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3 hours ago, Snafu said:

I see Ferrier is now to stand trail for that COVID breach.

Also Swinney finally is being called out by Scottish Labour for talking shite to the public.




Swinney reported to statistics watchdog over Covid comparison

Scottish Labour said ministers must present ‘the facts as they are, not as the Government would wish them to be’.

Speaking on the BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme on Tuesday, he suggested ONS figures showing one in 40 Scots were infected compared to one in 25 in England were “the strongest evidence that the measures taken in Scotland are protecting the population from Covid”.

But the figures cited by Mr Swinney were from before the Scottish Government imposed additional restrictions.
Be interesting to see finally if open opposition to the restrictions gathers pace now that the science and the evidence we see everyday is convincing enough for the public to realise that these measures are mainly political and have little to do with  protecting the NHS or anything else they care about in public health they care to be concerned about.
I mentioned the care homes yesterday and given that this area has among our most vulnerable in our population and given Omicron's ability to outpace testing and spread extremely fast we should be seeing yet again devastation by now in this sector, we are not so far (fingers crossed) and this should be the biggest piece of evidence towards lifting these further restrictions imposed on the population by what is more and more being seen an overbearing, micro-managing SG that won't listen due to their fear of being wrong. Arrogance, pride and letting their egos win, not good. The SG leadership is heading for a mare of a year. I think once the pandemic is done there should be a broom to sweep through the SNP and bring in some new faces to lead. I think Swinney for starters is probably close to stepping back anyway.

He's got previous for that as well, with his daft mask meme

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5 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Collapse in cases and positivity rate today.

According to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social we are just entering the peak. More scaremongering or does he look at different figures from rest of us? 

In good news the SG have agreed to do away with preflight testing etc in the same way as announced elsewhere earlier in the week. 

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5 hours ago, Detournement said:

You said this would never happen. It has happened. 

I hope you are right about the climb down but I don't see it. The violence of language employed by Macron and Trudeau over the past week is scary.

Err, I said it would never happen here. We have token gesture stuff for large events to appease the bed wetters. You said we would be needing vaccine passports to drink in pubs and eat in restaurants this winter. Hasn't happened.

Things will undoubtedly be scaled back in the spring in the UK, and I would fully expect the same elsewhere. There will be absolutely no benefit to keeping what's happening in France etc going once the pandemic is done and dusted, which will be this coming summer. As ever, money will talk.

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Clownshoes on Reporting Scotland just now telling people on Day 8 of their lockdown that they have to fulfill their 10 day isolation, whilst those about to test positive will only need 7.  Is this some sort of submutation that just stopped being as dangerous?

Is there any science behind such a decision, or is it just arbitrary rules for the sake of rules? Sounds like an absolute f***ing farce. 

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Clownshoes on Reporting Scotland just now telling people on Day 8 of their lockdown that they have to fulfill their 10 day isolation, whilst those about to test positive will only need 7.  Is this some sort of submutation that just stopped being as dangerous?
Is there any science behind such a decision, or is it just arbitrary rules for the sake of rules? Sounds like an absolute f***ing farce. 

Alternatively, just go out, at the end of the day nae c**t will either know about it nor stop you.
You shouldn’t have to of course but that’s the reality now
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13 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Clownshoes on Reporting Scotland just now telling people on Day 8 of their lockdown that they have to fulfill their 10 day isolation, whilst those about to test positive will only need 7.  Is this some sort of submutation that just stopped being as dangerous?

Is there any science behind such a decision, or is it just arbitrary rules for the sake of rules? What an absolute f***ing farce. 

So this means someone that tested positive yesterday will still becin covid jail after someone that tests positive today is released.

Outstanding stuff 😂

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6 hours ago, Detournement said:

You said this would never happen. It has happened. 

I hope you are right about the climb down but I don't see it. The violence of language employed by Macron and Trudeau over the past week is scary.

Yep, genuinely frightening stuff from these psychos. Imagine thinking 2 years ago a western 'liberal' leader would speak like this about their population.

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19 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Have I missed an update today on Scotland aligning with yesterdays UK travel entry requirements?

Half heard something on the news there, but not sure if I picked it up right.

The Scottish Government has fallen into line with the UK Government, as expected. The decision came with a mewling, toys out the pram comment, also as expected.


1 minute ago, Zetterlund said:

Yep, genuinely frightening stuff from these psychos. Imagine thinking 2 years ago a western 'liberal' leader would speak like this about their population.

It is, though I'd imagine many of them would have thoughts like this. They'd just never dare put them out in public until now.

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Can't believe these heartless b*****ds are STILL allowed to take their holidays that they're legally entitled to, I bet the scum are still taking a wage despite the NHS being in crisis!!!

Monsters, the lot of us. Don’t know how we can sleep in oor beds at night.
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3 hours ago, George Parr said:

Having a healthy amount of scepticism towards government policy is one thing but earnestly maintaining that the wearing of face masks are 'just a means of government control'' is quite another. Dear me.

Whether you believe the government have imposed face masks out of genuine belief in their effectiveness against transmission, or whether they do so out of a pure behavioural science act, it quite clearly is a means of government control either way.

Since they've never actually been able to evidence a causal relationship between putting a mask on to go for a pish and reduced transmission, I'm far more inclined to think it's a combination of the latter as well as being a handy base measure - that even those who have never taken Covid all that seriously have been largely content to compromise on - of showing that they're seen to be doing at least 'something'.

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5 hours ago, Snafu said:

I see Ferrier is now to stand trail for that COVID breach.

Also Swinney finally is being called out by Scottish Labour for talking shite to the public.




Swinney reported to statistics watchdog over Covid comparison

Scottish Labour said ministers must present ‘the facts as they are, not as the Government would wish them to be’.

Speaking on the BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme on Tuesday, he suggested ONS figures showing one in 40 Scots were infected compared to one in 25 in England were “the strongest evidence that the measures taken in Scotland are protecting the population from Covid”.

But the figures cited by Mr Swinney were from before the Scottish Government imposed additional restrictions.
Be interesting to see finally if open opposition to the restrictions gathers pace now that the science and the evidence we see everyday is convincing enough for the public to realise that these measures are mainly political and have little to do with  protecting the NHS or anything else they care about in public health they care to be concerned about.
I mentioned the care homes yesterday and given that this area has among our most vulnerable in our population and given Omicron's ability to outpace testing and spread extremely fast we should be seeing yet again devastation by now in this sector, we are not so far (fingers crossed) and this should be the biggest piece of evidence towards lifting these further restrictions imposed on the population by what is more and more being seen an overbearing, micro-managing SG that won't listen due to their fear of being wrong. Arrogance, pride and letting their egos win, not good. The SG leadership is heading for a mare of a year. I think once the pandemic is done there should be a broom to sweep through the SNP and bring in some new faces to lead. I think Swinney for starters is probably close to stepping back anyway.

I don't really understand this, maybe I'm being thick.  

Would the statistics to back up restrictions not be those used at the point of implementing them? 

Swinney is useless though so no doubt he's fucked it as that's all he does. 

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