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6 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

I'm afraid you've heard it wrong.  

It's similar to "you can only exercise for an hour a day"

So, when I'm in Glasgow each day, why are Scotrail announcing that "everyone should stay at home" and that the "Railway is only running for key workers for essential travel" ???

Why are the Police stopping people in the station and asking where they work ??

I'm sorry, but this "anyone can go to their work if they can social distance" is news to me and is certainly not the message coming from either the UK or the Scottish authorities.

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4 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

It's always been "you should only go to work if it isn't possible to work from home". An essential journey includes travelling to and from work, the work itself doesn't need to be essential. Although lots of companies who were saying their work was essential sent out covering letters so people could produce them if stopped by the police (which happened a few times in first work or so but seems to not be happening now?). And people wonder why folk get confused.

My brother keeps claiming he's a 'key worker' because he goes into his office a couple of times a week.

He won't listen that he just has things that can't be done at home so it's ok for him to do those in his office and do the rest from home. I suppose it makes him happy.

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Just now, WATTOO said:

So, when I'm in Glasgow each day, why are Scotrail announcing that "everyone should stay at home" and that the "Railway is only running for key workers for essential travel" ???

Why are the Police stopping people in the station and asking where they work ??

I'm sorry, but this "anyone can go to their work if they can social distance" is news to me and is certainly not the message coming from either the UK or the Scottish authorities.

If you can't work from home and have to work then it's essential travel.

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7 minutes ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

As a football fan, I'd be delighted if some/all of the top leagues started back fairly soon. I couldn't care less if they were given special treatment compared to your average joe in an office.

It would provide some much needed light relief as well as being symbolic that we are turning the tide on the virus.

It's not about "special treatment", it's either a health and safety issue or it's not.

You either can social distance or you can't there's no grey area whatsoever.

How can anyone play football while "social distancing" ????

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

It's not about "special treatment", it's either a health and safety issue or it's not.

You either can social distance or you can't there's no grey area whatsoever.

How can anyone play football while "social distancing" ????

Training on their own.

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As a football fan, I'd be delighted if some/all of the top leagues started back fairly soon. I couldn't care less if they were given special treatment compared to your average joe in an office.
It would provide some much needed light relief as well as being symbolic that we are turning the tide on the virus.

This is quite depressing enough without the added misery of having to watch football
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6 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

It's not about "special treatment", it's either a health and safety issue or it's not.

You either can social distance or you can't there's no grey area whatsoever.

How can anyone play football while "social distancing" ????

Did you not watch United’s defenders the last half dozen games?

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6 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

It's not about "special treatment", it's either a health and safety issue or it's not.

You either can social distance or you can't there's no grey area whatsoever.

How can anyone play football while "social distancing" ????

In Germany they have a huge list of procedures in place to ensure the players do not have the virus, so no need for social distancing.

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10 minutes ago, H Wragg said:

See point 4. 



Edit - You could argue that seeing as players would be training in a social distancing manner it's not unreasonable to think there's no need for them to be gathering at their training ground.




Unless you are with members of your household, gatherings of more than two people in parks and other public spaces have been banned. The police have the powers to disperse gatherings and issue fines if necessary.

(I'm sure there's already a few footballers fallen foul of this, so what's changed ??)

Communal places within parks such as sports courts, playgrounds and outdoor gyms have been closed to protect everyone’s health.

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Alarming amount of "can we no just...." coming from Mrs B, and her maw.

Dont bother searching back, you do remember correctly that she is a frontline NHS worker.

Shes a good indication of people less aware of news/politics etc just beginning to think that they can gradually start doing what they want or bending the rules to suit themselves, since she doesnt pay attention to f**k all.

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2 minutes ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

In Germany they have a huge list of procedures in place to ensure the players do not have the virus, so no need for social distancing.

I don't care about Germany, they've also got  a huge list of procedures in place to ensure their ordinary citizens don't catch the virus either. It's Apples & Pears.

Sorry, but you can't have one rule for professional (using the term loosely) sportsmen and another for the general population.

What next ?

Allow them out to the Pub as THEY don't need to social distance and THEY don't have the virus.

No, this is just wrong on so many levels.

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

I don't care about Germany, they've also got  a huge list of procedures in place to ensure their ordinary citizens don't catch the virus either. It's Apples & Pears.

Sorry, but you can't have one rule for professional (using the term loosely) sportsmen and another for the general population.

What next ?

Allow them out to the Pub as THEY don't need to social distance and THEY don't have the virus.

No, this is just wrong on so many levels.

The Bundesliga will be the first major league to return and if successful, every other league will copy the model used there with regards to the specific testing schedule of players/staff and every other protocol


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23 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

So, when I'm in Glasgow each day, why are Scotrail announcing that "everyone should stay at home" and that the "Railway is only running for key workers for essential travel" ???

Why are the Police stopping people in the station and asking where they work ??

I'm sorry, but this "anyone can go to their work if they can social distance" is news to me and is certainly not the message coming from either the UK or the Scottish authorities.

Probably to make sure that's where you are going.

Something being news to you does not mean it is wrong.

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5 minutes ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

The Bundesliga will be the first major league to return and if successful, every other league will copy the model used there with regards to the specific testing schedule of players/staff and every other protocol


Make no mistake, if football in the UK is permitted to return during the "lockdown" then it's the end of the line I'm afraid.

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