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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 minutes ago, East Calder Lion said:

Maybe the little weasel knows where all the skeletons are buried.

Something similar occurred to me; there’s a lot he will know that is not public knowledge.

However given his line of work if he spilt any info he’d be unemployed for life.

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1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

Dan Hodges lost his eye stopping a fight apparently for those questioning his eyes.

I'm certain I'm remembering this correctly but Hodges claimed he lost his eye intervening to stop a hate crime which he leveraged at one point on Twitter to claim that he should be allowed to say the n word we all know and love.



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The conspiracy take doing the rounds on Twitter atm is that the journos are sticking the knife in because Laura K tried to shut down Pippa Crerar who, I think, originally reported the story for The Mirror.

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Spectator hack does a rush "balance" piece.


Melanie McDonagh
What else could Dominic Cummings have done?
23 May 2020

The question is, does Dominic Cumming’s four-year-old son possess preternatural resilience – a bit like the infant John the Baptist who went off into the desert as a boy. Or does he, like my own children at that age, need a bit of feeding, occasional supervision to stop him playing with matches and a bath at bedtime?

If the former, and the child can fend for himself at this tender age, then it would indeed have been wrong for Mr Cummings and his wife Mary Wakefield (of this parish) to have taken themselves off to Durham, where his family lives, where his sister and nieces were volunteering to take care of the little boy. There, he and his wife, who had come down with coronavirus, could isolate in a separate building knowing their little boy would be looked after if he needed to be.

But if the child is like every other four-year-old, there weren’t that many options available to Mr C. He and his wife could, of course, have bribed a nanny – maybe they have one – to live 24 hours in his virus-infested London home, or to take the child away somewhere else rather than stay with his family. But that would, presumably, have breached the guidelines in a different fashion. Nannies, like cleaners, are out of action during lockdown, remember?

So the question to ask Piers Morgan and Ian Blackford, who have both been demanding that the PM sack Dominic Cummings, is what they would have done in the same circumstances? If both they and their wives had similarly contracted an illness which leaves you hors de combat, flaked out, unable to register what’s happening to you, well, who would have minded their children, had they been that small?

I honestly can’t see the problem. I cannot see what other course of conduct open to the Cummingses would have been more moral than the one they adopted. They kept their distance from Mr Cummings’s parents and indeed from his sister, according to the statement from No. 10. The only possible contact they could have had with his family was when his sister left shopping at the door. In fact, the sole troubling aspect that occurs to me is whether Mr Cummings was fit to be driving that distance if he wasn’t feeling terribly well. The neighbour who appears to have shopped him observed disapprovingly that he was playing ABBA's Dancing Queen very loudly at the gate of the home. OK, it might not be to everyone’s taste.

But other than that, where, exactly is the problem? The fatuous critics draw comparisons with that woman who was Nicola Sturgeon’s Chief Medical Officer until she was found to have breached guidelines by nipping off to her holiday home in Fife, twice. Or with the hilarious Neil Ferguson, the government scientific adviser, who met up with his environmental activist lover twice in his home – though who’s to say they weren’t keeping their distance indoors?

How can I put it? These two cases were non-urgent. They are not only not the same, they are practically the opposite of Mr C’s. It was not actually necessary for Nicola Sturgeon’s adviser to get a bit of sea air in Fife. Even in the case of professor Ferguson, whose animal instincts may be untrammelled, it was not necessary to have his lover round (twice).

But if you have a little boy and your wife is unwell because she’s got coronavirus and you’re starting to feel (correctly) that you’re coming down with it, what are you meant to do? Mr Cummings didn’t just not do anything wrong. He did what was probably the only thing he could have done in the circumstances. Me, I’d have told everyone what I’d done, and why, just to anticipate comment. But on the merits of the thing itself, he was quite right to have said, 'who cares?' No one should.

Melanie McDonagh
Melanie McDonagh is a contributor to The Spectator.


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Why is Dominic Cummings not allowed to trend? I see stuff like Cummimgs needing to be the trend due to this. That opens up all sorts of conspiracies into the freedom of what we can see online.

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33 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Something similar occurred to me; there’s a lot he will know that is not public knowledge.

However given his line of work if he spilt any info he’d be unemployed for life.

Or end up like a certain Dr David Kelly..........

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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Let's face it if Dominic Cummings does not resign or is sacked the UK Gov will lose what little credibility it has remaining.

The very fact the BBC and the No 10 spin machine are trying to justify why he and his family can drive to his parents 250 miles away, when they should have been self isolating due to them having symptoms is an insult to every single one of us.

There are millions of people in this country who have not had any symptoms, nor have they had to self isolate and yet they have had to do without many of things we enjoy in life to keep others safe by staying at home and observing social distancing when out of the home.

Many of people have or are now facing losing their jobs or seeing their businesses go under due to this crisis. So on that basis alone Mr Cummings should no longer be on the payroll of UK Gov creaming off a six figure salary while many people lose their livelihoods. It is simple as that. It absolutely riles me that people in power think they are above the law.

..... and one final point to add, when is Prince Charles going to get his knuckles formally wrapped for travelling to Scotland when he should have remained at his London home self isolating due to having symptoms?

That's what I've been asking. The UK & the Scottish government said eff-all at the time

2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I think the big difference is that Katherine Calderwood didn't tell the truth in the first place - you can bet your bottom dollar that Boris has known about this for ages.


I'm mair angry at her saying that there were 'clear medical reasons' for testing Charlie Windsor and his gang but she didnae elaborate on what the reasons were.

2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

My mum, who is as Tory as you get, is biling at Boris - she's already written a letter of complaint to No 10.

Wow! nae comment

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Lookin back on the transcript of Schapps defending Cummings Shirley this has got to be the worst defence ever.


Q. Are you saying that anyone who becomes ill with the virus, they can go closer to relatives – no matter how far away that is?

Shapps says the rules have subsequently changed anyway.

Oh well so none of it really matters now...

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Why is Dominic Cummings not allowed to trend? I see stuff like Cummimgs needing to be the trend due to this. That opens up all sorts of conspiracies into the freedom of what we can see online.

Seen loads of comments saying it’s now clearer than ever that the gov has some measure of control over Twitter. Wouldn’t be surprised if they did tbh.
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14 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m getting 5,000 of these printed tomorrow.  I reckon there’s a ready market.


Big sales forecast in the long distance dogging community.

Edited by welshbairn
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