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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

On the other hand in pubs and restaurants you come into contact with lots people and drunk people. Being with one person for hours is probably safer than being with multiple people for hours

True, although the one person you’re in contact with could have the virus! I think if restaurants or pubs take a few tables away and create more space then I’d feel safer there than having a barber breath into my face 

1 minute ago, H Wragg said:

Where are you getting the suggestion that barbers are opening in 2 weeks?

Genuinely interested as I've seen 6 months given as a possible reopening timescale.

My mates wife said the “industry” (she owns a salon) believe it will be a few weeks rather than 6 months until they open. 

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My mates wife said the “industry” (she owns a salon) believe it will be a few weeks rather than 6 months until they open. 
So, you've got your info from your mate's wife and I've just googled to see where I got mine from and it appears it was The Sun.

Shall we agree on 3 months and call it quits? [emoji16]
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16 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You are trying way too hard o play to the gallery. :lol:

Whatever gives your life meaning though.

Yeah if my life didn’t have meaning I’d have to invent things about myself in an attempt to impress people on a football forum.  Now that WOULD be tragic.

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Trouble is though that they won't, the only people who will be swayed are folk that were directly affected by losing a loved one.
..or their job, or their relationship through lockdown stress, or their home, or a large chunk of their freedom..

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For a while I’ve felt sympathy - to some degree - for the government in trying to get ‘official’ data out. The reality is this work is not normally required to be up to date as of a few hours ago, and the very nature of attributing a cause of death is a) hard to define and b) slow by the time it’s registered.


Care homes were initially ignored on statistical releases because usually nobody really cares how many are dying and why, at least not with any urgency. There was no quick process to get accurate data when problems became clear. I thought it was very strange then that when the ONS started doing weekly care homes figures they weren’t added into the ‘overall’ column. Didn’t see why they’d go to the effort to produce the report and then not trust it.


And today, we have care home deaths included in the official tally. Hurray. Right? Finally a clear picture? Sadly not. Only official Covid deaths with a positive test are included. We know testing has been a complete shambles overall, but none more so than in care homes. Patients have until very recently been refused tests and even refused hospital admission. We simply don’t know the extent of coronavirus in care homes, but we can count the bodies.


There will be care homes with several deaths with symptoms, several staff off with symptoms and a doctor saying everyone is probably dying of Covid, and indeed it can appear on a death certificate - and yet still they won’t be included in the official figure. I don’t see how this is anything other than deliberate gerrymandering.


Scotland moved to officially counting ‘suspected’ deaths weeks ago, and is still unquestionably missing some when you look at excess mortality. Counting deaths like this is even at odds with the official ONS care home data!


The very least we could hope for at this stage is some honesty but it’s yet more deliberate muddying of the waters. I find it very hard to trust that we’re ‘following the science’ when we won’t even acknowledge how many people are dying.






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Not certain why there is mention of 5 days for results? Is this anecdotal or an actual figure? Everyone I know who has been tested has had results the following day.

Prisoners we're testing are receiving their results in three days and trust me, we want to know asap.


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16 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:


That might explain why (a) Labour are out of favour and out of office and (b) trade unions no longer have the clout they once had...


So Labour are out of office and out of favour because 25 years ago I was a Labour councillor?  That’s a bit of a stretch.

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It's a funny one. During the first couple of weeks of the lock down I was convinced that once restrictions were eased the public would flock back to the restraunts/pubs in there droves. Now I'm not so sure.

The majority of people still appear to be in support of the lock down and I think there is a genuine fear, rightly in my opinion, of catching this fucker.

It's going to take a long time (or a reliable vaccine) for the populations confidence to return

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19 minutes ago, H Wragg said:

So, you've got your info from your mate's wife and I've just googled to see where I got mine from and it appears it was The Sun.

Shall we agree on 3 months and call it quits? emoji16.png

Last week the Sun said Salons would open on the 11th May. By the end of the week they were saying 6 months 🙄

I think the industry insiders are just following the narrative that some European countries who had lockdown at a similar time to ours (Germany perhaps?), have allowed hairdressers and barbers to open again.

Edited by Thereisalight..
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1 minute ago, MuckleMoo said:

It's a funny one. During the first couple of weeks of the lock down I was convinced that once restrictions were eased the public would flock back to the restraunts/pubs in there droves. Now I'm not so sure.

The majority of people still appear to be in support of the lock down and I think there is a genuine fear, rightly in my opinion, of catching this fucker.

It's going to take a long time (or a reliable vaccine) for the populations confidence to return

I’ve just be advised that my holiday (due to fly out on 28 May) will not go ahead.  If I was told it would go ahead then I still wouldn’t be flying even if I didn’t get a penny back.  Certain activities might return to normal but flying, eating out, going to pubs, will all take some time.

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6 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

When there is a really bad flu epidemic do care home not suffer fatalities disproportionately?

A local care home here in Ayrshire had a really bad flu outbreak a few months back and about 8 residents died. Sadly quite a few residents have now died from coronavirus 

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15 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

So Labour are out of office and out of favour because 25 years ago I was a Labour councillor?  That’s a bit of a stretch.

Folk have loooong memories...

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16 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:


Yes. Why not?

Once we are allowed to go and do fun things again i'm not going to continue to avoid them indefinitely.

If there are less people there then even better as the already small risk would be even smaller.

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I think if they allow hairdressers/barbers open in the next 2 weeks, then pubs could fight their corner. Pubs/restaurants are “safer” for employees to work at now compared to a stylist/barber who is literally inches away from someone for potentially hours 
Eh ? Where did you hear that ? Can't see how anyone can cut hair whilst exercising 2m social distancing !
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