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Sturgeon absolutely CHOKING for the variant klaxon before 21st March.

I note a distinct lack of anyone wanting to refute my previous point re Sturgeon wanting this to carry on, where before saying this had folk queuing up to defend her.

Absolutely beyond doubt.

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1 hour ago, Left Back said:

Think it might have been a legal requirement if you were pinged or contacted by test & trace.  Not 100% sure of this though.

That would make no sense. Mandatory isolation for close contacts who aren't ill, but guidance for people who test positive.

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7 minutes ago, Captain Saintsible said:

The great positive out of all this though has been WFH! 


3 good things for me. WFH as you said, it doesn’t suit everyone, but certainly suits me, the amount of local restaurants who diversified and offered superb home deliveries/takeaway who didn’t before, and the football streaming. 

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54 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Sturgeon is now going to have to face the ire of the "caring" brigade because she's not provided any "science" to back dropping masks or vaccine passports.

That's her problem for bringing them in in the first place and then not removing them earlier.

She's been well and truly found out.

Will her simps still seek to defend her?

I know @welshbairnhas already joined the gaslighting party over mandatory isolation for positive cases but will he be a lone voice?

I can still remember when Wee Bully claimed he'd cut up his SNP membership. yXAbrOQ.png


42 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'm focussing on the relief of this rather than the anger of the last 2 years of pointless shite.

To be under any restrictions from control freaks is utterly suffocating and I'm not alone in feeling this.

It feels like I can breathe again.

I feel utterly underwhelmed because they are keeping a thinly veiled Sword of Damocles over us all for the future as soon as the next scariant appears. The complete lack of optimism/positivity, and frankly the contempt at the idea that many people won't want to abide by this shit any longer is pitiful.

Can only hope the gravitational pull of our geopolitical neighbours keeps them in check, and that over time this all just fades from memory.

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16 minutes ago, Captain Saintsible said:

The great positive out of all this though has been WFH! 


Dreading the day they ask for the laptop back and say its back to the office full time. 

Half and half would be fine but full time listening to Real Radio and Celebrity Dancing on the Jungle Ice chat might be a bridge too far. 

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1 minute ago, ddfg said:

Dreading the day they ask for the laptop back and say its back to the office full time. 

Half and half would be fine but full time listening to Real Radio and Celebrity Dancing on the Jungle Ice chat might be a bridge too far. 

I worked in an office as a student in the finance dept of a large car firm, the utter shite that obsessed people from office rivalries, gossip and trivial celeb ‘gossip’ and inane radio ‘banter’ that they all seemed to love (that fud George Bowie and clyde 1) I can honestly think of no worse type of environment to work in, I say that as someone who’s also held other jobs with roles which include constant prisoner observations and standing on the side of loch lomond in the middle of winter in the driving rain for 12 hours guarding a possible crime scene. 

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5 minutes ago, ddfg said:

Dreading the day they ask for the laptop back and say its back to the office full time. 

Half and half would be fine but full time listening to Real Radio and Celebrity Dancing on the Jungle Ice chat might be a bridge too far. 

I work for a Local Authority and looks like back in the office 4 days a week from end of April. Dreading it !

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Posted at 16:22

Hospitality sector criticises face masks for another month

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The hospitality sector has voiced its agreement that ministers should be doing more to increase public confidence.

Scottish Hospitality Group spokesman Stephen Montgomery argued that the continued use of face coverings could prevent people from going to venues.

He said: "There are a number of details which will require further thought and consultation, and we would have liked to see a clearer and faster transition to the end of restrictions and mandatory use of masks, as keeping these for a further month does nothing for rebuilding consumer confidence."

He welcomed the step towards normality and said the sector would continue to do all it could to keep customers safe.




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26 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

That would make no sense. Mandatory isolation for close contacts who aren't ill, but guidance for people who test positive.

There was already some crazy guidance in place.  a live example.

My mates wife tested positive for Covid and thus had to Isolate for 10 days with possibility of release on Day 7 if 2 daily negative LFTS.

Husband only had 2 Jags so not "fully vaccinated" yet.  This was guidance.

Any close contact who is not fully vaccinated (three doses) will still have to self-isolate for the 10 days and take a PCR test.

So if he tested negative he had to isolate for 10 days


anyone who tests positive for Covid-19, regardless of vaccination status, must still self-isolate for 10 days. However,  if they test negative on a Lateral Flow Device (LFD) on Day 6 and again at least 24 hours later.

So made sure he caught it.   

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RE: Criticism of keeping masks until 21th March - I feel it's perfectly valid. Case rates have been pretty much flat since the 15th of January. Other than "we just don't want to be seen to be doing the same as England" what will keeping them for 4 more weeks do?

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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

RE: Criticism of keeping masks until 21th March - I feel it's perfectly valid. Case rates have been pretty much flat since the 15th of January. Other than "we just don't want to be seen to be doing the same as England" what will keeping them for 4 more weeks do?

They can 'keep' them for 4 weeks but for all but employees they can be launched in the bin right now. 

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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Her fanboys who willingly went out to bat for her on the virtuousness boat must be feeling like right fucking plums this afternoon.

No chance. They’ll believe there will be a seismic change in rates between now and masks being dropped, otherwise Mammy wouldn’t allow them to be dropped, like the reckless Tories.

Spoiler alert: there won’t be any change. 

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9 minutes ago, Deanburn Dave said:

Re keeping masks until 21 March the obvious and easy question she has to answer is why not the 20th, or 19th or 18th or...... etc.....

There is absolutely no scientific justification for picking a random date. It is a 100% political decision to just be different from Boris.

It’s completely arbitrary IMO. It’s 27 days from now. Why not just the 28th of this month like the vaccine passports?

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