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10 minutes ago, 101 said:

Unbelievable, why not look at the hundred of conditions that were in the shielding category rather than resort the the frankly offensive "old fatties" maybe instead of an adult conversation the Scottish population is getting the exact kind of conversation it deserves.

The overwhelming majority of serious illnesses and deaths occur in the co-morbidity categories of age and lifestyle related ill health. That's the plain reality of the situation and no amount of pretend fairness by giving everyone the same set of advice and hoping for some zero Covid pipe dream to come along will amount to a rational solution to the problem.

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55 minutes ago, virginton said:

- No drip feeding of 'review in a fortnight' when announcing measures before making it apparent on day one of implementing them that they'll be keeping them for fucking months. Nothing has changed since last week so if they want to do that then say it at the time. 

- Set out the reasoning for specific restrictions/changes based on hard evidence and making it clear how much each sector contributes to infection. As opposed to parroting 'schools are safe' when in terms of stopping community infection, they absolutely are not.

- Actually use shielding instead of this pretend nonsense that if the whole of society hibernates then this will magically keep old fatties safe

- Stop moving the goalposts in terms of i) the number of vaccinations the SG will deliver and how many are needed before we can launch this shite into the sea.


A truly despicable turn of phrase 👎🏻

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13 minutes ago, virginton said:

The overwhelming majority of serious illnesses and deaths occur in the co-morbidity categories of age and lifestyle related ill health. That's the plain reality of the situation and no amount of pretend fairness by giving everyone the same set of advice and hoping for some zero Covid pipe dream to come along will amount to a rational solution to the problem.

And yet you refer to the complex health profile of these people simply as "old fatties"

Sometimes a society has to look after the most vulnerable people which is exactly the reason we have a 20 mph limit. 

We are vaccinating the most vulnerable once that's done we can get back to normal, I would rather that than stick a load of people with a lot of complex issues into isolation.

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42 minutes ago, super_carson said:

This is the issue with advisers like Leitch and Sridhar being able to get their face and voice on every media outlet going. They are supposed to be advisers, yet Leitch in particular seems to think he can issue decrees via his pals in the media. I know that sounds very cynical but I’m just at a loss as to why these media appearances are seemingly condoned by Sturgeon, especially when clear communication has been one of the strengths of her leadership.

We need to be demanding better from the government. It’s not enough to say we need to be patient while they keep moving the goal posts and keep us in an indefinite lockdown, especially when they are saying it’s a preventative measure up here (compared to the other home nations at least). As has been said by quite a few folk already, we are hardly being allowed to live our lives just now. I can see public opinion turning if these measure last as long as Leitch claims.

Completely agree with this. Leitch and Sridhar should be one of many feeds of information into the government to allow them to make balanced decisions. They should not be a hybrid of celebrities and the voice of God as we are currently seeing.

Are there stats anywhere re the number of individuals in each of the government's priority groups?

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And yet you refer to the complex health profile of these people simply as "old fatties"
Sometimes a society has to look after the most vulnerable people which is exactly the reason we have a 20 mph limit. 
We are vaccinating the most vulnerable once that's done we can get back to normal, I would rather that than stick a load of people with a lot of complex issues into isolation.
The biggest issue for me is that what you are saying doesnt reflect the chat coming from those in charge. I think and worry that you are making too big an assumption that they see it that way too.

I remain desperately hopeful of being proved wrong, but to vaccinate the vulnerable population of Scotland really shouldnt take that that long and here we are giving it "late 2021" when we havent even turned over into 21 yet
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1 minute ago, 101 said:

And yet you refer to the complex health profile of these people simply as "old fatties"

Sometimes a society has to look after the most vulnerable people which is exactly the reason we have a 20 mph limit. 

We are vaccinating the most vulnerable once that's done we can get back to normal, I would rather that than stick a load of people with a lot of complex issues into isolation.

It would be nice if someone in the SG would say that. I don't think any of them have.

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3 minutes ago, 101 said:

And yet you refer to the complex health profile of these people simply as "old fatties"

Sometimes a society has to look after the most vulnerable people which is exactly the reason we have a 20 mph limit. 

We are vaccinating the most vulnerable once that's done we can get back to normal, I would rather that than stick a load of people with a lot of complex issues into isolation.

In what way is a speed limit targeted at "the most vulnerable people"?

You've had a few before posting that?

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I can’t believe there is still people that hang on every word of that kunt Leitch. Same with NS. We’re continually told “endure this for 3 weeks” which in turn becomes 3 months, or 2 weeks of some semblance of normality before another “3 week” lockdown. For something that was originally used to prevent the “nhs being overwhelmed” there is so many blindly accepting whatever they tell us. Who cares if small businesses go to the wall or if so many are on the job scrapheap? Or about folk struggling with their mental health. 

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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The biggest issue for me is that what you are saying doesnt reflect the chat coming from those in charge. I think and worry that you are making too big an assumption that they see it that way too.

I remain desperately hopeful of being proved wrong, but to vaccinate the vulnerable population of Scotland really shouldnt take that that long and here we are giving it "late 2021" when we havent even turned over into 21 yet

Depends when they mean normal, the FM the other day was talking about late Spring.

I think they talk about late 21 for a return to life in 2019, for example will anyone care if we can go on holiday to every country in the world? Can't get on to rammed trains into rammed offices, we know that won't come back. 

1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

In what way is a speed limit targeted at "the most vulnerable people"?

You've had a few before posting that?

Because adults hit at 30mph would be unlikely to die. I have had a few though.

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1 hour ago, 101 said:

And yet you refer to the complex health profile of these people simply as "old fatties"

Well no, there's nothing complex about it for the majority of the vulnerable population. It is age and lifestyle-driven obesity causing the problem. We have known this for nine fucking months already.


Sometimes a society has to look after the most vulnerable people which is exactly the reason we have a 20 mph limit. 

The current measures would actually be the equivalent of banning all wheeled transportation.


We are vaccinating the most vulnerable once that's done we can get back to normal

If by "the most vulnerable" you mean every single conceivable category of risk and your timeline therefore stretches indefinitely into 2021, sure. We don't actually need to complete this though before binning restrictions, if we punted folk into shielding. That's the rational response instead of weepy, emotive nonsense.


, I would rather that than stick a load of people with a lot of complex issues into isolation.

Indefinite tier 4 sticks every single household in the country into 'isolation' and trashes the economy to the point that we'll still be paying for the damage in decades' time. Again, there's a rational way out of this and then there's a fair way that makes every other problem worse and extends the impact unnecessarily.

Edited by vikingTON
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44 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Public Health Scotland and the virus are all on holiday.
Covid dashboard is closed until 29th December.
They do not normally close at the weekend so assuming their holidays were Xmas and Boxing day I have absolutely no idea why figures are not available tomorrow. But no we must wait till Tuesday.

The most up to date vaccinated figure in Scotland is 56,676.

That’s strange seeing as the drive through test centres were open yesterday (and today)

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It’s purely anecdotal but I’d have said the reactions that I’ve seen have been largely negative. Not that translates into mainstream public opinion, of course, but I don’t think people are as willing this time round as we were in the spring. The moralising messages of save lives and protect the NHS do mean, however, people will shout you down and call you heartless if you dare to question to long term benefits of a lockdown.

I know plenty of people who have simply had enough and are pushing the limits of what they can get away with
I myself am no longer bothered and I’m making own risk assessment . I won’t be throwing or attending partys but if I’m visiting or being visited by someone and both parties agree then it will be inside the house. We are entitled to a life not just an existence.

Oh and one for PTTGOYN but i hate the c***s who say “ oh some people had to fight a war yet all we have to do is stay in and watch telly don’t complain “. f**k off! People in jail have to stay in all day and watch telly, how many of them would choose to be there rather than outside
We humans really don’t like being confined to our living quarters with someone else telling us how we can exercise , when and how we can visit family etc. That’s why we send people to isolate as a punishment!
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The overwhelming majority of serious illnesses and deaths occur in the co-morbidity categories of age and lifestyle related ill health. That's the plain reality of the situation and no amount of pretend fairness by giving everyone the same set of advice and hoping for some zero Covid pipe dream to come along will amount to a rational solution to the problem.
That is factually correct however there is 100% merit in pointing out the juxtaposition of you bleating about wanting an "adult conversation" whilst a few lines later using phrases like protecting "old fatties". That's as infantile as that topic could get !
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2 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

That won't happen because Sridhar and co are being given carte blanche to pursue their zero covid fantasy

Unsure why you got a reddy for that and i know you dont care but youre factually correct, the modelling around covid suggests covid will remain with us like every other flu. Zero covid wont happen. Get the vulnerable vaccinated by end of feb and get us back to normal by march or its a farce.

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Just now, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Unsure why you got a reddy for that and i know you dont care but youre factually correct, the modelling around covid suggests covid will remain with us like every other flu. Zero covid wont happen. Get the vulnerable vaccinated by end of feb and get us back to normal by march or its a farce.

You're right re the downvote, I couldn't give a rat's ass. Quite often you'll find these people can't come up with a response to the post they "reddy". If it helps the dotter feel better over the festive period then I'm happy to take the brunt.

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As long as they're vaccinating everyone in a sensible order and as quickly as they possibly can, that'll do me. If they stall (not sure why they would) or sit uselessly on piles of vaccines then I won't be happy. I don't know enough about it to know at what point we can be certain the vaccine is working as hoped. 

If those on the know still consider the nhs will be overwhelmed while the vaccine is rolling out, I don't see how either govts will loosen restrictions, especially if as I think will happen they shut the schools. 

Edited by madwullie
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