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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I always remember the outrage during the first lockdown during the summer of people going out to sit in public parks 

That outrage usually came from people who had the luxury of living in a home with a big and front garden

Absolutely no fucks or consideration given to the people who lived in a tenement or a high rise flat 

Must have been torture for them

It definitely did come across as middle class outrage at the time

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I always remember the outrage during the first lockdown during the summer of people going out to sit in public parks 
That outrage usually came from people who had the luxury of living in a home with a big and front garden
Absolutely no fucks or consideration given to the people who lived in a tenement or a high rise flat 
Must have been torture for them
It definitely did come across as middle class outrage at the time

I remember one photo of groups of folk spread out across Pollok Park (I think) and the outrage was extraordinary.
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13 hours ago, AMMjag said:

I can't help but think back to ~2018, where the UK Government frontbench were stuck at the bottom of their Brexit barrel, free to be shot at to the SNP's content until they tore themselves apart.

Having embarked on her cretinous middle-class love bombing exercise ever since, the FM is now reduced to spending her Saturday nights turning in full-on Gincardine performances on Twitter.

Your posting standards are abysmally low but this is a bit of a  gem.  Have a greenie.

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50 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

You really do take this place far too seriously.


1 hour ago, Moomintroll said:

I don't, I bother them so much that when I raise my head intermittently in their pet threads they immediately dot me. I truly don't care but I find it funny how much it winds you all up.


2 hours ago, Moomintroll said:

It is a shocking thread where any deviation from the groupthink is met with outright hostility and insults, this post will get at least 6 reddies and I could confidently predict where 5 of them will come from. We are in a world where TiG is consistently the most greenied poster weekly for no other reason than the echo chamber which is this thread. 

C’mon now.

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38 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Covid has absolutely broken Sturgeon. I dont know if its the guilt over her initial handling of the pandemic with the thousands of nursing home and elderly deaths her decisions caused or some other reason that has resulted in this outburst. 

I find this a fairly disingenuous take on things. People, particularly elderly people, were going to die of covid regardless of what interventions were taken, and in most cases politicians were choosing between two or more options where every single one of those options was going to lead to some risk of deaths somewhere. It's a bit like the "trolley dilemma" where you're asked whether you'd pull a lever to direct a train towards a person on the tracks in order to save the lives of five on board. Difficult decisions were needed, and I think it's unhelpful to blame politicians anywhere in the world for sometimes making the wrong ones. Obviously there should be an enquiry, but it has to take into account the potential risks associated with other decisions too.

Aside from that, there have been under 10,000 deaths in Scotland across the entire pandemic, of which somewhere in the region of 2800 occurred in care homes. I therefore think it is wildly inaccurate to suggest that any decision made on returning patients to care homes at the start of that was responsible for "thousands" of them.

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51 minutes ago, Rugster said:

I really, really don’t get this stance. No one is forcing you to read the thread, if you think so little of it just don’t read it. 

That's not really much of an argument.

If people don't like the direction of something on here, especially regarding a topic that concerns us all, why on Earth shouldn't they say so? The thread doesn't and shouldn't only belong to the Main Players.  

Telling people to either go along with it, or not come near it, is not sensible or mature.

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28 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

there is a significant contributing factor for that happening more and more that you appear to have glossed over








Yes, Boris’s personality and traits is a big turn off but, at the moment, the big thing is policy differences.

A large minority of the party don’t want green taxes, disagree with the NI increases, disagree with the nannyish Covid policy and want a harder line on the NI protocol.

These are clear matters of policy difference and not just down to Boris.

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1 minute ago, Lyle Lanley said:


Once again been pushed into praying for the Tories to go through with something and force the hand of the SG. They’ll obviously be able to enjoy using it as political capital as they’ve already started from the moment the story was leaked last night, but as long as they are forced into going along with it I’ll take it.

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I remember one photo of groups of folk spread out across Pollok Park (I think) and the outrage was extraordinary.
My biggest moan at the time wasn't that people were going to parks, beaches and beauty spots but that they were leaving an utter mess behind them.

That's a general moan even without Covid.
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Covid has absolutely broken Sturgeon. I dont know if its the guilt over her initial handling of the pandemic with the thousands of nursing home and elderly deaths her decisions caused or some other reason that has resulted in this outburst. 

I don’t think it’s that, hardly anywhere handled the first wave well. I think after that she just got into a game with boris ( I don’t think appearing to care more had anything to do with it btw) I think it was 100% about trying to make sure our statistics looked better than Englands at all times- and at all costs, so that when all was said & done she could say that the numbers showed that Scotland had done better than England and therefore independence would benefit us
Everything else- masks , football pubs wfh was just tribalism

I don’t know what you can say about the rest of Europe or the world even
Rep Ireland are already independent, they certainly don’t need to care more than boris yet they have kept some of the strictest rules in Europe for the longest time and actually enforced them . As an aside, whenever I’ve visited there I always found them to be less rigid about rule enforcement than the uk, same goes for spain. So this is at odds with the image i had for both countries

Plenty of governments in Europe have royally shat the bed this winter, perhaps they believe cases are the most important metric that their government will be measured on, or that their people believe that to be so

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I don’t think it’s that, hardly anywhere handled the first wave well. I think after that she just got into a game with boris ( I don’t think appearing to care more had anything to do with it btw) I think it was 100% about trying to make sure our statistics looked better than Englands at all times- and at all costs, so that when all was said & done she could say that the numbers showed that Scotland had done better than England and therefore independence would benefit us
Everything else- masks , football pubs wfh was just tribalism

I don’t know what you can say about the rest of Europe or the world even
Rep Ireland are already independent, they certainly don’t need to care more than boris yet they have kept some of the strictest rules in Europe for the longest time and actually enforced them . As an aside, whenever I’ve visited there I always found them to be less rigid about rule enforcement than the uk, same goes for spain. So this is at odds with the image i had for both countries

Plenty of governments in Europe have royally shat the bed this winter, perhaps they believe cases are the most important metric that their government will be measured on, or that their people believe that to be so

There clearly has been a political element all along - the need to differentiate from Westminster but also to highlight issues with funding. I think for the greater part of the pandemic she's gotten away with it because we were really only talking about subtle differences.

This latest set of restrictions and vaccine passports were quite different - and she has pissed off a lot of supporters who until that point were prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt.

I think there’s also the real issue that she is an instinctively cautious politician, conservative with a small 'c' as it were - I think there is part of her that is genuinely wary of lifting restrictions too early.

It really needs those in the SNP hierarchy to have a word in her ear if it does prove to be damaging.

As a final thought - there have been some saying she should go - but I am genuinely struggling to think of someone competent enough with enough experience to replace her.

The thought of Humza as FM is enough to put shivers down my spine.

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1 hour ago, Moomintroll said:

You really do take this place far too seriously.

He doesn’t have much of a life outside this forum.  Of course he’s going to take it seriously, particularly when there’s other likeminded people validating his opinion.


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1 hour ago, Glennie said:

my sister works in a shop. the way she goes on about it every fucking day youd think it was a cold war situation room

I wouldn’t imagine a Cold War would require a situation room.

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