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13 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Are their detergents drinkable quality in the fight against COVID-19?



Edited to add question mark.

I'll see if some local jakeys can do a test.

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While I was walking through Kelvingrove Park there, I saw a guy standing in the middle of the playpark leaning against one of the slides. Cop car pulled up, one of them got out and asked if he was OK. "Yeah, I'm just taking a photo of the Uni" was his answer. When the cop pointed out that this didn't seem like an essential journey or exercise, and that he had had to enter an area cordoned off with police tape to take said photo, he took the huff and said there were other people doing similar and they were picking on him. He then wandered off, muttering under his breath while the cop looked completely fed up.
Am I wrong for thinking she should have just nicked him for being a knob?

They could arrest him if he failed to desist but ultimately whats the point taking a resource off the street for hours to deal with someone who is essentially just a diddy?
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While I was walking through Kelvingrove Park there, I saw a guy standing in the middle of the playpark leaning against one of the slides. Cop car pulled up, one of them got out and asked if he was OK. "Yeah, I'm just taking a photo of the Uni" was his answer. When the cop pointed out that this didn't seem like an essential journey or exercise, and that he had had to enter an area cordoned off with police tape to take said photo, he took the huff and said there were other people doing similar and they were picking on him. He then wandered off, muttering under his breath while the cop looked completely fed up.
Am I wrong for thinking she should have just nicked him for being a knob?
Definitely don't think he should be nicked.

Walking away muttering about the police is not a crime, and i would never want it to be.

There's a very difficult balance to be struck with the lockdown. If the politicians had went full absolute lockdown then the police response would've had to be harsher. But I'm not sure how long that would've been possible - unless we had an Italy style overload of deaths (that would've hardened people's resolve).

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And had they attended a situation where there was a crowd who had gathered I might have had some sympathy.
This situation was just control freakery by police officers desperate to be important during this lockdown.
Commonsense seems to be totally absent.

The government has mandated that the police operate an engage, explain, educate and enforce (in most cases as a last option) approach. The police officer engaged the male and explained the policy/law which is exactly what seems to have happened here, thats not heavy handed, just seems to be yet another example of people who think they are the exception to the rule.
You say control freakery, i see good engagement in difficult times of measures put in place to keep people safe.
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34 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Definitely don't think he should be nicked.

Walking away muttering about the police is not a crime, and i would never want it to be.

There's a very difficult balance to be struck with the lockdown. If the politicians had went full absolute lockdown then the police response would've had to be harsher. But I'm not sure how long that would've been possible - unless we had an Italy style overload of deaths (that would've hardened people's resolve).

I had a similar annoyance with them last week. 

I was walking through Central at around 8.15am on Monday or Tuesday (each day seems the same) and there was a row of Police stationed across the main entrance / exit,  as I approached PC shouts at me "essential buddy ?" I responded with "sorry ?" and got "essential travel buddy ?" to which I replied "Yes". He then just shrugged and turned away.

Ok, seems fair enough, however I'm clearly displaying my photo ID pass and I've just come off a rush hour train from the Ayrshire coast so why else would I be coming to Glasgow at that time in the morning if I didn't need to ?

Again, would all seem fair enough on the part of the Police if it wasn't for 50 yards away the teams of Neds all hanging around and stalking the areas around the station being left completely unchecked to do as ever they pleased. You couldn't write it.

As always it's typical incompetence on the part of their leaders and just leaves you feeling annoyed / frustrated by it all.

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2 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

I had a similar annoyance with them last week. 

I was walking through Central at around 8.15am on Monday or Tuesday (each day seems the same) and there was a row of Police stationed across the main entrance / exit,  as I approached PC shouts at me "essential buddy ?" I responded with "sorry ?" and got "essential travel buddy ?" to which I replied "Yes". He then just shrugged and turned away.

Ok, seems fair enough, however I'm clearly displaying my photo ID pass and I've just come off a rush hour train from the Ayrshire coast so why else would I be coming to Glasgow at that time in the morning if I didn't need to ?

Again, would all seem fair enough on the part of the Police if it wasn't for 50 yards away the teams of Neds all hanging around and stalking the areas around the station being left completely unchecked to do as ever they pleased. You couldn't write it.

As always it's typical incompetence on the part of their leaders and just leaves you feeling annoyed / frustrated by it all.

How would you try to control 60 million people with the numbers of police officers available, without them running around playing hide and seek with neds all day? All they can do is maintain a presence and occasionally remind people not to take the pish. 

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14 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

I had a similar annoyance with them last week. 

I was walking through Central at around 8.15am on Monday or Tuesday (each day seems the same) and there was a row of Police stationed across the main entrance / exit,  as I approached PC shouts at me "essential buddy ?" I responded with "sorry ?" and got "essential travel buddy ?" to which I replied "Yes". He then just shrugged and turned away.

Ok, seems fair enough, however I'm clearly displaying my photo ID pass and I've just come off a rush hour train from the Ayrshire coast so why else would I be coming to Glasgow at that time in the morning if I didn't need to ?

Again, would all seem fair enough on the part of the Police if it wasn't for 50 yards away the teams of Neds all hanging around and stalking the areas around the station being left completely unchecked to do as ever they pleased. You couldn't write it.

As always it's typical incompetence on the part of their leaders and just leaves you feeling annoyed / frustrated by it all.

Did you tie an onion to your belt as was the fashion at the time?

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8 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

Did you tie an onion to your belt as was the fashion at the time?

Nope, you're going to have to explain that one ??

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Nope. The guy was keeping his distance from everyone else.

The police have no business even approaching him.

They have no business wrapping police tape around kids playgrounds either.

^^^^^^^^^  Drivel.

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That’s bollocks.  I bought sirloins, burgers and sausages from Lidl for a barbecue about three weeks ago, the sirloins were poor and the sausages and burgers not too great.  We are having the same again tomorrow and everything has been bought from Tesco where we usually get stuff.
I have no problem with Aldi or Lidl but don’t assume all butcher meat is of the same quality.
Tescos meat is good although not any better and more expensive. Asdas meat is shite and has been for a while. You can get an Aberdeen Angus sirloin in Aldi or Lidl for usually less than 4 quid and they're always decent. Don't usually buy burgers or sausages so don't really know. Supermarket Chicken is pretty shite everywhere imo.
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1 minute ago, AUFC90 said:
2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:
That’s bollocks.  I bought sirloins, burgers and sausages from Lidl for a barbecue about three weeks ago, the sirloins were poor and the sausages and burgers not too great.  We are having the same again tomorrow and everything has been bought from Tesco where we usually get stuff.
I have no problem with Aldi or Lidl but don’t assume all butcher meat is of the same quality.

Tescos meat is good although not any better and more expensive. Asdas meat is shite and has been for a while. You can get an Aberdeen Angus sirloin in Aldi or Lidl for usually less than 4 quid and they're always decent. Don't usually buy burgers or sausages so don't really know. Supermarket Chicken is pretty shite everywhere imo.

Pretty sure it was the Aberdeen Angus sirloins we got from Lidl, as I say poor quality and would not buy again.

Never tried the butcher meat from Aldi.

I don’t believe in paying over the odds but I’m quite happy to pay a bit extra if I know I’m going to enjoy something based on past shopping experience.


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Just now, MixuFixit said:

Local Butcher>Morrisons>Sainsburys>Tesco/Lidl/Aldi tied>Asda

Aye, I was about to say that all this talk of which supermarket has the least shit meat is a bit odd. It's not like the prices at your local butcher are out of the realms of possibility for most folk.

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