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2 minutes ago, H Wragg said:

Genuine question about temperature checks...

Does a high body temperature caused by a fever somehow show up any different from one which is simply due to 'normal' reasons (eg. Due to just having undertaken exercise/wearing more layers of clothing than needed)?

Is the test measuring the temperature of a different part of the body which can distinguish between the 2?

Wearing extra clothes won't lift your body temperature by much. Doing HIIT style exercise might do it briefly. 

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Describing a virus as "very dangerous" when it has sent no one to ICU in 21 days, and caused 1 death in the same time frame is ridiculous.

Already laying the groundwork for digging the feet in again in 3 weeks time as well 🙃

Tunnel vision towards getting to zero cases, something which is likely impossible so long as our borders remain open.

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39 minutes ago, Detournement said:

There's no evidence that what you have described is seasonal and not to do with patterns of movement introducing the virus at different rates.

What we are seeing in Australia and Catalonia is probably down to the virus incubating in high density, poor quality housing during lockdown and transmitting to the wider community once lockdown is lifted. 


I was thinking along those lines too, didn't know how to word it!

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Describing a virus as "very dangerous" when it has sent no one to ICU in 21 days, and caused 1 death in the same time frame is ridiculous.
Already laying the groundwork for digging the feet in again in 3 weeks time as well [emoji854]
Tunnel vision towards getting to zero cases, something which is likely impossible so long as our borders remain open.
Lolol you should have waited 30 seconds !!!!
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At least another 3+ weeks until a game of fives is horrible.

But there's a good chance I might be able to get to a Clyde game when the season starts, which is positive.

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14th of September for gyms, due to clincial advice. 
Again, I'd be interested to see that clinical advice compared to that for indoor pubs. Given that's still 6 weeks away, I can see quite a few of the smaller chains and independent places going bust.

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57 minutes ago, H Wragg said:

Genuine question about temperature checks...

Does a high body temperature caused by a fever somehow show up any different from one which is simply due to 'normal' reasons (eg. Due to just having undertaken exercise/wearing more layers of clothing than needed)?

Is the test measuring the temperature of a different part of the body which can distinguish between the 2?

I went through temperature check at Brussels airport no problem while wearing more clothes for the weather than I should, carrying four bags and being a bit stressed. So therefore sweating like f**k. And no issues for me 

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1 hour ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


It is absolute nonsense. A huge number of the vulnerable people who were at risk to this type of virus have sadly passed so we wouldn't get anything like the same numbers of deaths in the near future. Plus there is far more focus on protecting the vulnerable than there was 5 month ago anyway. Case numbers really aren't that important anymore - countries are testing more which gives the impression of an increase, and there are question marks over the accuracy anyway, it is ICU admissions and deaths that are crucial and all across Europe they have reduced back down to their normal level for this time of year. It is noteworthy that as deaths and ICU admissions have dropped the media seem to be focusing more on case numbers to continue to the fear. A quick glance at the death figures for Spain in recent weeks makes a complete mockery of all the scaremongering of their 'second wave'. On the day that we imposed a quarantine on Spanish arrivals Spain had 3 deaths. Although I'm sure the wave is '2 weeks away' though, as it has been for the last 2 months.

I'm sure there will be small regional flare ups, probably more in winter, but that isn't going to result in anything approaching a second wave. The virus will not be eradicated, therefore there needs to be a grown up discussion about how best to manage and live with it and people need to know that every small flare up is not a sign of a second wave. Unfortunately the hysterical and irresponsible coverage of this has made this really difficult for people to understand.

I don't disagree with what you're saying, but case numbers rising is only not an issue if cases are acting proportionately to that number. More than a handful of us states for example are seeing cases rise, and attempting to put it down to increased testing. But actually looking at the figures, the number of cases is rising more rapidly than testing figures, meaning that the virus is actually spreading and not just remaining steady 

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1 hour ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


Sorry but I don't know what data you are looking at. The entire Northern Hemisphere saw peak deaths in March/April, at that point Southern Hemisphere countries had hardly any deaths. From late April/May onwards Europe's deaths plummeted whilst every single South American country saw an almost uniform increase in deaths. As did Southern Africa. And more recently Australia, who managed to repress it for a while but have now been hit. New Zealand have managed to stop it so far by almost preventing it getting into their country, but they are the exception and aren't through their winter yet.

There are obviously numerous other factors within countries which affect it which cause variations, but it clearly has a huge seasonal element to it.

From what I read, Australia is mostly down to people refusing to voluntarily quarantine so having to be forced into a hotel to do so, and then the security that were meant to be guarding them pumping them etc and letting the virus escape. AFAIK it's only in Victoria that things are looking bad where immigrants are more prevent than elsewhere and they depend hugely on tourism (Melbourne specifically). I only half heard this on the news though so it could be more widespread than I think, but I don't think it's really anything to do with it being seasonal. 

Edited by madwullie
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38 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Describing a virus as "very dangerous" when it has sent no one to ICU in 21 days, and caused 1 death in the same time frame is ridiculous.

Already laying the groundwork for digging the feet in again in 3 weeks time as well 🙃

Tunnel vision towards getting to zero cases, something which is likely impossible so long as our borders remain open.

I get what you're saying but the virus is definitely "very dangerous" given what we have seen when it was going unchecked in March. 

I think once the schools are opened and there aren't parents bleating about how no one on earth has a more difficult life than them education has resumed then we will see other restrictions being lifted.

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