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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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7 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Gyms all over the country have been busy since they reopened. They aren't a sector that suffered from lack of demand (or were likely to). 

I mean in context of their customers being strongly advised not to go there like in Sweden 

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46 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I don't think Time mean the same as your friends on Twitter. Here's the article.



In this case they are broadly talking about the same thing, minus the more extreme "conspiracy theory" parts.

"Build Back Better" is the slogan to look out for allegedly 🤷🏻‍♂️

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Interesting piece in Belgium about how the Vaccine will likely need to be handled/administered.


Vaccination against Covid-19 will not be carried out either at general practitioners or in pharmacies, said Jean-Michel Dogné, an expert with the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP), on Tuesday.

This is due to a matter of infrastructure, traceability and proper use of the vaccine for groups at risk, Dogné told the medical journals Medi-Sphere and Le Spécialiste.

The first vaccine to be delivered will in theory be that of AstraZeneca, he said, adding that 1.2 million doses are planned in Belgium. These vaccines will not be supplied in “single doses”. “We are talking about a minimum of packaging for 10 people,” the expert explained.

Related News


The question of storage is also important. According to the different vaccines developed in parallel, “some will require storage systems that can go down to -80°C.” An adequate infrastructure in a suitable centre is therefore essential.

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The 4 areas with the most Covid-19 cases in Edinburgh last week: 

Old Town, Newington and Dalkeith Road, Meadows, Abbeyhill and Meadowbank. 


Old Town area has student flats , Newington has lots of student flats, Meadows presumably takes in Warrender- again lots of student flats and Abbeyhill has lots of student flats.

Incidentally a source itk has told me quite a lot of Covid tickets have been issued with the address as "The Pollok Halls". A fixed penalty doesn't count as a criminal conviction and I can't help thinking if the telts were handed out in the form of court appearances and hefty fines it might do a little bit to stop the spread.. 


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1 hour ago, WATTOO said:

Sorry Todd, but looks like your poster child has succumbed the forces of the dark side,

"Four Swedish regions, including those encompassing the country’s three largest cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo, have introduced tougher coronavirus restrictions.

The new guidelines vary slightly between areas, but include staying away from non-essential shops and avoiding malls, gyms, museums and public transport.

People have been asked to avoid physical contact with those they do not live with. Officials have also warned against hosting or attending dinners or house parties.

The new guidelines will remain in place until at least 17 or 19 November, depending on the region. Other existing recommendations remain in place, such as working from home if you can do so and staying in if you have any coronavirus-like symptoms."

This is really not that much different to the guidelines given early doors. Sorry to disappoint.

They are free to still do those things if they choose.

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This is really not that much different to the guidelines given early doors. Sorry to disappoint.
They are free to still do those things if they choose.

You’re right, it is the same.

Given the high compliance of the Swedish people, it is an effective lockdown.
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Indeed you are champ.

Loving the fact btw that we've had 'Swedes are so compliant they don't need businesses to close' given as an argument on one hand, just after it was claimed that UK businesses needed to be closed down because everyone would follow government advice and stay away from them. The good old British public thereby being both not compliant enough and too compliant to consider the Swedish alternative here at the exact same time.

It's almost as if these sweeping generalisations are as useful a tool of analysis as Clownshoes Leitch's stunning 'only Asians can wear facemasks' hot take during the spring.

Edited by vikingTON
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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

Indeed you are champ.

Loving the fact btw that we've had 'Swedes are so compliant they don't need businesses to close' given as an argument on one hand, just after it was claimed that UK businesses needed to be closed down because everyone would follow government advice and stay away from them. The good old British public thereby being both not compliant enough and too compliant to consider the Swedish alternative here at the exact same time.

It's almost as if these sweeping generalisations are as useful a tool of analysis as Clownshoes Leitch's stunning 'only Asians can wear facemasks' hot take during the spring.

Are sweeping generalisations better or worse than made up quotes? 

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13 minutes ago, virginton said:

Indeed you are champ.

Loving the fact btw that we've had 'Swedes are so compliant they don't need businesses to close' given as an argument on one hand, just after it was claimed that UK businesses needed to be closed down because everyone would follow government advice and stay away from them. The good old British public thereby being both not compliant enough and too compliant to consider the Swedish alternative here at the exact same time.

It's almost as if these sweeping generalisations are as useful a tool of analysis as Clownshoes Leitch's stunning 'only Asians can wear facemasks' hot take during the spring.

It's also bollocks. The idea that all Swedes unwavering obey everything their Government say, whilst here we would all do the opposite is laughable. You only need to look at their bars, restaurants, shops etc throughout the last 7 months. The government advised people to avoid them, yet they were never empty. It's almost as if it is a convenient excuse.

Perhaps our bars etc would not be packed full of people either on the rare occasion they are allowed to open if people knew that they could nip out for a pint to meet a friend whenever they wanted, mind, rather than wondering if they will be open in a week or so, or whether they will need to buy a steak pie to keep them safe with their pint.

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Fully expect Johnson to backtrack on the furlough being accessed whenever any of the devolved nations need it, forcing us to adopt a strict 2 week lockdown from next Monday to get use of it.

Absolutely going to happen.

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Indeed you are champ.
Loving the fact btw that we've had 'Swedes are so compliant they don't need businesses to close' given as an argument on one hand, just after it was claimed that UK businesses needed to be closed down because everyone would follow government advice and stay away from them. The good old British public thereby being both not compliant enough and too compliant to consider the Swedish alternative here at the exact same time.
It's almost as if these sweeping generalisations are as useful a tool of analysis as Clownshoes Leitch's stunning 'only Asians can wear facemasks' hot take during the spring.

Swing and a miss.

Keep trying champ
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48 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Fully expect Johnson to backtrack on the furlough being accessed whenever any of the devolved nations need it, forcing us to adopt a strict 2 week lockdown from next Monday to get use of it.

Absolutely going to happen.

Well no, this doesn't force the SG to do any such thing. Just because there's money on the table for a certain amount of time - i.e. taxpayer's money - does not mean that you call a lockdown for the sake of it.

We're through the looking glass here.

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Coronavirus lockdown: Priti Patel wants police to stop protests of more than two


Protests involving more than two people will be prohibited during the lockdown, The Times understands.

Ministers are poised to remove any exemption for protesters and say the rules need to be clear and fair.

Priti Patel, the home secretary, briefed chief constables at the weekend and said that they would be expected to enforce the rules. However, some senior police officers are understood to be concerned that the move is too draconian for a liberal society.


I'd call that a win for these two firebrands.


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On 02/11/2020 at 16:29, superbigal said:

Todays just released 7 day infections in Scotland per 100,000 ( 24th to 30th october) is down to 145.1
Yesterday it was 149.1
Day before 156.7
Day before 162.6
Day before 170.0
Day before 170.2
Day before 168.2
Day before 166.5
Day before 165.9

That suggest the spread has peaked and the R rate may already be below 1 in Scotland.

Todays figure to 31st october 7 days positive figures in Scotland is 141.8 so it has dropped another 2.25%

7 day cases dropped 16.69% since "the peak" on 25th October.


Todays figure to 1st November is a slight increase to 142.3. albeit virtually everyone continues on a downward trend 

Apart from these 4 who 3 of them have all had significant rises.  My Geography in the East is not great but I assume they are all tier 3 neighbours.

If their rises continue, the 1st 3 could see themselves in tier 4.

East Renfrewshire  from 198.9 to 221.9

South Ayrshire 149.2 to 172.3

Also Inverclyde 84.8 to 100.3

Renfrewshire 220 to 230.6



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