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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Mister Bluenose, iirc - an early hero of the Banter Years. He did indeed get a load of cash from ra peepul, due to the club(rip) not understanding PayPal* - he also got a shitload of abuse and threats from berrz convinced he was a conman rather than an innocent beneficiary.

*Insert "we arra PayPal" gag here. Or not.

Dats funnee....

1 hour ago, Rizzo said:

Found on my facebook.


....and so is that

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Most Ryanair customers won't be covered by ATOL and they have a big charge for using a credit card so most won't, and I think most insurance policies don't cover airlines going bust. I got refunded for Flybe flights by Paypal though.
I didn't think charging to pay by credit card was allowed any more?
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It's looking set to become UK govt advice.

Loved the Scottish government advice on facemasks - could be useful in places like shops, maybees aye, maybees naw. Not compulsory though, up to you, maybees aye maybees naw. The evidence is inconclusive, but some evidence suggests that the inconclusiveness of the evidence is in itself, inconclusive. So, our advice is, it might be good, if you actually have the virus. If you don’t, then wear one if you want... maybe in a shop, on a bus, in a Turkish men’s sauna. Whatever, just crack on, you daft cnuts.
The advice I’ve read is that they can cause as many problems as they are supposed to solve.... facemasks, not the Scottish government.
Edit: of course, they also said a facemask needn’t be a proper medical type thing. Just shove a scarf around your mouth. I’m thinking about how minging my St Mirren 2013 League Cup winners scarf got, after I wore it in exactly that manner through the winter - watching games in shite weather, remember we had three or four named storms? Fcuking thing nearly walked into the bath itself, looking for a hand-wash. Fcuked if I’m walking around trying to breathe through that in the summer. Might need to invest in a 2020 St Mirren ‘ha ha Hearts’ scarf.
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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Most Ryanair customers won't be covered by ATOL and they have a big charge for using a credit card so most won't, and I think most insurance policies don't cover airlines going bust. I got refunded for Flybe flights by Paypal though.

A lot of travel insurers would pay if they wen't bust, but only as a last resort. If you paid by debit card then you should ask your bank to do a charge back. The payment provider should always be the next port of call if the airline isn't coughing up.

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52 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

They’re going to be able to tell you if you’re fùcked or not.



A weird choice of stock photo, given that I'm pretty sure the only p***k involved in a pregnancy test comes about 4 weeks beforehand.

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3 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

I can only speak for me and the wife, but neither of us have been furloughed yet, so we’re still working from home and we’ve 3 kids to look after. Not as much time as you’d think.

To be fair, I’d be doing the garden or painting in my free time, so fair play to the man in the rainbow suit and braces. Making a lifesize model of a person with balloons is next on my list after I sort the garden out.

Surprised that Throbber hasn't made a giant rainbow penis out of balloons yet.

2 hours ago, heedthebaa said:

Just when you thought Thursday night clapping is the seethe of the week, along comes next Friday. 


Staunchness will see us get through this.

2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Masks improperly disposed of could be a contamination risk, i guess.

The bigger danger comes from misinformation about effectiveness imo. This graphic i saw last night. I have no doubt the message it is conveying about who is wearing what and the reduction on risk of contamiation reducing accordingly is correct.

But the numbers themselves are ridiculous.

If people absorb stuff like this as fact like every other graphic shared on fb and twitter that is where problems would come from.




We're struggling to supply care, medical and other services with masks, nevermind the entire population.  

Facebookers never think things through.

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13 minutes ago, H Wragg said:
21 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
Most Ryanair customers won't be covered by ATOL and they have a big charge for using a credit card so most won't, and I think most insurance policies don't cover airlines going bust. I got refunded for Flybe flights by Paypal though.

I didn't think charging to pay by credit card was allowed any more?

This is still in their list of fees, they might have changed though.


Edited by welshbairn
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3 minutes ago, craigkillie said:


A weird choice of stock photo, given that I'm pretty sure the only p***k involved in a pregnancy test comes about 4 weeks beforehand.

Not sure they could use a photo of what the typical pregnancy test involves on the main BBC site.

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Some mentions here of 'hidden charges' being banned (which a charge you're being told about doesn't appear to be) but in other parts it just refers to it being unlawful to charge additional fees for paying by credit card.

Do Ryanair not bank within the EEA and that's the clincher? [emoji2371]
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Any other groups of workers been added to the list of those we should be clapping for next Thursday? It would be rude if we missed some trades or professions. Maybe we could have different nights for different groupings. Ach, let's just walk about clapping all the time.

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30 minutes ago, H Wragg said:


Some mentions here of 'hidden charges' being banned (which a charge you're being told about doesn't appear to be) but in other parts it just refers to it being unlawful to charge additional fees for paying by credit card.

Do Ryanair not bank within the EEA and that's the clincher? emoji2371.png

Credit Card Fees aren't allowed on personal credit cards. Business cards can still get them.

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Just now, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Credit Card Fees aren't allowed on personal credit cards. Business cards can still get them.

My local newsagent charges £1 to use any card, doesn't bother me. Don't see why they should pay my card issuer charges on my behalf.

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3 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Was Corbyn not on last night ringing a bell?

Think it's more the brass neck of Farage praising the NHS given he's been caught dozens of times arguing for its privatisation. 


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3 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

Nobody is forcing anyone to go out and clap. There are no repercussions for not going out to clap. If people feel like doing it to show their support for the NHS or whoever else they are doing it for, it seems okay to me. It engenders community spirit.

What I find more disturbing is people on social media criticising MSM for taking the government to task on things like lack of PPE for frontline staff and lack of testing. The ‘this isn’t the time for negativity’ defence for a completely inept government by members of the general public who are being failed by the same inept government  is a worry.

The rallying round some old soldier trotting round his garden on a walking frame make me raise my eyebrows. That’s makes less sense to me than the clappers. I assume this is the poppy people, some of whom are concerning with their antics. 

There’s nowt as queer a folk.

Already, I've had criticism from some workmates when I mention I don't take part*. There have been reports of people being named and shamed on social media for not joining in. I honestly see this as the thin end of a very divisive wedge. Bearing in mind that when this is all more or less over/accepted as the norm going forward, many people's lives will have been basically destroyed, whether through relationship breakdown, unemployment, homelessness or bereavement, Human Nature says they're going to look for someone to blame.

*i.e. when I am asked, I say, "no". I don't instigate the conversation as, in common with so much these days, it descends into a "whitaboot this, then?" tirade.  Normally from people who think banging a pot is going to magically negate the effects of a decade of austerity

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