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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Was reading something earlier that i broadly agreed with (not sure if this has been discussed but this is my first venture in here in a while).

It talked about how the government got their strategy total wrong from the outset. They have basically fucked the economy and we are now essentially back to square one. They suppressed the virus by basically stopping us living via lockdown. So it stands to reason that as soon as we started living again then the virus would come back.

They should have essentially shielded the vulnerable and taken proper financial care of them (not just £94 a week or whatever it is). We should have just carried on as normal to keep the economy moving as the non vulnerable have a small chance of dying from it. The kids should have been kept in school to maintain their futures. This would have helped built herd immunity as this is the only way to suppress the virus. Yes there will be a small number of people who suffer long term side affects of the virus but this is very small compared to the large number of people who have been killed due to the affects of the government strategy via non treatment of other illnesses.

All that is going to happen is they will rush out a vaccine without really understanding whether it works.

Hear hear
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28 minutes ago, H Wragg said:

Is this the UK government?

We got a letter from Jason Leitch via the school after the first week of term basically telling everyone to screw the nut and reminding us to only get a test if any of the actual covid symptoms are present.

Just wondering if this is England now experiencing what we did up here just after the schools went back.

Seems the issue is a rather significant mismatch between testing capacity and lab capacity. For all that testing has been throttled, it's not due to the test centres struggling to cope. 

The above gives some insight into what's going on. Spoiler: it's another shambles. No mention of "chaos in their supply chain" either; almost like a Minister invented that as an excuse. 

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27 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Seems the issue is a rather significant mismatch between testing capacity and lab capacity. For all that testing has been throttled, it's not due to the test centres struggling to cope. 

The above gives some insight into what's going on. Spoiler: it's another shambles. No mention of "chaos in their supply chain" either; almost like a Minister invented that as an excuse. 


This would explain the anecdotes of people rocking up at testing centres and finding them empty. It's the labs which are being overwhelmed rather than the drive-in testing points.

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13 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

So, today is the day of the hospital review, where we find out how many people are actually in hospital in Scotland with Covid-19.

How many do we think this will be?

I'll go first. 85

I've no idea what the figure will be. 

Or indeed what analysis of what that figure will be might tell us. Are people still in hospital after a positive Covid test still in hospital for illnesses related to their Covid infection or for completely unrelated conditions? 

I do know, however, that irrespective of what the figure is you will interpret it to support your already entrenched supposition. That's how you work.   

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Sweden's cases have dropped so much that they're now getting put back on the green travel list by other EU countries:


Czechia on the other hand, having sailed through the spring outbreak, seems to have timed its response badly and is getting clobbered second time round:


Gammonland's figures are just reliably piss-poor across the board:




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2 hours ago, Donathan said:

Government ministers drawing up plans to restrict “frivolous demand” for tests.

Hopefully this should mean an end to school heads demanding a negative test for little Timmy to be allowed back to school after he had a sniffle.

I've yet to see any evidence of this actually happening. Plenty of Facebook mums saying they've received a letter but when asked for details they mysteriously disappear.

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20 minutes ago, John MacLean said:

I do know, however, that irrespective of what the figure is you will interpret it to support your already entrenched supposition. That's how you work.   

Why would I switch from being right simply to appease people?

That would be silly.

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1 hour ago, John MacLean said:

I think that sums you up perfectly.

This health crisis has impacted on all of us to some degree. Some have lost people close to them. Others, like me, have just 'suffered' the frustration of not being able to do many of the things we love doing.

Just about everyone would like nothing better than for it all to be over. For normality to return. To not have infection/death statistics on a daily basis.

I'd love if everything I've written/said over the duration of this was shown to be complete bullshit if it meant we had that normality in our lives again.

You though, seem to have some bitter desire to be shown to be 'right'. I'm wondering what is wrong with someone that they see this as some point scoring exercise with a need to get the last laugh.

My inside of a christmas cracker psychoanalysis - I think on this thread some slack needs to be given as most folk have had moments and the stresses and strains over the pandemic probably results in different reactions from bravado to fear.

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