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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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It’s a pub though so once everyone has had a few it will be carnage.
Keep them shut atm
This is the correct stance. If your preferred option for social interaction resembles anything like this joyless, regimented "bar", then you need to be doing some reevaluation of your life and, possible, your relation with alcohol.
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16 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Not only is it good news, but flies in the face of everyone saying that people cramming in to tube trains are about to die and kick off the second wave.

First comment. Silly me. Forgot 2020 was cancelled.


“Next spring” Fcking hell. Wrap these people in bubble wrap before they next leave the house 😑

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2 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Why do the one way signs have arrows pointing both ways?

'Cos people are pissed.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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I think some folk have over inflated the scale of this covid problem.  Lets remember:

There are approximately 7-8 BILLION people on the planet (slowly increasing in recent years)

Death totals in recent times have been approximately 57 MILLION per year (slowly increasing but not as fast as births)

Deaths being attributed to Covid Virus are currently reported as approximately 300 THOUSAND (say 1 million by the end of the year now that South America and Africa have joined the race).  A graph showing year by year global deaths will hardly show an upward blip.  

Its sad that anybody is taken by this virus before their time, but remember that many of the deceased had serious underlying health issues and did not have long life expectancy.


Past pandemics would laugh in the face of this recent Chinese import.

Yer gonna die, live life to the fullest, love yer family and football team.

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7 minutes ago, expatowner said:

I think some folk have over inflated the scale of this covid problem.  Lets remember:

There are approximately 7-8 BILLION people on the planet (slowly increasing in recent years)

Death totals in recent times have been approximately 57 MILLION per year (slowly increasing but not as fast as births)

Deaths being attributed to Covid Virus are currently reported as approximately 300 THOUSAND (say 1 million by the end of the year now that South America and Africa have joined the race).  A graph showing year by year global deaths will hardly show an upward blip.  

Its sad that anybody is taken by this virus before their time, but remember that many of the deceased had serious underlying health issues and did not have long life expectancy.


Past pandemics would laugh in the face of this recent Chinese import.

Yer gonna die, live life to the fullest, love yer family and football team.

Ach, forget posting sense. Just stay alert. FFS. Get with the programme.

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I think some folk have over inflated the scale of this covid problem.  Lets remember:
There are approximately 7-8 BILLION people on the planet (slowly increasing in recent years)
Death totals in recent times have been approximately 57 MILLION per year (slowly increasing but not as fast as births)
Deaths being attributed to Covid Virus are currently reported as approximately 300 THOUSAND (say 1 million by the end of the year now that South America and Africa have joined the race).  A graph showing year by year global deaths will hardly show an upward blip.  
Its sad that anybody is taken by this virus before their time, but remember that many of the deceased had serious underlying health issues and did not have long life expectancy.
Past pandemics would laugh in the face of this recent Chinese import.
Yer gonna die, live life to the fullest, love yer family and football team.

Hear hear
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6 hours ago, madwullie said:

I mean I do feel that Tories and Labour are choking for an opportunity to stick the boot in, and will deoserately grab at anything at all, no matter how thin - but I'm also aware I'm an snp supporter and have prejudices because of that, and if NS has made an arse of something then it should be pointed out, especially given how (rightly) critical many are being about Johnston 

I heard her talk on two occasions about it on the radio, today it was that f*ckwit Carlaw and PMQs today.

She informed Public Health England regarding it, so she didn't try at any point to keep it secret or sweep it under the carpet. As far as I can see, she dealt with it in the proper manner.

Scottish Tories are clutching at straws and trying to make a big deal out of nothing.  

That Jackson Carlaw, clearly has no concept of irony and has a brass neck of epic proportions.

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The explanation given about the conference is that it couldn't be publicised due to patient confidentiality.  I'm not sure that stands up - how could it be the case that making public the outbreak of an infectious potentially deadly illness could not trump the confidentiality?  Also, taking public health steps like warning people who were in the vicinity or cancelling gatherings would not have required any breach of confidentiality.  The fact there was significant community transmission of the virus in Scotland, in one of the most densely populated parts of the second largest city and that no-one in the public was told about it does stand out as a bit of an issue though.  Was the hotel shut down?  Did they test all the staff?  Did any contact tracing take place of people in contact with the delegates, as was supposed to happen at that time given the stage in the response we were at?  As far as i can see the answer to those questions is no.
Of course, this is looking at things with the benefit of hindsight, as all the decisions and actions taken in February and early March are.  If the Scottish Government had publicised this and cancelled, for example, the Inverness v Hibs Scottish cup tie, people would've been outraged, and it would've been against the advice of the scientific advisers, who were advising that mass gatherings were safe for weeks after this.
The most disspiriting thing about this story in terms of politics though, is that it's pretty clear that people are just sitting back in their entrenched positions - SNPBad or SNPGood, Yoon media bad, Nippy bad etc etc.  A significant number of people just turn their hearing off if someone they have decided is their champion has made a mistake or faces difficult questions.  There are huge questions about the way this disease outbreak has been handled by the Scottish Government but I doubt there will be significant holding to account of anyone because of the sclerotic politics we have, where everyone who takes an active interest supports their side and there is no real opposition or alternative.
A good post, and I think that some measure of honest contrition from NS and the SNP would be well received by the public and would blunt the attacks of Carlaw, Murray and Co. without excessive reputational damage. Having said that, everyone is now an expert, yet only a few weeks back very little concern was being expressed about care homes, only for them to suddenly become charnel houses. Mystic Jackson was obviously missing in action back then.
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9 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

The pub of the future has contactless only payments and everyone has to stay 2m away from me?

I'm not seeing the downside tbh.

Pubs are about the only place I still prefer to pay using cash tbh.

Far too easy to lose track of spending otherwise 😂

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Pubs are about the only place I still prefer to pay using cash tbh.
Far too easy to lose track of spending otherwise [emoji23]
Aye but spending is pretty self limiting. By the time you are going over budget you are arseholed and being invited to take to your carriage
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39 minutes ago, expatowner said:

I think some folk have over inflated the scale of this covid problem.  Lets remember:

There are approximately 7-8 BILLION people on the planet (slowly increasing in recent years)

Death totals in recent times have been approximately 57 MILLION per year (slowly increasing but not as fast as births)

Deaths being attributed to Covid Virus are currently reported as approximately 300 THOUSAND (say 1 million by the end of the year now that South America and Africa have joined the race).  A graph showing year by year global deaths will hardly show an upward blip.  

Its sad that anybody is taken by this virus before their time, but remember that many of the deceased had serious underlying health issues and did not have long life expectancy.


Past pandemics would laugh in the face of this recent Chinese import.

Yer gonna die, live life to the fullest, love yer family and football team.


30 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Ach, forget posting sense. Just stay alert. FFS. Get with the programme.


26 minutes ago, Donathan said:




Hear hear




It’s nice that more and more posters are seeing sense over this whole situation.

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8 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
9 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
Pubs are about the only place I still prefer to pay using cash tbh.
Far too easy to lose track of spending otherwise emoji23.png

Aye but spending is pretty self limiting. By the time you are going over budget you are arseholed and being invited to take to your carriage

I don't trust using a card in a pub especially in Greenock. Beer tokens is the way to go . Depending on the length of yer sesh hand over the notes at the door and get your tokens each the value of a pint a wine or a half and a mixer. Minimal contact and no waking up with a hunner weight of smash in your pockets. I'm not overly bothered about the pubs anyway as they are mostly shite round here plus I'm dubbed up shielding till f**k knows when.

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4 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

I don't trust using a card in a pub especially in Greenock. Beer tokens is the way to go . Depending on the length of yer sesh hand over the notes at the door and get your tokens each the value of a pint a wine or a half and a mixer. Minimal contact and no waking up with a hunner weight of smash in your pockets. I'm not overly bothered about the pubs anyway as they are mostly shite round here plus I'm dubbed up shielding till f**k knows when.

Not being funny but if you are going to fanny about with wee plastic poker chips touched by every mink you're as well just using cash...

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4 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Not being funny but if you are going to fanny about with wee plastic poker chips touched by every mink you're as well just using cash...

It's easier washing and using disinfectant on a poker chip than a 10 quid note.

Edited by dirty dingus
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4 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

It's easier washing and using disinfectant on a poker chip than a 10 quid note.

Aside from the fact that there is really no need so long as u washed/sanitised your hands, would you trust your typical Tennent's & Stella dive to disinfect the tokens? 😂

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