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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

At least it might stop her bamkrupting you through online shopping.

Lives next to Philpy.

Pray for Throbber at this difficult time.

Bullet dodged.

Someones came out firing this morning. Overindulged lastnight IMO. 

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The geographical spread of the virus in the UK is much less focussed.



I can't find a death rate by region of the UK on that site to compare with the Italian figures but the cases seem to show that while it's focussed worse in London and the West Midlands it's not as targetted as it seems to be in Italy.

Caveat being, of course, that these figures and statistics will be unreliable to a degree.  Some people in Italy say that the deaths there are being underreported and there's been talk that the same might be true in the UK.  

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Another wee but of info I heard today is the NHS Forth Valley is currently at 75% ICU capacity with Forth Valley considered to be respecting the lockdown very well.


ETA I realise "I heard" is assumed to be shite so this came from an NHS high heid yin.

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18 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I think there's a number of reasons.  One is that the Italian cases were highly focussed on a single region so the scenes there were absolutely horrific.  The virus here is mainly focussed on London but even there I don't think the impact is as focussed as Lombardy or Bergamo.  We haven't, yet, seen the sort of healthcare system stresses or collapse that happened (and probably still is happening) in the regions of Italy that wer hit.  Also, Italy being the first European country that was affected so badly it was a shock to see - maybe it prepared people for the figures we are seeing, it let people know that this was coming, it's not been such a huge shock to people.

I'm sure some people are playing it down or up for what they see as partisan politic reasons but I don't think that's the main factor.  

I'm sure there are, and some will be keeping their powder dry for when this is all over, before showing themselves up as c****.

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17 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Most people barely blink when they hear an elderly aunty or neighbour has died. It's just part of life.

If children were dying it would an entirely different reaction.

Just saw this post.  

I absolutely agree, I think that if it was affecting children in the proportions that it was affecting adults we would be in a lockdown so harsh it would the Chinese one look like it was being run by the Liberal Democrats.  

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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Another wee but of info I heard today is the NHS Forth Valley is currently at 75% ICU capacity with Forth Valley considered to be respecting the lockdown very well.


ETA I realise "I heard" is assumed to be shite so this came from an NHS high heid yin.

This page shows the ICU breakdown by region.  Forth Valley seems to have 7 patients in ICU.  Are there really only 10 ICU beds in Larbert?  Sheesh.


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3 minutes ago, Gaz said:

My mate's a nurse in one of the ICU Covid wards in Glasgow, he's been keeping us posted. It sounds absolutely fucking brutal.

Everyone seems to be saying this besides Bairnardo's auntie's dug's hairdresser's brother. I've also heard it's horrific at Forth Valley but the staff are doing a phenomenal job.

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Guest Moomintroll
My mate's a nurse in one of the ICU Covid wards in Glasgow, he's been keeping us posted. It sounds absolutely fucking brutal.
That is shite to hear, we have been taking sone grief in the essential Retail sector but anyone trying to compare us to frontline Medical Staff are having a laugh. We put stuff on some shelves and shout at people who ignore the one way system or fail to keep social distancing but we are completely irrelevant compared to the people trying to keep Hospitals going right now. Selfish people are arseholes.
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2 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:


The actual state of you.

Ironically you were probably hoping harder than anyone else on P&B that BoJo would croak, just so you could get into a state at those nasty Nats

And also because you're a creepy wee bigot. 

Don’t worry buddy, sadly for you Boris didn’t die but surely something will happen at some point so you can celebrate and let your 6+ years of pent up anger out.

In the meantime the non-cybernats can continue to point and laugh at you, of course. 

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

Today was the day I was meant to be going on my Easter holiday to Haggerston castle for 3 nights then Sheffield for 3 nights. Today we had planned to stop for a bit of lunch at North Berwick en route as well. It’s going to be a very difficult few days for me.

Praying for you mate 🙏 

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This page shows the ICU breakdown by region.  Forth Valley seems to have 7 patients in ICU.  Are there really only 10 ICU beds in Larbert?  Sheesh.

Presumably that is 7 Covid patients in ICU. There will be non-Covid patients needing ICU care too.
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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Some really grim pictures from New York City, numerous coffins being buried in mass graves following death from the virus.

Hart Island is an uninhabited island off the Bronx which has been used for burials of those with no next of kin or unclaimed bodies for many years.  


Apparently Hart Island is a designated place for burial of excess bodies in a pandemic.  Are there similar named places in the UK?

Inverness have plans to use the ice rink as a temporary morgue if the shit hits the fan. Very sensible.

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1 minute ago, Moomintroll said:
8 minutes ago, Gaz said:
My mate's a nurse in one of the ICU Covid wards in Glasgow, he's been keeping us posted. It sounds absolutely fucking brutal.

That is shite to hear, we have been taking sone grief in the essential Retail sector but anyone trying to compare us to frontline Medical Staff are having a laugh. We put stuff on some shelves and shout at people who ignore the one way system or fail to keep social distancing but we are completely irrelevant compared to the people trying to keep Hospitals going right now. Selfish people are arseholes.

That's nice of you to say but at the same time don't do yourselves a disservice. I don't envy anyone working in supermarkets just now in the slightest. Doing an essential service in brutal circumstances.

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6 minutes ago, The DA said:

This page shows the ICU breakdown by region.  Forth Valley seems to have 7 patients in ICU.  Are there really only 10 ICU beds in Larbert?  Sheesh.


Dont know. Mrs B was in a meeting at here work lastnight where she was told the 75% number, that the worst patients if they become overwhelmed will be sent to Louisa Jordan and also that all staff including herself could be sent to Louisa Jordan if its deemed neccessary

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57 minutes ago, throbber said:

Did you get a refund sorted? They never answered their phone when the Mrs was phoning them. We moved our trip to next Easter though. 

I actually don't know, was supposed to be going with the girlfriend and her kid but we split up about three weeks ago and she paid so not my issue thankfully.

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12 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Not so good.

Does he have any idea where he might have picked it up?

Im guessing just through the nature of his job. I imagine there's close to zero social distancing when taking money from the passengers. Even with the perspex screens the buses have now. 

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