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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It looks like there's been zero involvement of the devolved governments in this decision. Irrespective of your views on the use of LFTs it seems stupid to not at least go through the motions of consultation.

Sturgeon's response and that of the gormless tit running Wales are utterly predictable by now. If I were running policy I wouldn't bother waiting for their concern trolling and just mix and match a few of their token phrases. 

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9 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It looks like there's been zero involvement of the devolved governments in this decision. Irrespective of your views on the use of LFTs it seems stupid to not at least go through the motions of consultation.

Yes, and in the time she took to take her pop, likely no consultation with her own advisors or cabinet etc.


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11 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It looks like there's been zero involvement of the devolved governments in this decision. Irrespective of your views on the use of LFTs it seems stupid to not at least go through the motions of consultation.

As far as I can see this decision will only apply to England. The SG are free to continue providing (and funding) these tests if that’s what they want to spend money on.

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Sturgeon's response and that of the gormless tit running Wales are utterly predictable by now. If I were running policy I wouldn't bother waiting for their concern trolling and just mix and match a few of their token phrases. 
There is one consequence of the decision - if you remove free LFTs you really can't have a self-isolation policy in place that requires the use of daily LFTs to continue working or to escape self-isolation through LFTs on days 6/7.

Possibly a move on self-isolation as well on the cards?
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11 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It looks like there's been zero involvement of the devolved governments in this decision. Irrespective of your views on the use of LFTs it seems stupid to not at least go through the motions of consultation.

Ultimately, they are the ones paying for it.

As VT says, at whatever point BJ says I want to scrap this, NS and MD would say "no" so there's no point in asking them.

If the SG/WA wish to continue the theatre then it really is up to them to maintain the infrastructure and finance it.

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There is one consequence of the decision - if you remove free LFTs you really can't have a self-isolation policy in place that requires the use of daily LFTs to continue working or to escape self-isolation through LFTs on days 6/7.

Possibly a move on self-isolation as well on the cards?

They are planning on binning all covid related stuff in April, so you would imagine so.

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There is one consequence of the decision - if you remove free LFTs you really can't have a self-isolation policy in place that requires the use of daily LFTs to continue working or to escape self-isolation through LFTs on days 6/7.

Possibly a move on self-isolation as well on the cards?

Correct. No WM funding = get back to work ya malingering toads. 

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Can’t wait for the day Nicola Sturgeon calls out the WHO for not caring enough, when they declare it’s all over.
I'm guessing this was tongue in cheek but I won't be the slightest bit shocked if/when it happens.
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I know they've said it will continue to be free for care homes and NHS staff - nothing about Education where we still have the pantomime of staff and pupils taking twice weekly LFTs.
HMPPS want us to take two and a PCR every week - including p/t officers who do, em, two shifts a week. That's sixteen hundred lft and eight hundred pcr from just one nick. Take that across the country and some lucky
Bugger is maKing a bloody fortune here.
Obviously, more tests mean more positives, so this week our nick not only had to pay overtime this weekend, but also offer an extra payment to get enough bodies in to run even a skeleton regime. If this is indicative of what's happening in the NHS and other agencies, we're on the edge of the State ceasing to function.
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