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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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42 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

Hobby?  This is a full time job for Elixir....double shifts.

I feel sorry for the likes of Warnock, Mourinho, Montgomery etc......I am sure they must be on commission every time he cuts and pastes one of those "absolutely hilarious" images

I hadn't posted on here all day till the past hour or so, bud. I'm sure that sounded better in your head, though! Keep at it, and maybe one day you'll land a decent dunk!

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Regardless of the reasons for it, the tide is definitely turning and unless a new highly damaging variant arrives, it looks like a permanent turning point.

You can tell that the pro-lockdown freaks also sense the game is running away from them because the shrieking is reaching fever pitch all across social media. That's not just the likes of Deepti Gurdasani (who genuinely appears to be on the verge of a complete breakdown) but ordinary people too who are realising that after 2 years of us bending over backwards to help them, they are on the verge of having to learn how to "adult" for themselves again.

You know what really grates? It's not the lack of a thank you from the vulnerable for the 2 years of sacrifices we've pretty much all made to keep them safe, through continual vaccinations and restrictions. I don't need their thanks. What really grates is having gone through all of that for them, they turn round and call us selfish c***s for wanting our lives back. That's the bit which will stick in my mind. And when I'm old and grey, I'll be happy to pass on the lesson to future generations that the more you try to help some people, the more ungrateful they become. Once you cross that line into making people dependent it's a long road back for them.

Won't lie. I feel better for that wee mini-rant. 😆

Thank you.

Life was particularly hard (for everyone) at the start of the pandemic, and I was basically a prisoner in my house until August 2020, when the rules for those in the at risk category were eased somewhat.

From that point on my life has been made so much less stressful by the majority of others being careful and mostly following the restrictions whether they agreed with them or not.

I agree that we're pretty much at the point where I think life should get back to where we were pre pandemic. Recently received a letter about treatment that, provided you know early enough, can prevent covid causing serious illness.

There will always be some who fall through the cracks, including possibly myself, but that shouldn't imo now impinge on the majority getting their freedoms fully back. 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

What intrusion has happened to your day to day life apart from being asked to wear a mask and wash your hands occasionally, which you refuse to do? As I understand it you're not a regular clubber or visitor to football stadiums, or even pubs. I'm struggling to understand how covid has affected your life at all.

Yowzers man, just yowzers. 

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1 hour ago, GTee said:

I usually post rubbish on here. Anyway, I was thinking earlier. Why should fully vaccinated people need to wear a mask? 

Celtic's stadium announcer had made a few announcements during the match tonight asking people to wear face masks walking around inside the stadium. Never saw anyone wearing one. 


Edited by Lyle Lanley
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I usually post rubbish on here. Anyway, I was thinking earlier. Why should fully vaccinated people need to wear a mask? 
Looking at the scientific data nobody should be wearing masks, you're buying into this bullshit government propaganda blaming everything on unvaccinated people when in reality 99% of people who need vaccinated (elderly & vulnerable) have been vaccinated. The continuation of restrictions is about power, nothing else.
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13 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:


I did enjoy reading the Tweets from one particular SNP supporter that asked from proof that the restrictions weren't/didn't work when someone criticised them and when presented with some replied with "well 20/20 hindsight..." despite the evidence being available before  Sturgeon imposed restrictions.

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

I don't know how you managed to cope with that.

Ach, with a resigned shrug.

I'd always known our rigged duopoly was going to return and often said so.  It actually took longer than I'd thought it would.

The turmoil was great fun while it lasted though.

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I nearly broke the COVID thread yesterday with some COVID related tattoo pics. One of which was someone who had decided to tattoo themselves with the barcode for their vaccine status.
Whit a numpty and it works.
btw I thought it was my fault that the site went down about 1pm yesterday until I checked the P&B twitter and it was only Div doing a site quick updating.
Can't wait until a second booster is needed and his barcode is no longer valid.
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