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On BBC news, they were talking about a 'physical' track and trace system using 20,000 folk to investigate contacts. I can't get my head round it.

They used an example of 9 contacts from one positive person. They would then contact all 9 and ask who they had been in contact with and so on.   If each person meets another 9 people that results in a fkn huge number in no time.

9x9=81   9x81=729   9x729=6,561  9x6,561=59,049.......you can see where I'm going with this. There's no way this can work.

Have I missed something?  :blink:

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4 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

You denied having a “f**k the old” attitude previously, but have just confirmed it. Happy to let them die if it means the pub doesn’t have social distancing and screens when they open.


I didn’t know the elderly or those in the “at risk” category, would be forced into pubs or to restaurants? If they want to shield to be on the safe then so be it, but EVERYONE shouldn’t be punished for it 

4 hours ago, bendan said:


I promise you not all Ayr fans are an absolute zoomer like him 

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9 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

On BBC news, they were talking about a 'physical' track and trace system using 20,000 folk to investigate contacts. I can't get my head round it.

They used an example of 9 contacts from one positive person. They would then contact all 9 and ask who they had been in contact with and so on.   If each person meets another 9 people that results in a fkn huge number in no time.

9x9=81   9x81=729   9x729=6,561  9x6,561=59,049.......you can see where I'm going with this. There's no way this can work.

Have I missed something?  :blink:

The idea is they catch it early in the sequence, otherwise there's no point.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

The idea is they catch it early in the sequence, otherwise there's no point.

Agreed . But time is of the essence and it doesn't take long to meet 9 folk if 'stay at home' is no longer the mantra.  

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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:

What a bunch of pussies you all are.  Three weeks and back to the pub.  Another three and back to the gym.  Three weeks after that we'll all be watching football again.  It's an absolute certainty.

If only! Doncaster painted a bleak forecast on Scottish football on the STV news there 

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56 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

What a weird thing to get worked up about.

Manufacturing factories were never forced to close though, they were told if they couldn't create safe working spaces then they would need to furlough staff, but as I said earlier most factories will have been operating in some shape or form if they've been able to.

What’s weird about it? What’s weird about me disliking people telling me that life as we know it has gone, and we are facing a ‘new normal’.  My experience of life recently has been one of people shitting themselves if someone coughs or sneezes twenty feet away from them, and staring daggers at you if you aren’t exactly 2m away from them. People walking around wearing masks and gloves. Shop workers wearing perspex masks. Queuing for a pint of milk with tape on the pavement. Want me to go on?

So, what’s weird about me railing against this current way of life being described as  normal at alll? In any way, shape or form, it is far from normal.

Edited by pozbaird
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16 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Agreed . But time is of the essence and it doesn't take long to meet 9 folk if 'stay at home' is no longer the mantra.  

But social distancing is still going to be the mantra. The idea is surely that nobody is coming into close contact with 9 people.

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3 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

The sheer number of middle class arseholes in and around Battlefield and Queens Park etc who think for some special reason that the rules dont apply to them is mental. See the worst thing about working in the public sector, its the public.

I remember folk in Battlefield being upset when the local ward boundaries were changed. They didn't want to be in Gorbals because it had a 'bad name'. 

'Battlefield', however, is such a lovely name...

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This is my question. If all the schools are open, and am a key worker to get childcare, would my kids go to their own school/nursery every day?

And following on from this, if the nursery class is 60 kids, split to 30/30 but 10 or 15 parent have key worker status and do the same, what's the point in having the other kids off?

Social distancing cannot and will not exist at nursery, P1 etc because the hounding the teachers will have to do will render the kids even being there pointless

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14 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

But social distancing is still going to be the mantra. The idea is surely that nobody is coming into close contact with 9 people.

I accept what you say. That was NOT what was being said on the BBC news, hence my post.

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The sheer number of middle class arseholes in and around Battlefield and Queens Park etc who think for some special reason that the rules dont apply to them is mental. See the worst thing about working in the public sector, its the public.
If you want to drill down anything that's a bit shit to its root cause, you will often find the great British public right in the fucking middle of it
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On BBC news, they were talking about a 'physical' track and trace system using 20,000 folk to investigate contacts. I can't get my head round it.
They used an example of 9 contacts from one positive person. They would then contact all 9 and ask who they had been in contact with and so on.   If each person meets another 9 people that results in a fkn huge number in no time.
9x9=81   9x81=729   9x729=6,561  9x6,561=59,049.......you can see where I'm going with this. There's no way this can work.
Have I missed something?  :blink:

I think they only contact the 9 people that the actual patient has been in touch with
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20 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Flicking brought the TV there and some guy on the One Show saying holidays abroad  could happen by Aug! Yet no Scottish fitba with fans for the foreseeable. I just don’t understand that tbh 

To be fair you've struggled with most concepts over the past couple of months.

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23 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Flicking brought the TV there and some guy on the One Show saying holidays abroad  could happen by Aug! Yet no Scottish fitba with fans for the foreseeable. I just don’t understand that tbh 

I don't think there is too much point getting worked up about details like that atm.

Far better to err on the pessimistic side, than make rash statements either way (like that Dutch guy).

The way the virus is trending in most of the world, providing it continues to show no uptick as a result of easing, this could quite easily all blow over much much sooner than we all think. Unlike BJ, NS has outlined a route map that does allow for an accelerated pace, though I think we can all agree it's probably not going to be used that way in practice under any circumstances.

I also understand why someone going abroad on holiday is less of a public health risk than 50,000 inside Celtic Park.

Be honest, if the season kicks off in August and turnstiles are clicking before Hallowe'en absolutely everybody here right now would take that.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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18 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Flicking brought the TV there and some guy on the One Show saying holidays abroad  could happen by Aug! Yet no Scottish fitba with fans for the foreseeable. I just don’t understand that tbh 

As the have announced there will be a quick test available (30mins) I believe limited air travel will be allowed if negative tested and isolated on the day of travel. I suppose the could do something like this for fitba but there would be limited to small crowds and probably not worth all the hassle to the clubs, governing bodies etc...travel is big bucks scottish fitba is small change.

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