's 'I make no apologies....' routine today when she pointlessly shuts down businesses for a couple of weeks with her furlough money. 

The money announced gets nowhere close to allowing that. Is there even an NS address today ?

Fucking hope not.

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