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That, this afternoon, was the worst advert for getting boosters that I’ve seen. I’m mindful that the opposition are inept, but surely there must be one free thinking, dissenting voice amongst the SNP ranks, that are willing to stand up against this tinpot, dictatorial lunacy!! A dreadful afternoon for Scotland.

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Just now, Glen Sannox said:

That, this afternoon, was the worst advert for getting boosters that I’ve seen. I’m mindful that the opposition are inept, but surely there must be one free thinking, dissenting voice amongst the SNP ranks, that are willing to stand up against this tinpot, dictatorial lunacy!! A dreadful afternoon for Scotland.

Is this not absolutely banned? That in itself is a joke btw, but it's a topic for another day.

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50 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

Mental Health is nothing but an overused buzzword and Tesco will always need shelf stackers

You sir are a pr!*k, go take yer face fur a sh!te

Without being pedantic, Mental Health is two words and a well known contributor to early deaths in young men. But you knew that

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3 minutes ago, Squalor Vic said:

What are we missing here? Why is this data seemingly out there but not being reported by any major media outlets?

I can't get my head around it, genuinely, the rush to lockdown (sorry, protect) when it looks like it's almost petering out already. 

The only think I can think of is emergency services, specifically in the NHS, being severely understaffed due to having to isolate, but that can't be enough to justify all this surely. Clearly they're using this as an excuse to cover the fact the NHS is utterly fucked and has been fucked under their stewardship

The only thing I can think of is that the different demographics of SA and UK make it slightly more difficult to compare the two.

The whole situation is almost like a mirror image of the data from Italy in March 2020, when folk were saying 'italys population is really old that's why they have had so many deaths'. And that was used as excuse for inaction on lockdowns in UK and elsewhere.  

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3 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

The only thing I can think of is that the different demographics of SA and UK make it slightly more difficult to compare the two.

The whole situation is almost like a mirror image of the data from Italy in March 2020, when folk were saying 'italys population is really old that's why they have had so many deaths'. And that was used as excuse for inaction on lockdowns in UK and elsewhere.  

But, you’ve got a massive proportion of that population who are immune compromised, malnourished and without access to proper medical care. So put all that together and their doctors are still telling us its essentially nothing, yet here we are with the bed shitting.

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3 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

The only thing I can think of is that the different demographics of SA and UK make it slightly more difficult to compare the two.

The whole situation is almost like a mirror image of the data from Italy in March 2020, when folk were saying 'italys population is really old that's why they have had so many deaths'. And that was used as excuse for inaction on lockdowns in UK and elsewhere.  

We also had the rather odd dismissal of anything Sweden because "population density" which ignored the fact that Sweden, whilst quite big, has cities just like here, and most people tend to live in them.

It's absolutely confirmation bias. Anything which does not show the outcome you want it to must be discredited rather than considered.

Remember for these people it is always the data that must be wrong, never them.

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1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

How in fucks name did we end up relying on the Brexit gammons just to be allowed to enjoy thee most basic of enjoyments like going for a walk in a neighboring county and stop of for a bite to eat on the way hame? if it were up to those on the left, we'd have kept restrictions all summer and autumn and been back in full lockdown by now

the worlds gawn faackin mad innit 

Great little piece from Nigel Farage tonight.

Anyway, why not join us.

You know it makes sense.

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3 hours ago, renton said:

Not like Sarwar could take a position that contradicts Drakeford, or indeed Starmer.

I mean, it's democratic alright. Starmer opposes Johnson which causes Sarwar to agree with Sturgeon, all of whom are in opposition to the Tory right, and everyone waiting for Johnson to jump one way or the other.

Meanwhile, if cases continue to plateu or even fall then governments at every level will claim it was the increased boosters, and/or the interventions that have already hamstrung hospitality, or if they go down after Boxing day they will point to the increased restrictions then and/or Boosters or if they keep going up into January then it will be proof restriction should have gone further when Sturgeon called for them.

Basically, all bases are covered.

It's absolutely vital that we at least attempt to work out if restrictions work/ which restrictions work. Lockdown is an effective but very blunt tool. Any further lockdowns for COVID or anything else should be more sophisticated than just shutting everything.

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4 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Great little piece from Nigel Farage tonight.

Anyway, why not join us.

You know it makes sense.

Not got much time for them or their views generally, especially since my partner is one of them foreignery types .

I'm just surprised that the so called liberal left are screaming for their government to impose draconian restrictions on their own life,  then again all sides have hypocrisy when it comes to what should and shouldn't be allowed. the right (especially the religious part) want to restrict sex drugs and rocknroll or anything else fun & debauched   . the left want to restrict access to firearms and the ability for individuals to gamble with their own money.  there are many other examples which i can't be arsed going into but you get the point that , generally, when people talk about restrictions on anything, they're referring to something that will likely only affect other people not themselves.

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12 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I see Israel have announced a 4th dose to be rolled out for all over 60s. Where does this end ?

It ends with vaccines with multiple types of Covid in it like the flu vaccine.

Or a concerted effort to vaccine round the world rather than just the developed west.

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Way I have seen these past few weeks are that the variant was an ideal opportunity for Boris to deflect from all his current woes and internal squabbles, which Ironically have only got worse due to backbenchers pushing back from his new restrictions.

It was obvious, based on the past two years and party political agendas, that Drakeford and Sturgeon were going to go “DEFCON 1” and go further and deeper, just to oppose anything the Torys were doing. This has resulted in total heads gone everywhere, with no-one seemingly willing to read the room and listen to clear scientific and medical facts, that this strain is weaker in terms of serious illness and death. It’s this blinkered defiance that will either make or break all sides in this shitshow.

For whatever reason, there seems no dissent from other parties; possibly due to intertwined London based policies eg Starmer would also go deeper, just to point score versus Boris, presumably as he doesn’t have his own internal- party issues and troubles to seek. Hence Labour in Scotland tie the line. 

The most important post I read here today, sadly lost among the 30 pages that followed was by poster @Frank Grimes..

Since Omnicrom was detected in UK (Nov 27th)- 7 Omnicrom deaths, average age 83

Same timescale- 239 male suicides; 70% aged between 25-44 years old.

I would suggest the Governments ought to look at that sobering fact, the next time they get up on their soapbox.

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