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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 hours ago, Detournement said:

Some pubs must make a killing out of table service. I've been in a few where a barmaid is over as soon as you've took your last sip. 

It also seems to take to longer to break the seal when constantly seated so that's a bonus. 

You also have to factor in that many will be running at vastly reduced capacity. When we were allowed to reopen after the first stage of lockdown, we were supposed to have.

A designated host, a designated drinks runner, a designated food runner, a designated drinks pourer, a designated till operator in both bar and lounge and a designated table cleaner/door handle wiper. 7 staff for a small pub. 



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The possibility of things been restricted tomorrow means that everything has been busy yesterday and today. Governments actually spike mixing by threatening restrictions. 

I'm listening to my first ever Joe Rogan podcast with a doctor who was working on early treatments. There is lots of interesting information but it cleared up something I've been wondering about for a while which is  why America is giving it "pandemic of the unvaccinated" when NHS data shows otherwise. Basically if you are double vaxxed and not showing symptoms you don't get tested entering hospital in America whereas everyone is tested on entry here. 

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4 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Restaurants, pubs, shops etc were all open on Christmas Eve.  The objection clearly concerns the virus being contracted at an institution the writer doesn't value.

There’s always an element of selfishness in all this, agreed. It’s human nature. 

I think there’s a bit of resentment to the special status afforded to churches that see it a step below schools in terms of priorities for opening, which seems (imo) out of step with modern society. 

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1 hour ago, Left Back said:

You have to be trolling here.

I'm not.

What I an doing is demonstrating something many on here find unpalatable though.  That is that self interest and prejudice plays a part in how many people with all manner of views on Covid restrictions, reach their stances.

This is not confined to 'boomers', 'Covid enthusiasts', 'SNP fanboys' or any other identified sections.  It's present also in how some people with the views that dominate this thread, reach and express their outlooks too.

The evidence is all around us, but there's a real reluctance to recognise it.

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1 hour ago, Binos said:

The same decisions the rest of Europe is making 

Things are going swimmingly in Europe, right enough. They fucked up badly by not opening up in the summer like England/UK did. They are also miles behind on boosting the old and vulnerable.

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The Covid psychos are going to have nowhere left to go in the months ahead as the hospitals empty by Easter. Sturgeon, her government, the fake SAGE grifters - they all better start brainstorming their latest pivot now.


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Genuine question here.  Who would just get on with their life without any hesitation if they were showing no symptoms, but was identified as a close contact?  There's no way I'd be isolating at home for 10 days, just because I'd be in the vicinity of someone who tested positive and I certainly wouldn't be going to get tested.  

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10 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Things are going swimmingly in Europe, right enough. They fucked up badly by not opening up in the summer like England/UK did. They are also miles behind on boosting the old and vulnerable.

Didn't say i agreed with the decisions being made 

Omicron should be allowed to run riot and bring an end to the pandemic 

But the are the same decisions being made across Europe under the flag of protecting health systems and pingdemic effects and would have been made in England too was it not for the backbenchers 

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14 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Things are going swimmingly in Europe, right enough. They fucked up badly by not opening up in the summer like England/UK did. They are also miles behind on boosting the old and vulnerable.

What's crazy is that we knew that staying locked down in June and July 2020 would have negative consequences the following winter. That has now been confirmed.

It didn't take any great intelligence to determine that but for some reason it was beyond the health authorities and the Scottish government. 

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4 hours ago, Detournement said:

If it's an app then GTF.

Mobile barmaids are ok. Obviously ordering at the bar like a real man is the best.

I don't mind an app either. Quite a few places in Manchester's Northern Quarter do a mixture these days. I'll normally go up and order as it's still the best way to order but it's handy if you either cba, are too hammered to navigate a bar, or want to order before you finish your pint like a 4D chess game.

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4 minutes ago, Binos said:

Didn't say i agreed with the decisions being made 

Omicron should be allowed to run riot and bring an end to the pandemic 

But the are the same decisions being made across Europe under the flag of protecting health systems and pingdemic effects and would have been made in England too was it not for the backbenchers 

Boris is a factor as well. He continually signals he is far more resistant to restrictions than Sturgeon, Macron and other centrist leaders. 

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7 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

Genuine question here.  Who would just get on with their life without any hesitation if they were showing no symptoms, but was identified as a close contact?  There's no way I'd be isolating at home for 10 days, just because I'd be in the vicinity of someone who tested positive and I certainly wouldn't be going to get tested.  

Correct and correct 👌 

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1 minute ago, NotThePars said:

I don't mind an app either. Quite a few places in Manchester's Northern Quarter do a mixture these days. I'll normally go up and order as it's still the best way to order but it's handy if you either cba, are too hammered to navigate a bar, or want to order before you finish your pint like a 4D chess game.

I meant I don't like apps. It's a pain in the arse to order a round and if you are like me it's annoying as f**k not knowing when your drink is coming. Especially if you're sat outside and can't see the bar.

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Genuine question here.  Who would just get on with their life without any hesitation if they were showing no symptoms, but was identified as a close contact?  There's no way I'd be isolating at home for 10 days, just because I'd be in the vicinity of someone who tested positive and I certainly wouldn't be going to get tested.  
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Came across this "Zero Covid" psychos earlier today.

Just a skim through their thread shows how deranged and detached from reality they are. They want their measures to last 8 to 16 months. Highlights include - permits to leave your house for only a weekly food shop, healthcare and social care visits, key workers seperated from families and made to stay in hotels, outdoor exercising banned, military to help enforce the lockdown, QR codes to monitor movement.

Absolutely crazy but they'll see it as rational.

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[mention=48748]WhiteRoseKilie[/mention] forgive me for not quoting your post, but I don't see how anything I said was prejudiced.
I've nothing against people who want to worship religious characters, but they absolutely should be subject to the same rules and advice as everywhere else.
If the general public are being advised to limit social contact, then churchgoers should be advised to limit church activities too.
If we reach a stage where the SG decide sit-in hospitality isn't allowed again, then churches should be closed too.
There's absolutely no need to row back or retract my statement about the worst argument either - I'm not claiming these activities are less important than any others, only that they are not more important.
Folk were saying about churches, and I don’t know if it’s just Church of Scotland, but they are 1m+ distance for congregations atm.
Appreciate the reply, Todd, even if we still aren't going to agree on this one,I fear. Did you get the reference to "The Trees"?
Cheers for reminding us of restrictions in place in churches, @dvt. My point on these places, which I really didn't think was necessary to make, was that not only have there been restrictions in these places, but I would be very, very surprised if any of them (at least Christian establishments) were operating at anywhere near their capacity. Secondary activities have been mostly suspended or run online, as well. So yes, unpopular opinion though it may be, I believe you're much more likely to pass on any airborne infection in a pub or night club - even, given the length of time and different environments involved, in a day at the football. This does not mean I think the restrictions currently in place are sensible - far from it. We should now be moving back to normal, and rather than stuffing more boosters into arms in the UK, should be part of an international effort to replicate our local vaccination program worldwide.
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