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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Just read Sridhars article there.... As long as we absolutely finish off the travel and hospitality industry in Scotland, we will succeed in zero covid. This will be worth it, even though we will continue to have open borders with England, and a huge percentage of our population will have been vaccinated.

Drunk as f**k on emergency powers.

It’s also that she doesn’t have any end game other than never leaving Scotland again for the rest of time. Utterly preposterous suggestion and needs fired out of the cannon at Edinburgh Castle.

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Sridhar seems to be on Good Morning Britain every other day. It says it all when Piers Morgan isn't the most insufferable c**t on there.

As for her latest suggestion, get it binned along with pretty much every other view she's expressed over the last 10 months. I don't understand why someone in her position can't accept that this virus isn't going away anytime soon. The best we can do is vaccinate as many as possible and learn to live with it.

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5 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

It’s also that she doesn’t have any end game other than never leaving Scotland again for the rest of time. Utterly preposterous suggestion and needs fired out of the cannon at Edinburgh Castle.

In the end, given the dynamics of the UK, we will follow England, and with their natural draw towards saving the economy shite like Sridhars wont be allowed to fly but once again, it's this use of language that affects people. Non policy makers spouting their ideal scenarios on various platforms and being given media airtime. It does those she advises no favours either since she knows fine well they have a far bigger balance strike, but my interest is in how it affects people, and for me it does nothing but harm


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10 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Norn iron bringing in a curfew.

8pm - 6am



10 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Wonder if scotland will do the same. 

f**k that, I work till 10pm and often go my run after my shift. 

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22 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I’ve decided to close our businesses until the 1st of February.  We’re restricted in what we can do so it makes more sense.

This ‘lockdown’ is nothing like the March one, it might reduce transmission but I cannot see it being as effective given the number of businesses still operating.


20 hours ago, Wee Willie said:

That's my birthday 😀


20 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

That’s why I chose that date.

Gracias und bedankt ☺️



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19 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

Sridhar seems to be on Good Morning Britain every other day. It says it all when Piers Morgan isn't the most insufferable c**t on there.

As for her latest suggestion, get it binned along with pretty much every other view she's expressed over the last 10 months. I don't understand why someone in her position can't accept that this virus isn't going away anytime soon. The best we can do is vaccinate as many as possible and learn to live with it.

Spot on.

How can we ever get back to normal with what she proposes. I assume even Devi herself has a desire to get back to normal at some point in time.

Somewhere along the line we'll need to test the water, and just see what happens. If the virus, even with a large proportion of the population vaccinated were to flare up again, we'd just need to react accordingly. She seemingly proposes never dipping as much as toe in to the water.

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15 minutes ago, gav-ffc said:

I’ll wear a football top to tempt them in.

Not related to covid, but I recently did some diversity and inclusion training at work. An example used by course materials was someone having a tea cup with a football Crest on it, and what you should do about it. 

So much wrong with that regarding how football fans are viewed in this country. Had a chuckle about it at the time then as I thought about it, it became quite jarring really. 

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Where in Ayrshire are you working? Because my sister in law has had the total opposite in Kilmarnock (so East Ayrshire). The school was open to key workers only, they had to provide a letter from both employers to say they were key workers and despite both her and her man working (she for the council, he for an events company - which is taking the piss a little, but apparently they also work at the Louisa Jordan Hospital) they were told that they didn't have a place. They eventually got this message at 6pm the night before the schools were to be opening by the way.
We were doing some work for SAC. Applications were as you say initially to the schools these were then forwarded to the Education dept and due to numbers vastly exceeding what they expected my team were asked to look at applying some analytical solutions. Pretty much the process you describe initially by the sounds of it and the plan being could we use analytics to prevent the mass checking of applications.
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14 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not related to covid, but I recently did some diversity and inclusion training at work. An example used by course materials was someone having a tea cup with a football Crest on it, and what you should do about it. 

So much wrong with that regarding how football fans are viewed in this country. Had a chuckle about it at the time then as I thought about it, it became quite jarring really. 

I do think, like most things involving football in Scotland, it’s down to the old firm again. Worked in London and there was absolutely no problem with people supporting different clubs and things like having a football mug. Up here they expect the knuckledragging old firm fans to lose the plot at the sight of blue/green so have to deal with it. Unfortunately whilst it’s a minority, there are still plenty of them about who genuinely get angry at things like that.

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Just read Sridhars article there.... As long as we absolutely finish off the travel and hospitality industry in Scotland, we will succeed in zero covid. This will be worth it, even though we will continue to have open borders with England, and a huge percentage of our population will have been vaccinated.

Drunk as f**k on emergency powers.
Bauld on BBC this morning heading in the same direction now. Vaccination can only see measures relaxed if and when we discover that the vaccine prevents infection and thus spread. If it doesn't she says SD, reduced contacts, no foreign unnecessary travel and face coverings need to remain until we develop something that prevents transmission.

The interviewer should have said there and then what's the point then but didn't. It seems the direction of travel is heading in the exact opposite direction from the initial line of get the vulnerable vaccinated and then measures can be reduced. Even the new Bozo catch phrase is ominous to the vaccinated "your mild cough could be the next person's death" or words to that effect.
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19 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not related to covid, but I recently did some diversity and inclusion training at work. An example used by course materials was someone having a tea cup with a football Crest on it, and what you should do about it. 

So much wrong with that regarding how football fans are viewed in this country. Had a chuckle about it at the time then as I thought about it, it became quite jarring really. 


3 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I do think, like most things involving football in Scotland, it’s down to the old firm again. Worked in London and there was absolutely no problem with people supporting different clubs and things like having a football mug. Up here they expect the knuckledragging old firm fans to lose the plot at the sight of blue/green so have to deal with it. Unfortunately whilst it’s a minority, there are still plenty of them about who genuinely get angry at things like that.

Aye pretty much this but still pretty jarring.

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20 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not related to covid, but I recently did some diversity and inclusion training at work. An example used by course materials was someone having a tea cup with a football Crest on it, and what you should do about it. 

So much wrong with that regarding how football fans are viewed in this country. Had a chuckle about it at the time then as I thought about it, it became quite jarring really. 

Surely not :lol: when you say football fans I assume you mean 2 certain clubs.

No one has ever complained about my Dunfermline cup.

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Gangs of wee neds have been shooting swans and smashing up closed businesses round my bit so would not be surprised if the curfew is more aimed at giving polis power to deal with them
Pretty sure they have all the powers necessary without a curfew to deal with that sort if behaviour anyway.
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Just read Sridhars article there.... As long as we absolutely finish off the travel and hospitality industry in Scotland, we will succeed in zero covid. This will be worth it, even though we will continue to have open borders with England, and a huge percentage of our population will have been vaccinated.

Drunk as f**k on emergency powers.

She will never have to attempt to deal with the consequences of her proposals, She's in a great position where she can say these things yet never have to manage the fall out or entirely restart the economy that we have run into the ground. It is convenient to have the likes of Sridhar,  Whitty etc. out to say these things as they often make unpopular statements that make them the target and not the government. Context is key though: they are only advisors, but this should be made more explicit. The line between advising and actually outlining government policy - or at least giving the impression government policy is being outlined - has become dangerously blurred at times. 

She is also in a somewhat privileged position. Absolute worst case for her is she stays at Edinburgh uni and is given the opportunity to do media work several times a week as she does currently.  Others, meanwhile, are not so fortunate. 

Edited by Michael W
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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Vaccination can only see measures relaxed if and when we discover that the vaccine prevents infection and thus spread. If it doesn't she says SD, reduced contacts, no foreign unnecessary travel and face coverings need to remain until we develop something that prevents transmission.

Have I lost the plot?

Surely to f**k if you prevent infection, less people become infected and therefore transmission slows and eventually dies.

Or can you become a carrier even once you have been vaccinated? In which case that's only a problem until you have vaccinated those most at risk because the NHS should be able to cope with the number of hospitalisations that result from the Under50's that don't have other medical issues

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

In the end, given the dynamics of the UK, we will follow England, and with their natural draw towards saving the economy shite like Sridhars wont be allowed to fly but once again, it's this use of language that affects people. Non policy makers spouting their ideal scenarios on various platforms and being given media airtime. It does those she advises no favours either since she knows fine well they have a far bigger balance strike, but my interest is in how it affects people, and for me it does nothing but harm


So you think this overly dragged out, up and down of cases. And opening and shutting things periodically has done less harm?

I've no problem with ideas being brought to the attention of the general public. It's the actual decision makers, who have got us where we are.

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I do think, like most things involving football in Scotland, it’s down to the old firm again. Worked in London and there was absolutely no problem with people supporting different clubs and things like having a football mug. Up here they expect the knuckledragging old firm fans to lose the plot at the sight of blue/green so have to deal with it. Unfortunately whilst it’s a minority, there are still plenty of them about who genuinely get angry at things like that.
Yeah. I was purposely avoiding mentioning the cheeks so that it was more open to attitudes the decent ones among us might face. But you are correct there. We have a huge ugly elephant in the room being Scottish football fans.
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