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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The specimen date data for the 20th looks completely out of place with the days surrounding it (it's almost 40% higher than the previous day which, with the data currently available just doesn't seem right). Definitely need a few more days worth of data (which, of course, after tomorrow we won't get until the 29th) to see what's going on.

This out of place looking day, of course, is not unique to Scotland, which could point to a data issue.

ETA to add more to this, 6,278 cases have been added to the specimen date data for the 20th of December. That's more than the 6,215 cases the reported today. Cannot be accurate.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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8 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:


6,215 new cases of COVID-19 reported*
54,863 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*
12.7% of these were positive
11 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
38 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
540 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
4,377,002 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination, 4,003,377 have received their second dose, and 2,782,462 have received a third dose or booster.
* On 22 December, Public Health Scotland (PHS) experienced a technical issue that meant that the new reported positive case number was lower than expected (2,434). This has been resolved and the new cases figure for 22 December should have been 5,967. This has been corrected in our trends file and these cases are included in today's cumulative figures.

Is that not including positive cold (omicron)cases ?Screenshot_20211223-141026_Chrome.jpg.3bb9eb8e24f62d8d5d29518d56b53a5f.jpg

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

Eh ?

No idea what your on about all I was doing was stating what was said in an exchange at FMQs. I wasn't and fail to see how you are interpreting that as some sort of ringing endorsement.

I was being ironic mate. I totally got your post 👍

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The most depressing time of the year, the period after Hogmanay. What are we going to see? Bevvying to excess at home again? Folk piling into house parties not giving a fcuk again? Neighbours calling the cops? An increase in domestic violence? Hospitality businesses in real trouble again? Folk avoiding towns and city centres again? Culture and music gigs thrown onto the scrapheap again? Fitba’ sacrificed? Young folk, who the government want to take the vaccines telling the government ‘Fcuk you’? 

Overhead gantries replacing ‘is your car ready for winter’ with ‘get your booster’? Well, I can confirm this one.

Shameful. Fcukers the lot of them in their Edinburgh hidey hole.

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16 hours ago, oaksoft said:

No I don't think so either.

This entire experience will have damaged her beyond repair by the time this is done.

She simply won't have the energy to continue and the country will, just like after WW2, be looing for fresh legs.

f**k knows where we'll find them though.


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50 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Have to say that I think you are right.

I think it's dead in the water for the forseeable future.

I can't see any circumstances under which Sturgeon could possibly win that referendum now and I don't see a single person in the SNP standing out as a future leader who could do it either.

It's going to take another Salmond-like personality to show up and politicians like that are very rare.

Not strictly for this thread but I would say Sturgeon must be aware of the minor rumblings of discontent from some of the party who are frustrated at her lack of push for IndyRef2. I’m not a Nationalist but know Independence is at the heart of the SNP and it’s naturally in the DNA every living day. She has to, at some point, declare for a referendum or she’ll be booted out as a loser, history will judge her harshly by the Nationalists and it truly might be at least a generation before Independence is uttered again in a serious context.

Back on topic, I think a lot of her decision making and clear statements of divergence from England regarding the virus is partially to appear different and appeal to her followers; Tories in England= bad/ SNP= good and caring.

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4 hours ago, pozbaird said:

I was red dotted (couldn’t really care) for suggesting the SNP would lose any IndyRef2, and they will IMHO. A party who needs ‘Scotland’s oil’ money jumped into bed with the Greens? Folk will get into the booth with their pencils, and vote for the status quo. Then, we’ll have saltire waving nationalists in George Square facing off with largely Sevconian union flag waving fannies… and the rabid nationalists will cry and cry for IndyRef3, refusing to accept they’ve just lost 2-0 and are knocked oot’ the cup. They just don’t accept the results of votes that they don’t actually win.

I invite anyone, anyone at all, to bookmark this and bring it out following any IndyRef2. Nationalist, Unionist, or, like me, loosely nationalist but not that political, and now a disillusioned ex-SNP voter.

As a disillusioned ex snp voter I don't see how that would effect your opinion on independence. On the run up to the indy ref, and every time someone brings it up since then the mantra has been "You're voting for independence, not for the snp, once you buy a house you can always change the wallpaper" that still applies. 

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The specimen date data for the 20th looks completely out of place with the days surrounding it (it's almost 40% higher than the previous day which, with the data currently available just doesn't seem right). Definitely need a few more days worth of data (which, of course, after tomorrow we won't get until the 29th) to see what's going on.
This out of place looking day, of course, is not unique to Scotland, which could point to a data issue.
ETA to add more to this, 6,278 cases have been added to the specimen date data for the 20th of December. That's more than the 6,215 cases the reported today. Cannot be accurate.
In this crisis you have to ask yourself why public health Scotland is getting all these days off.
I thought the govt were looking at the data hourly.
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3 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

As a disillusioned ex snp voter I don't see how that would effect your opinion on independence. On the run up to the indy ref, and every time someone brings it up since then the mantra has been "You're voting for independence, not for the snp, once you buy a house you can always change the wallpaper" that still applies. 

I haven’t said it changes my view on independence, I just happen to believe IF there’s any IndyRef2, the answer, once more, will be ‘no’. It’s not what I would vote for, but that’s the result I absolutely believe would be returned. I’ve said it before, but I would vote ‘yes’ because I think these cozy SNP fuckers should be judged on their governance, and their governance alone. SNP fanboys shouldn’t be concerned about my reason for voting ‘yes’, it’s a ‘yes’ vote no matter the reason, right?

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In this crisis you have to ask yourself why public health Scotland is getting all these days off.
I thought the govt were looking at the data hourly.

Probably because it's a public holiday and they are just office-based civil servants doing a basic 9-5 job.
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6 hours ago, Empty It said:
7 hours ago, The Holiday Song said:

Most of South Africa (or atleast a large proportion) are white so that doesn't really work, Britain is just so arrogant and ignorant about anything foreign, white or otherwise.

No it isn't, it's not even 10%

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13 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

As a disillusioned ex snp voter I don't see how that would effect your opinion on independence. On the run up to the indy ref, and every time someone brings it up since then the mantra has been "You're voting for independence, not for the snp, once you buy a house you can always change the wallpaper" that still applies. 

I think for some people that a reason for independence was to be run by politicians they thought more aligned to their way of thinking and (naively perhaps) of a "better standard" (whatever that would mean).

I don't disagree with what you're saying per se, but would be interesting to know the % of support for independence that was down to SNP >Tories. I fear as someone who would like independence that it might be relatively high and the handling of the pandemic will (rightly IMO) reduce that. If that is the case, the question would be how many demographics are more likely to vote independence after the SNPs handling of the pandemic.

Edited by The Holiday Song
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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

It's the smugness, often verging on snobbery that accompanies it that I find most jarring. Even taking away the aspect of people going out and enjoying themselves (the HORROR! do they not know there's a pandemic?), this is people's livelihoods that are being disrupted. Naturally, the people who think football and nightclubs are awful are in the fortunate position where these closures have zero impact on them personally or professionally. 

Goes without saying that I'm a football fan as I post on this forum, though I very rarely attend as I live in England. Nightclubs are of almost zero interest to me as well, so neither of these things really affects me. But they do impact on other people and in some cases very significantly. I really do not see the rationale at this time for implementing these restrictions, so they should simply not be going ahead. 

Some people will then claim, without irony, that people wanting to go to the football and nightclubs are horrible and "selfish". Never mind people's enjoyment, or indeed their livelihoods; they are absolutely alright Jack here so these things can be dispensed with. No consideration at all for the impact these things have on other people, because they are absolutely fine. In my opinion, that is exactly the definition of selfish. 

It’s incredible (and never been so openly highlighted) that so many people are incapable of empathy/unable to foresee how things that don’t affect them personally affect others, or do realise but just don’t care.

I will likely never be in a nightclub again in my life, but it’s incredibly easy to understand that they employ a large number of people across the country, and how them being forced to shut with no support will leave these people in the gutter. Same thing goes for literally every industry affected by restrictions.

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4 minutes ago, The Holiday Song said:

I think for some people that a reason for independence was to be run by politicians they thought more aligned to their way of thinking and (naively perhaps) of a "better standard" (whatever that would mean).

I don't disagree with what you're saying per se, but would be interesting to know the % of support for independence that was down to SNP >Tories. I fear as someone who would like independence that it might be relatively high and the handling of the pandemic will (rightly IMO) reduce that. If that is the case, the question would be how many demographics are more likely to vote independence after the SNPs handling of the pandemic.

Bold bit is me down to a tee. Pre-Covid I was sure the SNP aligned closely to my general views and represented me, and was desperate for independence. Now the idea of them being in charge is terrifying. People always make the ‘you can vote someone else in’ point, and it’s true, but after independence is achieved I’m not in any way convinced that the SNP will disappear the way some people claim they will. They simply can’t be afforded any more power after showing their true colours the last 22 months.

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2 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

He's my MP. Voted for him last time. I've emailed him to tell him why I am not voting for him again.

He seems like he can be added to the list of politicians who have misjudged the mood in the room.

Apparently singing 'shove your booster up your arse' "shouldn't be accepted" now.


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