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2 minutes ago, Blue Brazil Forever said:

Like the last time I reported, Glenrothes was heaving again today. What social distancing?

Very busy in Cumbernauld today. Traffic queuing to get into the big town centre Tesco and Asda causing tailbacks on the surrounding roads, and if anyone is familiar with the road network in Cumbernauld, it is usually brilliant. Free flowing and uncumbered by traffic lights and pedestrians. Antonine Centre buzzing. Atmosphere in it was actually very positive and upbeat. Social distancing my arse. Folk simply getting on with life best they can.

GIRFUY Holyrood.

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Will be interesting if England does indeed go ahead with an unrestricted new year. I think they will and will have done the SNP/Welsh labour up like a kipper.

Considering it is a bigger deal in Scotland with Hogmanay the backlash would be huge against Sturgeon and the SNP, nevermind seeing football stadiums full down south while empty up here.

Whatever happens most people I know who were going to clubs and events are just having sizeable house parties or raves so the ironic thing is it will probably end up more ‘unsafe’ anyway than clubs with LFTs etc.

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7 minutes ago, ChrisTel said:


Will be interesting if England does indeed go ahead with an unrestricted new year. I think they will and will have done the SNP/Welsh labour up like a kipper.

Considering it is a bigger deal in Scotland with Hogmanay the backlash would be huge against Sturgeon and the SNP, nevermind seeing football stadiums full down south while empty up here.

Whatever happens most people I know who were going to clubs and events are just having sizeable house parties or raves so the ironic thing is it will probably end up more ‘unsafe’ anyway than clubs with LFTs etc.


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To add to the above

If England do go ahead and sail through this with no issues, serious questions need to be asked of the SNP about this.

The health service is quite clearly in desperate need of investment. Taking money from it instead to support businesses they unnecessarily caused to be in need of that support would be unforgiveable.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

To add to the above

If England do go ahead and sail through this with no issues, serious questions need to be asked of the SNP about this.

The health service is quite clearly in desperate need of investment. Taking money from it instead to support businesses they unnecessarily caused to be in need of that support would be unforgiveable.

They have absolutely fucked it.

The gamble has not paid off, and decimating the festive economy aside, its possibly killed independence for the foreseeable future. 


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8 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I assume many folk  are the same as my group and are planning on big days/nights out tomorrow and Boxing Day when the pubs will be packed. I'm just glad CoVid isn't coming back out to play until  the 27th

My days of big days and nights out were from about 1977 to 1997, but I absolutely agree with what you’re saying. Younger folk than me are absolutely going to do as you describe. Me? Did the shopping today. Got a new bottle of Eagle Rare bourbon, a six pack of real Coke, a couple of nice Argentinian Malbecs, New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs, a case of Tetleys No4, and the biggest multipack assorted crisps bag known to mankind.

NFL and EPL on the telly, feet up, and fcuk the politicians. Wish me well. 😎

Edited by pozbaird
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I wonder if those who claim P&B (a site that has historically been very pro SNP, left leaning and pro indy) is not representative of the opinion of the public as football fans are a niche part of Scottish society, will finally concede that no, this isn't an echo chamber of anti SNP propaganda who will piss on the parade for the sake of it and that concerns that many have been raising for a long time are now seemingly being asked by the press and the wider public.

The SNP and those advising them most definitely have a lot of uncomfortable questions to answer and are being increasingly found wanting when quizzed. And folk are picking up on it more and more it seems.

Edited by djchapsticks
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8 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

My days of big days and nights out were from about 1977 to 1997, but I absolutely agree with what you’re saying. Younger folk than me are absolutely going to do as you describe. Me? Did the shopping today. Got a new bottle of Eagle Rare bourbon, a six pack of real Coke, a couple of nice Argentinian Malbecs, New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs, a case of Tetleys No4, and the biggest multipack assorted crisps bag known to mankind.

NFL and EPL on the telly, feet up, and fcuk the politicians. Wish me well. 😎


7 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Decent wee supermarket beer that.


6 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Is it not tea?!

I was legit thinking 'a case of teabags?!' 

f**k me, middle age is setting in poorly.

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29 minutes ago, ChrisTel said:



Will be interesting if England does indeed go ahead with an unrestricted new year. I think they will and will have done the SNP/Welsh labour up like a kipper.

Considering it is a bigger deal in Scotland with Hogmanay the backlash would be huge against Sturgeon and the SNP, nevermind seeing football stadiums full down south while empty up here.

Whatever happens most people I know who were going to clubs and events are just having sizeable house parties or raves so the ironic thing is it will probably end up more ‘unsafe’ anyway than clubs with LFTs etc.

I have never seen this much backlash against the SNP in my lifetime and it will get even worse if England is unlikely to have any restrictions. 

They absolutely deserve it. f**k them. 

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9 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

I wonder if those who claim P&B (a site that has historically been very pro SNP, left leaning and pro indy) will finally concede that no, this isn't an echo chamber of anti SNP propaganda who will piss on the parade for the sake of it and that concerns that many have been raising for a long time are now seemingly being asked by the press and the wider public.

The SNP and those advising them most definitely have a lot of uncomfortable questions to answer and are being increasingly found wanting when quizzed. And folk are picking up on it more and more it seems.

Being aligned with certain people over a number of years probably masks your view of their worst excesses, but the reaction to this last week on here, and wider social media and from people I have spoke to has brought the somewhat uncomfortable, cultist nature of some SNP supporters into focus for me.  These people are utterly welded to the first phase of the pandemic because it is only in that phase, with that particular level of risk, that the "reckless tories" card plays. 

Some people can't seem to detect changes to narratives, subtle shifts in what the media etc are saying, and would prefer to continue treating critics of their team as outliers. Its easy to dismiss an outlier. It's this attitude that led us to Brexit really. Dismissal of the frustrated. Its a different scenario but its a decent analogy of one side completely ignoring a groundswell happening on the other.Of course, this pandemic should never have been about "sides", and for that, the SNP also have to shoulder their sahre of the blame. Especially now, in this current clusterfuck of restrictions. 

The sneering arrogance with which these restriction were put in place by the SNP, and have been rallied round automatically by some on here will come back around. 

Edited by Bairnardo
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25 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

To add to the above

If England do go ahead and sail through this with no issues, serious questions need to be asked of the SNP about this.

The health service is quite clearly in desperate need of investment. Taking money from it instead to support businesses they unnecessarily caused to be in need of that support would be unforgiveable.

So the SG have cut the health budget in order to protect public health.

Money that should’ve been used to increase NHS capacity is instead being spent on nonsense theatre.


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