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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Sky and bbc news 24 as it was then was only available on sky and cable, it wasn’t as big as it is now although newspapers had 3 times the sales the do now so swings and roundabouts.
Honestly i think social media had alot to do with it, it was a case of china is doing X so we must also do X or we don’t care . If china hadn’t “locked down” neither would we. There might have been localised school closures or changes to hospital procedures but the public would have been urged to take extra caution whilst going about as normal. Mass hysteria has driven much of what we have seen this year

Maybe, just maybe, it’s the hundreds of thousands of dead people that has led to the measures that have been implemented globally, rather than hysteria. 

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To add to my post above I was on the train home last night, and the carriage was relatively full, with the majority of passengers being a large group of what I would guess were kids of around 3rd / 4th year age.
No attempt to SD, and not a single one had a mask on.
If parents aren't bothered about making sure their kids are attempting to stick to the guidance on public transport it kind of weakens their complaints about their same kids being "used as guinea pigs" in schools.
I was on the last train back from Ayrshire yesterday, can echo the same thing. Train pretty full, almost all teenagers not wearing a mask (and some middle aged couples as well).

No conductors on either train and barriers open at Central on return so seething I didn't just get a cheap single ticket to save money rather than pay for my usual return.
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I don’t like jumping on the bandwagon but it’s simply completely false to suggest that pre social media there was no hysteria about health stories. The bets example is one that is still ongoing and was discussed in another thread, that MMR vaccination. That story was pushed through the mainstream media and had a huge impact, with vaccination rates dropping by up to 30% in some places.

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On 27/07/2020 at 20:06, Jacksgranda said:

Further to Thursday's outing I was in another shop today. About 10 customers, I was the only one wearing a mask. Social distancing was generally fine, apart from when I got blocked by an elderly couple having tremendous difficulty deciding which brand of pancakes they wanted.

I hadn't realised they were a couple as he had the trolley and was going round the shop in a fairly logical way while she was up and down aisles like a yo yo. I stopped the requisite 2 metres from him as he pondered the pancake dilemma whenever she came waltzing round the corner and down the aisle in the wrong direction. He fucked off with the trolley leaving her flaffing over the pancakes and other bread related items, edging ever backwards down the aisle. I backed off but eventually sidled past to grab a couple of birthday cards.

I then queued to pay, trying to avoid 3 children who were overly picky about the icecream they were getting, nearly getting behind the counter in their enthusiasim, while their mother didn't remind them about social distancing.

The staff were behind perspex screens and there were distance markings and a hand sanitizer station.

It would be a shame if all the good work achieved by (nearly) everyone in NI was undone because we think it's all over.

Covid-19 (like the IRA) hasn't gone away, you know.

Mask wearing update.

I was in Tesco in Cookstown yesterday, decided to pop in for a couple of things we can't get from our delivery people.(Tunnocks tea cakes/caramel wafers.)

Hand sanitiser station at the door, a non existent one way system, I saw only 1 arrow, but I'd reckon about 25% of customers were wearing a mask, mostly youngish people bar me. It wasn't overly busy, so social distancing wasn't a problem.

Most of the staff were wearing masks, apart from those behind perspex screens.

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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

@Todd_is_God I've just had a semi decent look on the Internet to verify your 15-20% herd immunity stat, and the lowest I can find is 43% and that's with a vaccine. Even searching only within July doesn't help. Can you link to this study please 


Edit: OK. Think I've found it. Gomes at Strathclyde uni. Sub 20%,reported in the Atlantic. 

Her theory is here https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/614035/

I can't find it, sorry, but this also estimates it to be somewhere between 7 & 24%


Interestingly, what I didn't know, is that the 80% figure that Witty etc was talking about is likely to be the threshold for eradication, whilst Herd Immunity is the level at which the spread is slowed down (we saw this prior to actively tracking and tracing mild / asymptomatic cases).

As i've said many times it's not so much that mistakes were made by erring on the side of caution when dealing with a new virus that annoys me, it's the failure to update the approach when presented with updated data.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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5 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Mind you if this had happened in 2000 everyone would have been following guidance and wearing masks. There would have been no mass uprising of anti-maskers I would imagine.

I agree

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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

Mask wearing update.

I was in Tesco in Cookstown yesterday, decided to pop in for a couple of things we can't get from our delivery people.(Tunnocks tea cakes/caramel wafers.)

Hand sanitiser station at the door, a non existent one way system, I saw only 1 arrow, but I'd reckon about 25% of customers were wearing a mask, mostly youngish people bar me. It wasn't overly busy, so social distancing wasn't a problem.

Most of the staff were wearing masks, apart from those behind perspex screens.

One way system got chucked.

Surprised with social distancing as still an issue where I work. People wear masks so majority don't care too much about social distancing.

Lanyards seem to be quite a lot of now.

25% is quite bad. At least 80% of customers wear them where I work, hardest bit seems to be to wearing them properly. 

Tunnocks tea cakes should of got no bother now since they are out of furlough 

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Genuinely astonished to find out that a climate-change denier who willingly ignores science he doesn't like might hold some batshit crazy views.

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3 hours ago, Steven W said:

I'm guessing when the time comes you'll happily take part in things we currently can't. Won't you feel a bit guilty, when the vast majority of the population has had the vaccine and life has returned to normal, knowing that you done nothing? Seems a little selfish to me (just my own opinion)

Not particularly. It’s just my personal opinion that I’d rather not have a vaccine that’s been rushed into production and won’t have been tested for years to see it’s safe. I’d rather take my risk and be mildly unconvinced at worst if I got covid 

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13 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Mind you if this had happened in 2000 everyone would have been following guidance and wearing masks. There would have been no mass uprising of anti-maskers I would imagine.

I don't think so. Younger people would have been less compliant with lockdown, people spent far less time at home back then it would have been far more difficult to adjust. 

There was also stuff like the Countryside Alliance and the Fuel Protests which were far bigger actions than anything contemporary Gammons have pulled off. The CA sent 400,000 people into London in 2002. 

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Mind you if this had happened in 2000 everyone would have been following guidance and wearing masks. There would have been no mass uprising of anti-maskers I would imagine.

During the Spanish flu in 1919 there were protests against mask requirements.

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